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Re: OT: Check out what this african did to this white woman - beyond belief.

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Jun 7, 2008, 7:32:07 PM6/7/08
On Sat, 7 Jun 2008 14:48:46 -0700 (PDT), ??Goyfire Radio?? "WE...are
the Good Guys" <> wrote:

>Trial starts for man accused of sex torture of student
>An ex-convict went on trial Thursday on charges of raping, torturing
>and burning a Columbia University graduate student in a 19-hour attack
>during which her eyelids were slit and she was forced to ingest a
>massive dose of painkillers that caused liver failure.
>Robert Williams, 31, sat with chained arms and legs, his head lowered,
>as the prosecutor delivered an opening statement that left several
>people in the courtroom weeping.
>Williams violated the 23-year-old woman "in every way imaginable and
>in some ways unimaginable," Assistant District Attorney Ann Prunty
>told the jury, turning the victim's small one-bedroom apartment into
>"his torture chamber." Prunty said Williams stopped the torture only
>after the victim -- who at one point tried to kill herself to escape
>the ordeal -- blacked out from hours of pain caused by knife wounds,
>boiling water, battering and sexual assaults.
>"Then he could no longer feel power over another human being," Prunty
>Williams is charged with kidnapping, arson, burglary and sexual
>assault in the attack on the woman on April 13, 2007. He faces life in
>prison if convicted. The defendant's lawyer, Arnold Levine, tried but
>failed to have Williams declared mentally unfit for trial. Levine did
>not make an opening statement.
>The victim, a Columbia University journalism graduate student, found
>Williams in her building's elevator in the Hamilton Heights
>neighborhood of Upper Manhattan when she came home around 9:30 p.m.,
>Prunty said. She said he followed her to her fifth-floor apartment and
>began his rampage.
>Williams raped and sodomized the victim and forced her to perform oral
>sex several times, the prosecutor said, then poured boiling water all
>over her to try to remove evidence. He also cut her long hair during
>the assaults because it got in the way, Prunty said.
>After one assault, he forced the woman to swallow a fistful of pills
>from her medicine cabinet and wash them down with four beers, Prunty
>Doctors later said the woman's liver had failed, probably because of
>the medicine, and that a liver transplant might be necessary.
>Fortunately, the transplant was not needed, Prunty said.
>Prunty described Williams' attempts to blind the victim, including
>hurling a pot of bleach in her face and ordering her to gouge out her
>own eyes with a pair of scissors. She said the woman's eyesight was
>probably saved from damage by the bleach because she was wearing
>contact lenses.
>During another assault, Prunty said, the victim grabbed the scissors
>Williams used to cut her hair and tried to stab him in the neck.
>Williams saw the blow coming and deflected it, Prunty said, but then
>told her she had "disrespected" him.
>To retaliate, he poured boiling water over her and sealed her lips
>shut with Krazy Glue and duct tape, Prunty said. At another point,
>Williams wrapped clothes around her face to muffle her screams and
>began slitting her eyelids with a butcher's knife, the prosecutor
>Twice, Williams left the apartment briefly to try to withdraw money at
>ATMs from the woman's account, failing both times, she said.
>Toward the end of the assault, Prunty said, Williams ordered the woman
>for a second time to gouge out her eyes with the scissors.
>Instead, the prosecutor said, the woman tried to plunge it into her
>own neck.
>The attempted suicide enraged Williams, she said, and he split open
>the back of her scalp by hitting her in the head with either a TV set
>or a turntable. Williams boiled more water, returned and poured it
>over her, Prunty said.
>"The pain was unspeakable," the prosecutor said. "The skin on her
>chest and thighs began to blister and bubble." The woman screamed,
>"Just kill me! Just kill me!" the prosecutor said.
>After about 19 hours, Prunty said, Williams tied the naked,
>unconscious woman to a futon with computer cables and set it afire.
>The woman awoke and smelled smoke, broke free and made her way to the
>hallway, where she was rescued.
>Prunty said Williams' DNA was found on the victim and her clothing,
>and her DNA was found on his clothing. ATM security cameras captured
>him trying to withdraw the money, she said.
>During the time she was conscious, Prunty said, the victim studied
>Williams closely. Prunty said every scar and feature she later
>described to police matched the appearance of the defendant.
>Please leave your insensitve comments about the creature here:

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