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Do men really want a wife like June Cleaver.

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Sep 1, 2007, 4:49:10 PM9/1/07
There has been, and probably always will be, endless debate over what
is a good wife. There is

this article, supposedly from a May 1955 Housekeeping Monthly
magazine, that speaks directly

to this question. There are other sources as well that speak on the
issue. One is from

Aristotle, another is this one about "Do men really want a wife like
June Cleaver." They bring

up some very good points.

source :

It is one of those questions that heats up each side of the debate and
truly has a different

answer for each man. What do you want in a wife? Beauty? Brains?
Charm? Home and family

oriented? Strong willed? Independent? Docile? If you write out a list
of the ten things that

you must have in your life partner what would they be? Only you can
decide the answers to this



Sep 2, 2007, 2:39:21 AM9/2/07
On Sat, 01 Sep 2007 13:49:10 -0700, wrote:

>There has been, and probably always will be, endless debate over what
>is a good wife. There is
>this article, supposedly from a May 1955 Housekeeping Monthly
>magazine, that speaks directly
>to this question. There are other sources as well that speak on the
>issue. One is from
>Aristotle, another is this one about "Do men really want a wife like
>June Cleaver."

Perhaps the question can best be answered by what most men don't want.

1. They don't want a wife who is not appreciative of his efforts,
lets herself go to pot, keeps a sloppy house, has ill-behaved
children, spends all his money, witholds sex when a man needs it
(which may not always be convenient for the woman), nags constantly,
ignores his opinion, threatens divorce over minor issues, shops
constantly and charges up the credit cards without making a
contribution, teaches the children to disrespect their father, and
basically ignores his needs in every way.

2. Many foreign countries, especially in Latin America, South
America, certain Asian Countries, and indeed many western European
countries have cultures where the women still want to be traditional
women. The want to dress with a feminine flair and look good, and
they want to avoid getting fat. They will still put on dresses and
hosiery. They pay attention to their hair and makeup. Many such
women value modesty and the traditional caring attributes that are
characteristic of women in general. They don't mutilate themselves
with tattoos and body piercings in strange places. If they work in an
office, they don't automatically accuse every male co-worker of
leering or making rude remarks to them.

It is for these reasons that many American men are just sitting out
the pursuit of marriage... period. The young ones learn the lessons
from their divorced fathers. When a young man needs sex, there are
plenty of women willing to accommodate him without buying into the
whole courtship-marriage-divorce continuum.

Most American women are not informed of other cultures around the
world and have no idea how good they have it here in the USA. As a
result, a good portion of them act like spoiled brats and nasty
bitches, a large percentage of the time.

Little do they know that simply by chance and happenstance, these
women could have been born in a place like Iran, where the government
police would tell them how to dress, require them to hide their hair,
not mix with the opposite sex in public, and pass laws that allow
their husbands to beat them, take custody of their children, turn them
out into the street or keep them from leaving their houses,
apartments, or the country itself without their husbands' permission.
If she really screws up and cheats on her husband, she can be stoned
to death by her friends and neighbors.

Or it could be a place like Saudi Arabia where women aren't even
allowed to drive lest their car break down and they are forced to
asked male strangers for assistance.

By such reasoning, the freedom, opportunities, favorable divorce laws,
and special privileges that that American women have should make them
the happiest women in the world. Often, however... for some reason,
it does not.



Sep 2, 2007, 9:16:58 AM9/2/07
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