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Stupid Nazi tricks: After discrimination against African-American renters and making threats to an attorney, Neo Nazi landlord puts houses on market

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Sep 3, 2008, 3:32:33 PM9/3/08

Under Pressure, Neo-Nazi Landlord Puts Properties on Market

Under Pressure, Neo-Nazi Landlord Puts Properties on Market
Posted in Anti-Semitic, Extremist Commerce, Hate Groups, Hate on
Campus, Neo-Nazi by Brentin Mock on April 3, 2008

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Bill White real estateBill White has a duplex to sell you. Make that
17 duplexes. The neo-Nazi landlord has put the bulk of his Roanoke,
Va., real estate holdings on the market, Hatewatch has learned. Asking
price: a cool $2 million.

Although White has complained recently about subprime financing woes,
it’s unclear exactly what’s motivating this sudden move, and whether
it’s related to the American National Socialist Workers Party (ANSWP)
chairman’s rapidly developing legal troubles, as reported today in the

White is facing possible fines and jail time as a sanction for posting
threatening comments along with the home address and telephone number
of Kevin Mottley, an attorney with the Richmond, Va., law firm
Troutman Sanders (or, as White describes him, “the attorney
representing the niggers in Virginia Beach.”)

On April 2, White was forced to appear before U.S. Magistrate F.
Bradford Stillman to explain why he was publishing thinly veiled
threats against Mottley, along with the attorney’s personal
information. The magistrate did not say when he would announce any
sanctions against White.

Mottley is part of a team of lawyers representing five African-
American tenants in Virginia Beach who sued their landlord, John
Crockett Henry, alleging a long pattern of racial discrimination. The
tenants also filed a complaint with the U.S. Justice Department, which
is now investigating Henry and his connections to White, who mailed
threatening letters to Henry’s tenants, calling them “niggers” and
“dirty parasites” and warning them to watch out for white activists.
White also mailed copies of National Socialist, a neo-Nazi publication
he edits, to their homes.< snip >

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