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DOW up, bailout not needed, money would be looted by Wall Street thieves.

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Sep 30, 2008, 12:19:28 PM9/30/08
Whatta farce! And the unsophisticated will keep getting fleeced.
Democrats, and this is difficult to understand, opted to support Bush
and Wall Street gangs.

Email your folks in congress, "no bailout",


Felix D.

Sep 30, 2008, 2:03:04 PM9/30/08

<> wrote in message

> Whatta farce! And the unsophisticated will keep getting fleeced.
> Democrats, and this is difficult to understand, opted to support Bush
> and Wall Street gangs.

Foolish one: the Democrats supported the bill because it would have made
the Sec'y of the Treasury the most powerful man in the US. Then, after
Obama got elected, they'd put their own man in there, and with all Dems all
the time running government, government would soon be running *you.*

So yeah: a massive expansion of government control over everybody's lives?
You bet they supported it.


Sep 30, 2008, 3:29:01 PM9/30/08
to wrote:
> Whatta farce! And the unsophisticated will keep getting fleeced.
> Democrats, and this is difficult to understand, opted to support Bush
> and Wall Street gangs.

The Democrats supported it because it was thought to be better than
the alternatives. We've effectively nationalized Freddy and Fanny and
AIG and are on the hook for billions and billions on WAMU, Wachovia and
Bear Sterns.

Now every Republican will just spout that Democrats are the party of
big government and hide from the explosion in the size of the government
under their own watch. All they can say is that things would be so much
worse with a Democratic President. But how could it be worse? The
national debt is double, the government already owns or has a large
stake in the biggest insurer, thrift and mortgage managers. There has
been nothing like it before, it is a uniquely George W Bush experience.

The Republicans didn't support it because they think this mess can be
resolved with more tax breaks and cuts. The same remedy they trot out
for everything. That and the election is near and they have no nerve to
stand up to the electorate no matter what the state of the economy.

> Email your folks in congress, "no bailout",

You will still be paying billions without it. Have you missed the last
couple of weeks? And, if anything, the fattest cats will get fatter...
The free lunch has been eaten.

> mitch

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