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Vote for John McCain.. a mans man...not some pointy nose, smart guy.

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phil scott

Aug 20, 2008, 5:52:39 PM8/20/08
Message has been deleted

Cindy Hamilton

Aug 21, 2008, 1:22:00 PM8/21/08
On Aug 20, 5:52 pm, phil scott <> wrote:

I haven't watched the video, but why on earth would you want to vote
a dumb guy?

And nose shape is irrelevant.

Cindy Hamilton

phil scott

Aug 21, 2008, 4:46:10 PM8/21/08
On Aug 21, 10:22 am, Cindy Hamilton <>

errr... no one seems to have noticed.. it was an Onion vid :)


Aug 21, 2008, 7:02:57 PM8/21/08
We conservatives did, and thought it was pretty funny.

"phil scott" <> wrote in message


Aug 22, 2008, 5:20:17 AM8/22/08
In article <>,
Shawn Hirn <> wrote:

> In article
> <>,
> phil scott <> wrote:
> >
> A man's man who can barely remember which shoe goes on which foot.
> The link below points to a letter written by another former Vietnam POW.
> This letter should be read by anyone who plans to vote for president
> this November.

O.T. and P.C.

In article
"alt.politics.bush" <> wrote:

> 21 August 2008
> Fay turns towards Florida once again, sniffing out Limo Limbaugh.
> Oh, where, oh, where/does my true love dwell? When the Spirit of God
> hears the sound of blood lust coming across the Golden Microphone of
> the Enemas In Broadcast Network, it begins a spiral of agitation in a
> sort of cosmic version of a feeding frenzy. Right now, it is wringing
> out all the water it sucks up over the Atlantic without much wind, but
> if Florida was to toss in an execution or two this weekend, the furies
> may become roused. If McCain was to choose Tom Ridge, Limo Limbaugh
> would have a conniption as the neo-cons are ushered to the cheap seats
> in the bleachers, where they should never have been allowed to
> leave.
> I donšt know why McCain is so anxious to kiss the ass of neo-con
> girly-boys like Rich Lowry, Chicken Hawks like John Bolton and candy-
> ass Pro-Life Christians like John Hagee. It must have something to do
> with the sweet-nothings Steve Schmidt is blowing up his bustles.
> McCainšs real problem as a fighter pilot is a profound target
> fascination that leaves him subject to the blind-side disaster, such
> as when he got shot down. Schmidt is his wing man, but there is
> nothing to defend him against Schmidtšs blind side and Schmidtšs blind
> side is basically the same as Rich Lowryšs.
> Which is why I think McCain-Ridge is the dream team. Ridge has been
> part of a point team a time or two and his blind side is not Rich
> Lowryšs or Limo Limbaughšs or Cheneyšs or Bushiešs. Especially
> Bushiešs. The difference between adult leadership being stuck on
> stupid is the difference between Tom Ridge and Bushie.
> McCain has this ad out where a woman voice over is talking pretty
> much the way Ditto Heads pass out the party line around the water
> cooler or at wedding receptions or after church and finishes up the ad
> with the assertion that Obamašs tax plans will lead to economic
> disaster.
> We are already in the middle of an economic disaster as a result of
> 27 years of the Free Market principles of William F. Buckley, Jr.,šs
> conservatism. I am personally fully in favor of personal wealth and
> the fact that McCain owns 7 houses reflects a prudent investment
> portfolio. Itšs hard to beat real estate for parking wealth until you
> need it. But Obamašs remark that the economy looks different to
> someone with 7 houses than someone who has lost his/her house because
> of the sub-prime debacle or corporate downsizing or someone who
> doesnšt have McCainšs health care plan and needs it. The confluence
> of the Reagan Revolution, Gingrichšs Contract With America and
> Bushiešs Compassionate Conservatism is stranding the American middle
> class on the sand of the lake bed where trickle down economics has
> trickled out. This is what Edwardšs 2 Americas looks like. This the
> reality McCain refuses to acknowledge and Obama is equipped to
> transform.
> And thatšs the truth.
> Just for the record, McCainšs ads have got one thing exactly correct:
> we are worse off now than we were ever just 4 years ago, much less
> since Phil Gramm begin to install Voodoo economics in the tax code and
> related legislation.
> And that, too, is the truth.

and ;
I know how many houses I own. One. while the elite have to get back to
If guns are out-lawed. Only the Out-laws & politicians will have guns.

Jon von

Aug 22, 2008, 4:45:44 PM8/22/08

> I know how many houses I own. One. while the elite have to get back to
> you.

They're probably his wife's homes. She got rich by virtue of being
the daughter of a mobster. (daddy took the rap for the head mobster of
Arizona, served time, and was rewarded with a big beer
distributorship) It was valued at $200 mill, back in 2000. She got 37%
of it.

Jon von

Aug 22, 2008, 5:00:45 PM8/22/08
On Aug 21, 1:22 pm, Cindy Hamilton <>

> On Aug 20, 5:52 pm, phil scott <> wrote:
> I haven't watched the video, but why on earth would you want to vote
> for
> a dumb guy?

Dumb guys can be just as capable as smart guys at following orders.
Imo, the Rockefeller Empire controls both candidates. Foreign policy
will be directed by either Zbigniew B., or Kissinger, both long-time
servitors of the Rockefellers.

Cabinet posts will be filled with Trilateral Commission members and/or
CFR guys.

THe same Wall Street gang (Goldman Sachs and such) will serve as econ
regardless of who sits on the throne. (Imo, in the US, changing
presidents is little more than changing of the guard)

".....You know, by the time you become the leader of a country,
someone else makes all the decisions." ~Bill Clinton speaking in
Ireland (August 1998)

phil scott

Aug 22, 2008, 11:21:23 PM8/22/08
On Aug 22, 2:00 pm, "Jon von"

an accurate assessment.... and that goes on even over the violent
protests of the people.

The historical solution has been a total collapse of the working
class, then due to insufficient tax base to fund
military operations and govt, collapse of govt... the markers of
this final stage are well known. Importing slave labor, as the
currency is debased and wars are begun to seize the assets of other

Such wars generate enemies on a 360 degree perimeter and incite those
brough in to do the heavy labor to viiolence... such attack is not
remotely defensible... the nation collapses.

The reboot cycle used to take 2 or 3 generations, in the past hundred
years, its down to a generation or so.
These are not to be confused with the more comon depression cycles...
these are national life cycles (at approx 5 generations, the last one
having become terminally corrupt).

Phil scott


Aug 23, 2008, 4:59:06 AM8/23/08
phil scott wrote:

Usenet is truely dead.

Rod Speed

Aug 23, 2008, 5:44:33 AM8/23/08
Stephanie <> wrote
> phil scott wrote


> Usenet is truely dead.

Reports of its death are greatly exaggerated.

phil scott

Aug 23, 2008, 4:23:47 PM8/23/08

was *that nice? nooo0000ooooo,


Aug 23, 2008, 5:14:07 PM8/23/08

Was it mean? What is the purpose of a politcal opinion in a group that is
supposed to be about frugality without even an off topic notifier?

Rod Speed

Aug 23, 2008, 5:31:42 PM8/23/08
Stephanie <> wrote


>>> Usenet is truely dead.

Straight over its head and into the wall behind it with a resounding clang.

A Jap would at least have the decency to disembowel itself.

Dont make a mess of the carpet.

Message has been deleted


Aug 27, 2008, 8:20:23 AM8/27/08
Shawn Hirn wrote:

>Considering that both candidates are putting out proposals that directly
>effect our wallets if they come to pass, this is an appropriate topic
>here. For example, I find McCain's proposal (which is the same as
>Bush's) to tax employer health benefits a very bad idea. Republicans
>like to bash Democrats for being big tax fans, but McCain's plan would
>cost me thousands of dollars and potentially make it impossible for me
>to get a health care plan that comes anywhere near as close to the
>quality of the plan my employer provides now.

I hadn't heard that McCain wants to curtail the medical welfare for the

I've always appreciated having that $10-12k/yr in tax free benefits, but
wondered why it was primarily a perk just for the upper income groups.

On the other hand, shouldn't all income be taxed? It never seemed just
for the lower income groups to typically pay their medical using
after-tax money while the upper income groups typically get nearly free
health care that is tax free. Why should medical benefits be treated
any different from earned income?

Message has been deleted


Aug 28, 2008, 5:27:58 AM8/28/08
Shawn Hirn wrote:

>>On the other hand, shouldn't all income be taxed? It never seemed just
>>for the lower income groups to typically pay their medical using
>>after-tax money while the upper income groups typically get nearly free
>>health care that is tax free. Why should medical benefits be treated
>>any different from earned income?

>Upper income people aren't the only beneficiaries of employee-sponsored
>healthcare plans. Medical care is not income, it is essential to our
>survival, along with some other things, which is why we already get a
>personal deduction right off the top on our income to cover basic living
>expenses beyond health care.

Granted, free healthcare is not just enjoyed by the upper class, but
whereas most upper class enjoy tax free, essentially free / highly
subsidized heathcare, most lower classes are forced to purchase their
healthcare via post tax dollars.

Medical care itself is not income, but the $10-15k coverage commonly
provided tax free is equivalent to income.

It's a generous subsidy (essentially welfare), primarily enjoyed by the
more highly paid.

Cindy Hamilton

Aug 28, 2008, 1:56:17 PM8/28/08

Goodness, if it weren't for perks like that, what would be the point
getting an education and improving oneself? Let's all slide down to
least common denominator just so that everything will be fair.

Cindy Hamilton


Aug 28, 2008, 2:28:59 PM8/28/08
Cindy Hamilton wrote:

So subsidies are OK for those who in the upper class, but subsidies for
those in the lower income brackets are welfare.

I get it.

Rod Speed

Aug 28, 2008, 2:42:03 PM8/28/08

You get a lot more choice about what you spend one hell of a chunk of your 'life' doing.

Cindy Hamilton

Aug 29, 2008, 2:09:20 PM8/29/08

You don't have to be in the upper class to get health insurance paid
for by
your employer. You do have to have marketable skills in order to get
a job. Just another incentive to be a productive citizen.

You seem to think that life is fair. It isn't, and never will be.

Cindy Hamilton


Sep 3, 2008, 6:52:52 PM9/3/08
On Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:09:20 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
<> wrote:

>You seem to think that life is fair. It isn't, and never will be.

Actually, life is fair. What many don't get is that sometimes fair

Dennis (evil)
"There is a fine line between participation and mockery" - Wally


Dec 21, 2008, 5:00:33 PM12/21/08
Vote for McCain, not a smart guy. Civilization is in its death throes.


"Thrift is sexy."

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