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Watch Alex Jone's 'Endgame' Today - The Global Elite's Plans for World Government Exposed

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Jan 19, 2008, 4:37:32 PM1/19/08
Alex Jone's ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement

"Alex Jones' brand new documentary Endgame charts the history of the
elite blueprint for social domination and control, outlining the
ultimate plans that those who consider themselves the anointed have
for our planet. Looking more slick and professionally produced than
ever with an intense soundtrack and filmed in super quality high
definition, Endgame is a must watch for anyone seriously concerned
with the world we live in today." - Steve Watson

Real Patriot

Jan 19, 2008, 5:34:36 PM1/19/08
On Jan 19, 4:37 pm, "" <>

> Alex Jones ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavementhttp:/

> elite blueprint for social domination and control, outlining the
> ultimate plans that those who consider themselves the anointed have
> for our planet. Looking more slick and professionally produced than
> ever with an intense soundtrack and filmed in super quality high
> definition, Endgame is a must watch for anyone seriously concerned
> with the world we live in today." - Steve Watson

I was anointed as part of the Global Elite for world domination and
enslavement this is what happened -
My anointment was rescinded, the dominatrix quit, my "slaves" ran
away, wife sued for divorce, car repossessed,
The World Elite and Domination thing ain't all it's cracked up to be I
tell ya.

John A. Weeks III

Jan 19, 2008, 6:09:03 PM1/19/08
In article
"" <> wrote:

> Alex Jone's ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement
> "Alex Jones' brand new documentary Endgame charts the history of the
> elite blueprint for social domination and control, outlining the
> ultimate plans that those who consider themselves the anointed have
> for our planet.

Ooooh my, you mean that there is a global conspiracy to run
the planet where a few people get rich off of the masses. Tell
me its not true!

> Looking more slick and professionally produced than
> ever with an intense soundtrack and filmed in super quality high
> definition, Endgame is a must watch for anyone seriously concerned
> with the world we live in today.

Well, if it has a good sound track and superior graphics,
it must be true. Just like all the junk that Fox News runs all
the time that they claim to be news.


John A. Weeks III           612-720-2854  
Newave Communications               

Paul Thomas

Jan 19, 2008, 7:46:45 PM1/19/08

"John A. Weeks III" <> wrote

> "" <> wrote:
>> Alex Jone's ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement
>> "Alex Jones' brand new documentary Endgame charts the history of the
>> elite blueprint for social domination and control, outlining the
>> ultimate plans that those who consider themselves the anointed have
>> for our planet.
> Ooooh my, you mean that there is a global conspiracy to run
> the planet where a few people get rich off of the masses. Tell
> me its not true!
>> Looking more slick and professionally produced than
>> ever with an intense soundtrack and filmed in super quality high
>> definition, Endgame is a must watch for anyone seriously concerned
>> with the world we live in today.
> Well, if it has a good sound track and superior graphics,
> it must be true. Just like all the junk that Fox News runs all
> the time that they claim to be news.

Is there nudity? How about bloodshed?

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992), Salvor Hardin in "Foundation"

Paul A. Thomas, CPA
Athens, Georgia

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Mar 11, 2008, 5:48:12 PM3/11/08
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