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HSA Shocker - need to act immediately

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Apr 15, 2008, 5:14:12 PM4/15/08
Got the following message today:

#### wants to alert you to a new tax bill, H.R. 5719, that is going to
be voted on in the U.S. House of Representatives TODAY!

This law will likely double your monthly HSA administrative fees. ####
is opposed to increasing your fees, but we will have no choice if this
bill is passed by Congress and becomes law.

In addition, this new law would:

eliminate the ability to get reimbursed out of your HSA when you want
by check or at an ATM.
force submission of your medical receipts to a third party in order
for you to utilize the funds in your HSA.
The increase in fees will be for the third party to review your
expense receipts.

A corporation that has a patent on part of the process used to review
your paper receipts asked Congress to pass this law.

We hope you will join us in telling Congress that HSA users are
responsible taxpayers and don't need to pay a corporation to supervise
their HSA spending.

If you do not call, Congress will think HSA policy holders are in
agreement with this new tax.

You can call (202).225-3121, which is the switch board at Capitol Hill
and give them your zip code and they will transfer you to your U.S.
Representative's office, or you can send them an e-mail by visiting
your representative's website. The link to the House of
Representative's website directory is:

We recommend that you tell them the following:

I am a constituent and I live in _______ (name of your town) and I am
opposed to Congress doubling the costs of my HSA in H.R. 5719, the
"Taxpayer Assistance and Simplification Act of 2008." I am a
responsible taxpayer and forcing me to pay more fees for my HSA does
not assist me at all, and forcing me to submit my expenses to a third
party is complicating my HSA, not simplifying it. I want my
Congressman or Congresswoman to vote NO.

#### is working hard to keep your HSA affordable; please join us by
taking a few minutes to help.

Please contact them as soon as possible since they will be voting on
the bill today!

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