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Dollar Crisis: None dare call it 'conspiracy'

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Nov 13, 2007, 1:38:23 AM11/13/07
Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ?conspiracy'

Global Research | November 11, 2007
Hal Lindsey

Crude oil prices hit an all-time high this week, closing above $98 a
barrel for the first time in history.

According to the AAA, many drivers in my home state of California are
already paying more than $4 a gallon for regular unleaded gas. And in
one town south of Big Sur, unleaded gas topped $5 a gallon.

The U.S. dollar is at an all-time low, even when compared against the
hapless Canadian loonie. Five years ago, a loonie was worth 60 cents.
Today, it's worth $1.12 and climbing.

Yesterday, WorldNetDaily reported that the Chinese are considering
abandoning the U.S. dollar as their national reserve currency. WND
quoted Craig Smith's assessment of the consequences of such a move by
Beijing on our economy: ?If that were to happen, all bets are off, and
we will be in a depression that makes 1929 look like child's play, or
we will experience Weimar Republic inflation as the dollar makes
extreme moves toward devaluations.?

On Tuesday, the U.S. national debt topped $9 trillion for the first
time in history, according to the U.S. Treasury Department's daily
accounting of the national debt. Nine trillion dollars! The number is
so staggeringly high that it exceeds our ability to comprehend it in
monetary units.

Million, billion, trillion ? in financial terms, for most of us, it
means a lot of money, really a lot of money, but that is about as
specific a picture as most ordinary people can grasp.

Let's put all these ?illions? into perspective. A million seconds is
roughly 12 days, whereas a billion seconds is approximately 32 years.

We understand dollars. And we understand time. So it would take 12
days to pay back a million dollars at a dollar a second. But if you
started right now, you'd pay back a BILLION dollars, at a dollar a
second, in the year 2039.

A trillion seconds is roughly 32 thousand years. At a dollar a second,
you'd pay back a TRILLION dollars in the year 34007.

The U.S. debt stands at $9 trillion. If my calculator is working, then
at a dollar a second, the U.S. could be debt- free in the year 290007.

The point of that little exercise was two-fold. The first was to
clarify the sheer volume of the debt; the second was to demonstrate
the possibility that anybody in government really believes we can ever
pay it off.

Each U.S. citizen's share of the national debt works out, according to
the National Debt clock, to $29,947.50. That means the average
American family of five owes, collectively, $149,737.50.

It also means that unless the average American family of five has a
net worth of at least $149,737,50 in assets excluding liabilities
(they don't), America is already bankrupt.

Over the past few years, there has been growing public concern about
the emerging ?Security and Prosperity Partnership? plan that some say
is really a ?deceptive roadmap? to a coming North American Union and a
new, unified currency tentatively called the ?amero.?

The feds steadfastly deny such a plan exists, even as it opens the
borders to Mexican truck traffic, widens the I-35 corridor from Mexico
to Canada and, counterintuitively, refuses to tighten the borders with
either Mexico or Canada, despite both logic and widespread public

All of these things have brought me to believe that powerful forces
outside of our government ? like the shadowy international Money Trust
members of the ?Bilderberg Group? ? made a decision to force the
formation of the North American Union along with the amero. There
decisions have been instituted in the past via the Trilateral
Commission, which is the dba for the nefarious Conference on Foreign
Relations. Destroying the American dollar could force the crisis that
would force the creation of the North American Union. To quote the
title of a book of the 1960s era, ?None Dare Call It Conspiracy.?

Ordinary Americans may not fully grasp just how dire the true economic
picture is, but you can bet our leaders do. Yet from the White House
to the Federal Reserve, nobody seems particularly eager to address the
issue, preferring instead to talk about the ?budget,? as if the budget
WERE the debt, rather than merely a measure of our ability to keep up
with our payments on the debt.

It is almost as if they already have a Plan B in reserve, ready and
waiting to be triumphantly introduced ? just in the nick of time.

I wonder what it might be?

Rod Speed

Nov 13, 2007, 4:51:29 AM11/13/07
YTR <> wrote

> Dollar Crisis:

There is no 'crisis', fool.


Nov 13, 2007, 10:36:52 AM11/13/07
On Nov 13, 1:38 am, YTR <> wrote:
> Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ?conspiracy'
> Global Research | November 11, 2007
> Hal Lindsey

<Crap snipped>

> I wonder what it might be?

First of all - is this the same Hal Lindsey who predicted Armageddon
would be one generation since the formation of Israel?

Secondly, his facts are exagerated - The Loonie was never as low as 60
cents - the all time low is .6279 - and trust me 3% is a big deal. It
has also never been as high as Lindsey says in recent history. It
almost made 1.10 recently , but no one thinks it will stay there. So
right off the bat I don't trust him.

And oil prices look to come down - which is one of the reasons the
loonie is sliding down to 1.05.


The Trucker

Nov 13, 2007, 12:11:52 PM11/13/07
On Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:38:23 -0800, YTR wrote:

> Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ?conspiracy'
> Global Research | November 11, 2007
> Hal Lindsey
> Crude oil prices hit an all-time high this week, closing above $98 a
> barrel for the first time in history.
> According to the AAA, many drivers in my home state of California are
> already paying more than $4 a gallon for regular unleaded gas. And in
> one town south of Big Sur, unleaded gas topped $5 a gallon.
> The U.S. dollar is at an all-time low, even when compared against the
> hapless Canadian loonie. Five years ago, a loonie was worth 60 cents.
> Today, it's worth $1.12 and climbing.
> Yesterday, WorldNetDaily reported that the Chinese are considering
> abandoning the U.S. dollar as their national reserve currency. WND
> quoted Craig Smith's assessment of the consequences of such a move by
> Beijing on our economy: ?If that were to happen, all bets are off, and
> we will be in a depression that makes 1929 look like child's play, or
> we will experience Weimar Republic inflation as the dollar makes
> extreme moves toward devaluations.?

Why do you and others believe that there is nothing in between these two
disasters? Calm and reasoned people do not see these boogermans lurking
in the shadows. I too have in recent weeks been forecasting much higher
prices and a lot less pleasure driving and general mobility. Fresh vegies
and fruits and live lobsters will get quite pricey and dry "goods" will be
but on the choo choo instead of being moved more quickly in all those big
trucks. And there is going to be more actual work to do for Americans and
less imports. This may not even qualify as a "recession", if it is
managed properly. We will see how the "market" handles it and if the
"government" (or what is left of it after the assault of the Republicans),
is able to cope.

Are you bankrupt because you owe $300k on your house? And even more to
the point, what if you controlled the value of the dollars? What if you
could just print the dollars and give every American citizen $200k? You'd
then have a debt of $100k for eternity or until it was paid off. Based on
the inflation that would be caused by this injection of money into the
economy that debt would be quite manageable. This is the quandary of
government. Let us hope that the current morons are up to the challenge.

> Over the past few years, there has been growing public concern about the
> emerging ?Security and Prosperity Partnership? plan that some say is
> really a ?deceptive roadmap? to a coming North American Union and a new,
> unified currency tentatively called the ?amero.?

Now you are talking about something that the people can control. There are
only a very few moonbats that want something like this. The rest of the
American people want it stopped right here and right now. The
"independent" Fed is a @#($^$%^#@^ myth. The Fed can be busted tomorrow.
It _IS_ your government, or at least it was designed to be your government
(follow the link in my signature).

> The feds steadfastly deny such a plan exists, even as it opens the
> borders to Mexican truck traffic,

This is being contested in appropriations. This will be made illegal if
you want your highway funds.

> widens the I-35 corridor from Mexico
> to Canada

Oh give it a rest. You OBVIOUSLY have never driven I35 (especially
in Texas). That route is sorely in need of enlargement. Whether Mexican
trucks use it or American trucks use it is irrelevant.

> and, counterintuitively, refuses to tighten the borders with
> either Mexico or Canada, despite both logic and widespread public
> demand.

Yes. This part is a true story. But enforcement of the current laws is
the proper fix for this. The enforcement must be done at the employer
level. No need for big armed raids and muscling of "illegals" on to the
deportation bus and no need for a "Berlin Wall" between the USA and
Mexico. Pat Buchanan has this one right. George Bush should be impeached
for not enforcing current immigration law. That is his job as the
executive. He is to enforce the laws. He can prance around blathering
about a "guest worker program" all he pleases. But we don't currently
have such a program (other than H1B ans that is being curtailed). And
until we have such a program (which we hope is NEVER), he is
constitutionally obligated ti enforce the current laws. Impeachment
awaits those who ignore their Constitutional obligations.

> All of these things have brought me to believe that powerful forces
> outside of our government ? like the shadowy international Money Trust
> members of the ?Bilderberg Group? ? made a decision to force the
> formation of the North American Union along with the amero. There
> decisions have been instituted in the past via the Trilateral
> Commission, which is the dba for the nefarious Conference on Foreign
> Relations. Destroying the American dollar could force the crisis that
> would force the creation of the North American Union. To quote the title
> of a book of the 1960s era, ?None Dare Call It Conspiracy.?
> Ordinary Americans may not fully grasp just how dire the true economic
> picture is, but you can bet our leaders do. Yet from the White House to
> the Federal Reserve, nobody seems particularly eager to address the
> issue, preferring instead to talk about the ?budget,? as if the budget
> WERE the debt, rather than merely a measure of our ability to keep up
> with our payments on the debt.
> It is almost as if they already have a Plan B in reserve, ready and
> waiting to be triumphantly introduced ? just in the nick of time.
> I wonder what it might be?

Why all the drama? Some people just MUST have boogermans and
eeeeeeevvviiiieee lurking everywhere. I gots a news flash for everybody:
There is most certainly evil in this world. Trying to defeat it through
acts of war and fear and animosity will just add to the evil and create
more of it. Those who would profit from the evil will ever stir up more
of it. To be sure there are people with the talent and the brains and the
time to profit from the conditions of this world and they will do so.
That does not, in and of itself, make them evil.

"I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers
of society but the people themselves; and
if we think them not enlightened enough to
exercise their control with a wholesome
discretion, the remedy is not to take it from
them, but to inform their discretion by
education." - Thomas Jefferson

clams casino

Nov 13, 2007, 12:33:02 PM11/13/07
The Trucker wrote:

>Why all the drama? Some people just MUST have boogermans and
>eeeeeeevvviiiieee lurking everywhere.

It's the method of GW's leadership (much like the stereotypical Baptist
minister) - Unless you agree 100% with GW, you will be going straight
to hell.

GW is here to protect you. If something goes wrong, it's all the
democrat's fault. If you vote / express disbelief against GW, the sky
will cave in, the stock market will crash and the world will come to and


Nov 13, 2007, 1:05:48 PM11/13/07
British P.M. Gordon Brown said yesterday in his foreign policy speech ...

"...And in the years ahead - notwithstanding the huge shifts in economic
influence underway - I believe that Europe and America have the best chance
for many decades to achieve historic progress - working ever more closely
together on the project of building a global society..."

Full text of his speech...

Rod Speed

Nov 13, 2007, 1:27:39 PM11/13/07
Bill <> wrote:

> British P.M. Gordon Brown said yesterday in his foreign policy speech
> ...

> "...And in the years ahead - notwithstanding the huge shifts in economic influence underway - I believe that Europe
> and America have the best chance for many decades to achieve historic progress - working ever more closely together on
> the project of building a global society..."

Then he's a fool. The invasion of Iraq has eliminated that possibility for quite a while now.

The Trucker

Nov 13, 2007, 1:55:39 PM11/13/07

I didn't read all of it, but I think I got the big picture. What I can't
understand is why rightarded American Republican assholes can't seem to
understand stuff like this. Why they will take pieces out of
context and attempt to declare some sort of threat to America. America
was not designed for nor or we desirous of imperialism. The constant
denigration of the UN is just the tip of the rightarded iceberg. The
rightarded self serving brain dead tunnel-vision blindered mentality of
the Republican order is amplified ignorance and stupidity on steroids.
And until we get rid of His Assholiness and his "legacy" America will be
nothing less than a drain on the entire world.


Nov 13, 2007, 3:14:29 PM11/13/07
The Trucker <> wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:05:48 -0800, Bill wrote:

>> British P.M. Gordon Brown said yesterday in his foreign policy speech ...
>> "...And in the years ahead - notwithstanding the huge shifts in
>> economic influence underway - I believe that Europe and America have
>> the best chance for many decades to achieve historic progress -
>> working ever more closely together on the project of building a
>> global society..."

> I didn't read all of it, but I think I got the big picture.

Nope, you didnt.

> What I can't understand is why rightarded American
> Republican assholes can't seem to understand stuff like this.

Its clear that fools like Brown dont understand anything at all.

Least of all the fact that post Iraq what he wants
to see aint gunna happen, BECAUSE of Iraq.

> Why they will take pieces out of context and
> attempt to declare some sort of threat to America.

Corse there is some sort of threat to America. You did noticed 9/11 didnt you ?

> America was not designed for nor or we desirous of imperialism.

Have fun explaining the Philipines.

> The constant denigration of the UN is just the tip of the rightarded iceberg.
> The rightarded self serving brain dead tunnel-vision blindered mentality of
> the Republican order is amplified ignorance and stupidity on steroids.

Corse there never ever is anything like that anywhere else, eh ?

> And until we get rid of His Assholiness

Thats going to happen without anything being
done, he passes his useby date in about a year.

> and his "legacy" America will be nothing less than a drain on the entire world.

It aint draining the entire world. If anything its benefitting the world as the USD sinks beneath the waves.


Nov 13, 2007, 3:35:27 PM11/13/07
The Trucker wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 10:05:48 -0800, Bill wrote:
>> British P.M. Gordon Brown said yesterday in his foreign policy speech ...
>> "...And in the years ahead - notwithstanding the huge shifts in economic
>> influence underway - I believe that Europe and America have the best chance
>> for many decades to achieve historic progress - working ever more closely
>> together on the project of building a global society..."
>> Full text of his speech...
> I didn't read all of it, but I think I got the big picture. What I can't
> understand is why rightarded American Republican assholes can't seem to
> understand stuff like this. Why they will take pieces out of
> context and attempt to declare some sort of threat to America. America
> was not designed for nor or we desirous of imperialism. The constant
> denigration of the UN is just the tip of the rightarded iceberg. The
> rightarded self serving brain dead tunnel-vision blindered mentality of
> the Republican order is amplified ignorance and stupidity on steroids.
> And until we get rid of His Assholiness and his "legacy" America will be
> nothing less than a drain on the entire world.
There are pieces of "way out there" in the piece. Some basic premises
are the truth, though.
Message has been deleted

The Henchman

Nov 13, 2007, 7:10:07 PM11/13/07

"YTR" <> wrote in message

> Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ?conspiracy'

Infowars is such a credible site LOL.

Logan Shaw

Nov 13, 2007, 8:14:03 PM11/13/07
YTR wrote:
> Dollar Crisis: None dare call it ?conspiracy'
> Global Research | November 11, 2007
> Hal Lindsey

Oh great, Hal Lindsey. The author of "The Late Great Planet Earth"
himself. He has, essentially, been making up and publishing crazy,
fringe ideas and calling "prophecy" since 1970 when that book came
out. How many of them have come true?

I vaguely remember hearing that he had at one point essentially
repented of making this kind of wild speculation, but if he did,
then he's still doing it anyway.

- Logan

Nov 14, 2007, 1:59:23 AM11/14/07

> Yesterday, WorldNetDaily reported that the Chinese are considering
> abandoning the U.S. dollar as their national reserve currency. WND
> quoted Craig Smith's assessment of the consequences of such a move by
> Beijing on our economy: ?If that were to happen, all bets are off, and
> we will be in a depression that makes 1929 look like child's play, or
> we will experience Weimar Republic inflation as the dollar makes
> extreme moves toward devaluations.?

Or an unprecedented surge in U.S. exports as Beijing finally gives up on
artifically inflating the value of the dollar to make Chinese exports
more attractive on world markets?

> The U.S. debt stands at $9 trillion. If my calculator is working, then
> at a dollar a second, the U.S. could be debt- free in the year 290007.
> The point of that little exercise was two-fold. The first was to
> clarify the sheer volume of the debt; the second was to demonstrate
> the possibility that anybody in government really believes we can ever
> pay it off.

Why exactly would we try to pay anything off at a dollar a second?
That's a vanishingly small amount of money for an economy as large as
ours. If I were trying to pay off a mortgage of $150,000, I'd come up
with a payment plan, not make a stab in the dark at how many dollars a
minute it would take.

That assumes I was interested in paying off the debt rather than rolling
it over. If I could borrow money as cheaply as the U.S. Treasury has
been able to, it might seem wasteful to pay off the debt just now.

> It also means that unless the average American family of five has a
> net worth of at least $149,737,50 in assets excluding liabilities
> (they don't), America is already bankrupt.

So, by this reasoning, anyone who couldn't cash out their mortgage
tomorrow is bankrupt?

That's a startling new definition of the term.

-- is Joshua Putnam
Braze your own bicycle frames. See

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