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Home Invasion Robberies on the Rise! 4Front Investigations 888-248-4004

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Mar 9, 2008, 11:05:45 PM3/9/08


Recent studies with numerous Law Enforcement Agencies reporting,
indicates that Home Invasions are on the Rise with an increase of
reported Robberies in this fashion.

Frequently the invasions are the work of gangs who mark their victims
at exclusive shopping centers or grocery stores. By lying in wait and
using surveillance techniques, the predators watch for a potential
victim driving expensive vehicles, or wearing exclusive clothes and
watches. Women and elderly people are especially profiled because they
offer little or no resistance when the armed attackers decide to
strike. Frequently the predators will follow the victim home but not
attack until they have had time to reconnoiter the neighborhood and
determine their route of escape. The predators will take their time to
ensure they have selected the right victim, and then plot when to
strike and how much time to spend inside the residence.

Gardeners and vendors working in exclusive neighborhoods and in
wealthy homes are sometimes working with criminals that line up the
invasions. They have the ability to be quiet observers without being
noticed. Some home invaders might have been in your home before as a
delivery person, installer or repair vendor.

Home invasion robbers work most often at night and on weekends when
homes are likely to be occupied. They rarely work alone and rely on an
overwhelming physical confrontation to gain initial control. The
violence usually occurs during the initial sixty seconds of the
confrontation and home invaders frequently have handcuffs, rope, duct
tape and firearms to subdue their victims.


First, always be aware of your surroundings and notice anything
unusual. Avoid driving expensive exclusive vehicles to public areas
and be particular where you park your vehicle. Underground parking
garages are especially dangerous because they offer predators hiding
places they are not afforded in open parking areas. When leaving a
shopping area or any other venue and starting home, take the time to
check your rear view mirror to notice if someone appears to be
following you. If you detect what you think is someone tracking your
vehicle, do not return to your residence, but drive to a police
station or fire station. Attempt to get a description of the vehicle,
occupants, and the license plate number. Be particularly suspicious of
manned unfamiliar vehicles that are parked near your home on the
street. Predators frequently wait for you to pull into your driveway
and garage. They can be at your car door with a gun before you can
exit your vehicle

Second, invest in and train a dog. Were not talking about a miniature
poodle. A German shepherd, American Bulldog, Doberman, or other large
but alert dog will provide aggressive defense of a home and provide
early warning that your home may be at risk of being invaded.

Third, ensure that your home is alarmed and connected to a monitoring
station, preferably the police department. Signage that your home is
alarmed should appear in front of your home as well as at the rear of
your dwelling.

Fourth, a fence and gate is helpful in forming a natural barrier to
define your property line. Intrusion lighting is relatively
inexpensive, but a great deterrent for someone creeping up on your

Fifth, always vet the person knocking on your door before opening the
door. Install a peephole and if you do not know the individual have an
intercom outside to speak to the person to determine their interest.

Sixth, keep pepper spray or a taser in your home unless you have small
children. While pepper spray and a taser is not lethal, it could buy
time to get away from an intruder to alert law enforcement or a
neighbor. Likewise you may want to purchase and keep a firearm in the
house, but again it depends if you have small children and whether you
want to take the risk of having a lethal weapon present. If you do
decide to purchase and keep a firearm in the residence, be sure that
you visit a firing range and have a professional work with you and
your spouse on how to fire the weapon and know the parameters of
engagement and the legal consequences if you fire the weapon at an

Seventh, have a safe room in the house where you can retreat and lock
yourself away from an intruder if you have the time. Be sure to
maintain a charged cell telephone in the safe room to alert law

Eighth, if feasible, have armed security on your estate or home.
Although costly, an armed former police officer can deter intruders
and help shield the family if there is an intrusion.

Ninth, place digital CCTV cameras on your property to conduct
surveillance of the perimeter as well as providing a history of events
occurring on your property.

Tenth, communicate with your neighbors and know their habits and
vehicles. There is power and deterrence when your neighbors are
watching your back and you are looking out for them.
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