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Candles are a great way to relax

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Sep 7, 2007, 7:04:37 PM9/7/07
As I am searching through the google groups it is interesting that
there are so many post on candles and some great discounts for those
who are selling. I really didn't really expect to see so much
information regarding this topic. Personally every room in my house is
full of candles, they are a great way to set a mood or sometimes I
just light them all up and relax in the calming tranquility. I have
enjoyed reading your post and will return when I have more time to
check out the rest of your threads.

Rosalynn Muhammad
Candles of Eden

Anthony Matonak

Sep 7, 2007, 8:48:00 PM9/7/07
to wrote:
> ... Personally every room in my house is

> full of candles, they are a great way to set a mood or sometimes I
> just light them all up and relax in the calming tranquility.

Has anyone ever told you that spamming is bad? That telling lies
in a spam is even worse? How about that candles will kill you?
: The possible impacts on public health from consumer use of scented
: candles may include increased risk of cancer, neurological and
: behavioral deficits and acute aggravation of existing respiratory
: diseases such as asthma.
: Paraffin candles are the most commonly burned candles worldwide.
: And are the most dangerous to our health.
: When Cathy Flanders, 41, of Plano, Texas, started burning candles for
: their pleasant smell in the spring of 1997, it never occurred to her
: she could be poisoning her family.

Sure, you can find plenty of websites that claim candles and candle
smoke/soot aren't toxic. You used to find all kinds of advertising
from big tobacco companies claiming their products were perfectly
safe. Do you really want to deliberately poison yourself on the word
of some sleazy salesperson?


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