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(Archetype of Fairness) Is it fair to not be fair?

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Raleigh Myers

Jun 27, 2003, 7:39:31 PM6/27/03
Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers

Worksheet bio


Talking points on fairness

Is it fair that allowing the drug companies to raise the cost of
pharmaceutics over 600% by exorbitant advertising outlays and now attempt
to privatize the high costs?

Is it fair for Clinton to be overthrown for a personal matter and Bush gets
dusted off for out right lying about matters of state.

Is it fair that we ship jobs overseas, manufacture off shore then call it
trade deficit. Theft is more like it?

Is it fair that our pensions are the reason we tolerate a straw man (money)
between us and our life support and then they Enron

Is it fair that 'no child left behind shrub' has tripled prenatal debt?

Is it fair that destiny deprivation is
manipulated via right wing think tanks and poverty is blamed on the
victims(poor) through designer sin?

Is it fair that most food is poisonous for the convenience of the supply
side after squeezing the small farmers out of business who use less biocide?

Is it fair that most fresh water is polluted due to careless regulation?

Is it fair that we tithe to the core investor group?

Is it fair that one percent of the population gets a cut (tax) of
everything you consume?

Is it fair that we suffer terrorism because of the core investor class?

Is it fair that we are hated for the deeds done by the core investor group
in our name for their profit?

Is it fair that the commons which could furnish life support is squandered
on one percent of the population?

Is it fair that Grazing rights, timber fees, mining on public lands could
finance health care and don't?

Is it fair that natural fibers are phased out and Formaldehyde and asthma
producing petrochemical substitutes are killing us.

Is it fair that we use fossil fuel to generate central electricity and
waste two thirds of it up the stack and then we have to buy more fuel to
heat our homes? Is it fair that wasting fossil fuel up the stack for
centrally generated electricity is one of the main causes of climate change?

Is it fair that you fill it in
Is it fair that

The Archetype of Fairness as a premise

Artists should not sell out through intimidation but pitch in to defeat fascism

Call to Action Artists, Wizards, Students and Cosmic citizens



- If your mail breaks up a link in two lines, simply copy the entire link
into your browser window without spaces or select the missing part and pate
it in.

Check out the newsgroups in my sig below for more "organized usury" hand
writing on the wall prophetics.


Cross post post haste

Acting together we can make a difference
Please send these messages to as many people as possible.

Fight Fascism - Corporatism and the stranglehold they hold on our government.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil
is for good people to do nothing." Edmund Burke


FOLKSAY(people say) ............. "THIS LAND IS YOUR LAND, THIS LAND IS MY
LAND, THIS LAND IS MADE FOR YOU AND ME" has become Our Global village
Planetary anthem and in essence we voted for citizen empowerment as we sung
it. Now let's get it officially on record with electronic direct democracy.

THE DAWNING OF THE AGE OF AQUARIUS is the reality at hand! The
children of the universe, the right to be here generation _ the meek taking
their prophetic inheritance out of probate is not a conspiracy.

Direct democracy replaces representative oligarchy

In the mean time Questions to candidates chosen by the oligarchy.

Ra Energy Fdn.
Raleigh Myers

Worksheet bio

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