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Coerced Genital exams in Public School

조회수 4회
읽지 않은 첫 메시지로 건너뛰기

Ian Goddard

읽지 않음,
1996. 4. 28. 오전 3:00:0096. 4. 28.


By Ian Goddard

The Washington Times (Genital Exams at School Irk Parents, A1 4/27/96)
reports that 50 sixth-grade girls at a public school in East Stroudsburg
Pennsylvania were forced to undergo "genital examinations" in violation
of the expressed will of the girls and without the notification of parents.

Katie Tucker, the mother of one of the girl's who was violated, tells
the story: "[After being marched into the nurses office] they were told
they needed to take off their clothes and just leave their underwear
on. They were standing in line, perfectly embarrassed, and then they
found out the doctor was doing genital exams.

"The girls were scared. They were crying and trying to run out of the
door, but one of the nurses was blocking the door so they couldn't
leave. [ or more appropriately, so they couldn't * escape * ]

"My daughter told the other nurse that 'My mother wouldn't like this.
I want to call her.' And they said 'No.' And my daughter said, 'I
don't want this test done.' And the nurse said 'Too bad.'

"[the physician] put the girls in a room and had them lie down on a
table, spread-eagled, with nothing covering them.." The inspection was
supposedly for genital warts and lesions. Mrs. Tucker continues, "The
girls had no idea what they were doing. The doctor didn't talk to them.
She just did the genital exam and didn't say one word. All my daughter
could do was stare up at the ceiling. And it hurt. It still hurts."

Forced examination of the sexual organs of an individual in violation
of the expressed will of that individual must be defined as sexual
violation. Let's get it straight, these girls were lined up like
cattle and systematically sexually violated.

The intent of the person who *forces* another to expose their sexual
organs and who then makes contact with them in violation of consent
is meaningless. Thoughts are not crimes, actions are. The most sacred
private property of these girls was viciously trespassed upon in
violation of their consent and that is a crime.

The East Stroudsburg School District issued a review of the matter
after parental complaints. The review stated that the tests did not
violate state health regulations. The local police said no laws were
violated and have closed the case. Indeed the government truly cares
about its citizens: a chicken in every pot and an state inspector
in every crotch.

It's outrageous enough for the government to violate the external property
of its citizens by braking into their homes, but the systematic trespass
upon the most private of all private property, one's sexual organs, in
assembly line fashion by the state is a shocking and symbolic expression
of the absolute subjugation of the individual to governmental authority.

You and your genitals are state property; there is no escape; shut up
and get back in line for inspection. NEXT...

"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed" Noah Webster

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