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Auschwitz: Work camp or Extermination centre?

3 показвания
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Mark Graffis

21.12.2009 г., 9:44:2421.12.09 г.
December 19, 2009

Editor The GLOBE AND MAIL Toronto

Dear Sir,

Re: Auschwitz: Work camp or Extermination centre?

Toby Trompeter Kruman (Letters, Dec. 19, 2009) states that Auschwitz
was an "extermination" camp and that "Jews made up almost 90 per
cent of all those gassed".

Thanks to massive Zionist propaganda, 24/7 for the past 50 years,
the general public in North America would not question such a
statement. Nevertheless, there is a growing body of educated opinion,
based on scientific research and demographics, that the alleged
"murder by the Nazis of Six Million Jews, chiefly in gas chambers"
did not take place and was intrinsically impossible.

They cite the failure of Holocaust proponents to produce evidence,
aside from lurid, contradictory, self-serving "eye-witness" accounts,
and claim that not even one Jew had been gassed (except perhaps for
a few who might have shared a bunk with Elie Wiesel) or to explain
how the famous "tiny remnant of East European Jews seeking a safe
haven in Palestine", became a torrent of 4.6 million (all vetted
by a Jewish agency as authentic "Holocaust" victims) once the West
German Government announced the availability of lucrative compensation.

Following World War I, the British Government set up a Commission
to examine the many atrocity stories that had been circulated to
foster hatred against Germany All proved to be false. No such
commission was set up after WWII, leaving Germans with a very costly
and corrosive guilt complex, and the rest of us with twisted, if
not toxic, misconceptions. There were indeed many atrocities
committed in WWII but, by any reasonable standard, the Allies were
by far the worst offenders.

As ever,

Ian V. Macdonald (ex-RCAF) 455 Wilbrod Street Ottawa ON K1N 6M7 613
241 5389

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