Midje wants *you*

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Brian Marick

Jan 17, 2011, 6:44:41 PM1/17/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com
In 1991, I went independent. Inspired by Richard Stallman, I intended to make a living off open source software (which term hadn't even been coined yet). At that time, he made at least part of his living by teaching chip vendors about GCC internals and (I think) being contracted to port it to their chips.

When I decided I couldn't stand Motorola any more, my business plan was:

1. trade consulting to Motorola in exchange for rights to my GCC-based C coverage tool.
2. Open-source it.
3. Charge users for enhancements.
4. Profit!

In my first year, I made USD 500.

My newly-acquired mother-in-law was concerned.

Stumbling over a training opportunity led to a new plan, and I've survived (often thrived) as an independent for 20 years. However, let's just say my marketing chops are still not great.

I'm proud of the work I've done on Midje. I think it has some potential to push the boundaries of TDD. To do so -- to justify pouring effort into it -- I think it needs to become something close to the default Clojure coverage tool, akin to Rspec in Ruby. Because of my poor marketing chops, I doubt I can do that alone. At this moment, the 33 of you hold Midje's future in your hands.

1. Please download the 1.0 release and let me know that it's OK for you.
2. If you use Midje, share that.

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure
Author of /Ring/ (forthcoming; sample: http://bit.ly/hfdf9T)
www.exampler.com, www.exampler.com/blog, www.twitter.com/marick

Ben Mabey

Jan 18, 2011, 12:39:57 AM1/18/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

> 1. Please download the 1.0 release and let me know that it's OK for you.
I get a new failure with 1.0 that I did not get with the collectors
edition. (Oh, which BTW I'd like to get my midje stickers. ;) ) This is
the failure:

FAIL at (core.clj:36)
Expected: #:com.leadtune.predict.models.weka.WekaNominalModel{:kind
:bayes, :algorithm :naive, :model-options {:class-attribute :sale,
:nominal-label-to-predict "1"}, :filter-options {}}
Actual: {:kind :bayes, :algorithm :naive, :model-options
{:class-attribute :sale, :nominal-label-to-predict "1"}, :filter-options {}}

The problem is that the record's type (WekaNominalModel) is being
stripped from the "actual" (left hand side) form. I believe the bug
crept in on this line:


(You are giving #'into a hashmap where it needs to be the record's type.)

I've been working on a patch. I'll finish it tomorrow and send you a
pull request.

> 2. If you use Midje, share that.

Midje is really a breath of fresh air in the clojure testing world and
have enjoyed using it on my current project. One of my new year's
resolutions is to revive my dead blog. I'll try to work midje into one
of my clojure blog posts to help spread the word.


Brian Marick

Jan 18, 2011, 3:12:16 PM1/18/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

On Jan 17, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:
> FAIL at (core.clj:36)
> Expected: #:com.leadtune.predict.models.weka.WekaNominalModel{:kind :bayes, :algorithm :naive, :model-options {:class-attribute :sale, :nominal-label-to-predict "1"}, :filter-options {}}
> Actual: {:kind :bayes, :algorithm :naive, :model-options {:class-attribute :sale, :nominal-label-to-predict "1"}, :filter-options {}}

Sorry about that. There may be some subtleties about records. What'll be the results of these:

(defrecord MyFoo [foo bar])
(def m (MyFoo. 1 3))

m => (MyFoo. 1 3)
m => {:foo 1 :bar 2}
m => (contains {:foo 1})
m => (just {:foo 1, :bar 2})
m => (just (MyFoo. 1 3))

I could see a rule that you can use maps on the right-hand-side, which means "ignore record-ness". So:

m => {:foo 1 :bar 2} ; pass
m => (contains {:foo 1}) ; pass
m => (just {:foo 1, :bar 2}) ; pass

Then I could see a rule that mentioning the concrete type means that not only the key/value pairs must be the same but the type must also be the same.

{:foo 1, :bar 3} => (MyFoo. 1 3) ; false

That's easy, because it's what equality does now.

I think the rule could be implemented for this:
m => (just (MyFoo. 1 3))
... without too much trouble. The same thing works for contains, which sort of makes sense:

(assoc m :quux 33) => (contains (MyFoo. 1 3))

Better rules? Simpler rules? We could just say that maps and records are indistinguishable to Midje, so that

{:foo 1, :bar 3} => (MyFoo. 1 3) ; is true

Only advantage, I guess, is less work.

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure

Author of /Ring/ (forthcoming; sample: http://exampler.com/tmp/ring.pdf)
www.exampler.com, www.exampler.com/blog, www.twitter.com/marick

Brian Marick

Jan 18, 2011, 3:15:28 PM1/18/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

On Jan 17, 2011, at 11:39 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:
> FAIL at (core.clj:36)
> Expected: #:com.leadtune.predict.models.weka.WekaNominalModel{:kind :bayes, :algorithm :naive, :model-options {:class-attribute :sale, :nominal-label-to-predict "1"}, :filter-options {}}
> Actual: {:kind :bayes, :algorithm :naive, :model-options {:class-attribute :sale, :nominal-label-to-predict "1"}, :filter-options {}}

[More discussion in a previous note, but by the way, this is a hacky workaround if you need it:

(defrecord MyFoo [foo bar])
(def m (MyFoo. 1 3))

m => (just (MyFoo. 1 3)))

That is, the #'just turns the MyFoo into a plain map, so it matches the plain map that forcing out laziness produces.]

Brian Marick, Artisanal Labrador
Contract programming in Ruby and Clojure

Author of /Ring/ (forthcoming; sample: http://exampler.com/tmp/ring.pdf)
www.exampler.com, www.exampler.com/blog, www.twitter.com/marick

Ben Mabey

Jan 18, 2011, 6:37:12 PM1/18/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com
On 1/18/11 1:12 PM, Brian Marick wrote:

Sorry about that. There may be some subtleties about records. What'll be the results of these:

(defrecord MyFoo [foo bar])
(def m (MyFoo. 1 3))

  m => (MyFoo. 1 3)
  m => {:foo 1 :bar 2}
  m => (contains {:foo 1})
  m => (just {:foo 1, :bar 2})
  m => (just (MyFoo. 1 3))

I could see a rule that you can use maps on the right-hand-side, which means "ignore record-ness". So:

  m => {:foo 1 :bar 2}             ; pass
  m => (contains {:foo 1})      ; pass
  m => (just {:foo 1, :bar 2})   ; pass
Then I could see a rule that mentioning the concrete type means that not only the key/value pairs must be the same but the type must also be the same. 

  {:foo 1, :bar 3}  => (MyFoo. 1 3)     ; false

That's easy, because it's what equality does now.
Yeah, I like these rules.  Sometimes I am testing to make sure the data is correct, while other times I am very concerned about the type that is returned.

I think the rule could be implemented for this:
    m => (just (MyFoo. 1 3))
... without too much trouble. The same thing works for contains, which sort of makes sense:

    (assoc m :quux 33) => (contains (MyFoo. 1 3))

Better rules? Simpler rules? We could just say that maps and records are indistinguishable to Midje, so that 

    {:foo 1, :bar 3} => (MyFoo. 1 3)   ; is true

Only advantage, I guess, is less work. 
I don't like this because it is inconsistent with Clojure's definition of equality (in a bad way).  As I said above, there are certain cases where verifying the type of the record is vital for a particular assertion.

I started doing a patch, but the issue is kinda messy.  Again, the problem line is:

(map? form)
          (m (into (if (sorted? form) (sorted-map) {}) (map eagerly form)))

Now, my first thought was to change it to:

(m (into form (map eagerly form))

We want to preserve the record type and since #'into will force the realization I didn't think this should be an issue.  However, when I made this change it somehow broke the eagerness of it as this test broke:

(= (type eagered) clojure.lang.LazySeq) => falsey

I am confused why this broke, especially since we aren't even using a map in this test (just a vector of ints).. So I didn't know how the above line was even being executed by that test.

Anyways... so if we can't get that to work then we will need to create an empty record of the same type that our form is.  This SO question has some ideas on doing that:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4520319/clojure-assigning-defrecord-fields-from-map

However, even with an empty-record function this seems problematic.  How do we know that the form is a record and not some other class that implements IPersistentMap?  The eagerly function is already doing it's fair share of conditional logic based on the type.  It seems like a polymorphic solution would be better.  (i.e. implement empty-record on the known IPersistentMap types and have an Object fallback implementation that uses the methods proposed in the SO question for actual records).  This seems very complex too for such a simple problem though.   Does anyone have any simpler ideas on how to fix the problem?


Brian Marick

Jan 19, 2011, 12:40:11 PM1/19/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

On Jan 18, 2011, at 5:37 PM, Ben Mabey wrote:
> (map? form)
> (m (into (if (sorted? form) (sorted-map) {}) (map eagerly form)))
> Now, my first thought was to change it to:
> (m (into form (map eagerly form))

It's the #'into.

Here's the object we're working on:

user> (def mmm { (map identity [1 2 3]) 'foo })

Here are some print statements:

(map? form)
(let [sub-result (map eagerly form)]
(prn "KEY:" (type (ffirst sub-result)) (ffirst sub-result))
(let [result (m (into form sub-result))]
(prn "RESULT of INTO:" result)
(prn "KEY:" (type (ffirst result)) (ffirst result))

Here's what they print:

user> (def result (midje.util.laziness/eagerly mmm))
"KEY:" clojure.lang.PersistentList (1 2 3)
"RESULT of INTO:" {(1 2 3) foo}
"KEY:" clojure.lang.LazySeq (1 2 3)

HOWEVER, this doesn't matter. The purpose of all this is to make sure that every LazySeq is evaluated given within the context of any mocks. If those results get put back into a LazySeq, that doesn't matter.

SO: if this solution lets equality work for your defrecord, I think we're OK. The tests of eagerly will need to be more indirect, though.

Ben Mabey

Jan 19, 2011, 2:19:56 PM1/19/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com
Yes, the solution passes the equality tests dealing with equality:


The eagerly tests will have to be rewritten, as you say. I don't know
how one would verify that an entire lazy seq has been realized, but it
seems like that is what the assertion should be doing.

Lyle Johnson

Jan 21, 2011, 2:57:47 PM1/21/11
to Midje
On Jan 17, 5:44 pm, Brian Marick <mar...@exampler.com> wrote:

> I'm proud of the work I've done on Midje. I think it has some potential to push the boundaries of TDD.
> To do so -- to justify pouring effort into it -- I think it needs to become something close to the default
> Clojure coverage tool, akin to Rspec in Ruby. Because of my poor marketing chops, I doubt I can do that alone.
> At this moment, the 33 of you hold Midje's future in your hands.
> 1. Please download the 1.0 release and let me know that it's OK for you.
> 2. If you use Midje, share that.

Nice work, Brian! I'm trying out Midje on a new little project and I
do like it so far. By an astonishing coincidence, however, I ran into
the same problem that Ben's reported here, on my very first Midje
test. ;) But I'm OK with using one of the workarounds discussed above
until you decide how you'd like to handle comparing records.

Ilmari Vacklin

Feb 2, 2011, 3:25:04 PM2/2/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

On Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1:44:41 AM UTC+2, Brian Marick wrote:

1. Please download the 1.0 release and let me know that it's OK for you.
2. If you use Midje, share that.

We're using Midje to write and share tests for the exercises on our Clojure course that we're giving this spring at the University of Helsinki CS department. See https://wiki.helsinki.fi/display/clojure2011/Home for more information if you're interested.

In general, Midje has worked great for us. There are some shortcomings that we've noticed or the students have brought up, such as:

- On failing facts, the "lein midje" output does not tell you which fact failed, only line numbers. It could print the description of the fact if one was given, or even the thunk being tested.
- (fact '() => nil) is a failure. This confused us more than the students.
- Sets do not match other collections, e.g. (fact [1 2 3] => #{1 2 3}) fails. We expected this to mean the same as (fact [1 2 3] => (just [1 2 3] :in-any-order)).

We're using Midje 1.0.1.

Thanks for your work on Midje!

Ilmari Vacklin

Brian Marick

Feb 3, 2011, 2:47:25 PM2/3/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

On Feb 2, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Ilmari Vacklin wrote:
> - On failing facts, the "lein midje" output does not tell you which fact failed, only line numbers. It could print the description of the fact if one was given, or even the thunk being tested.

Do other people find this a problem? I have a (probably) unusual workflow in that I have Emacs code to insert error messages into the code text and other code that jumps quickly from a line of output to the source. So I don't find more output particularly helpful.

> - (fact '() => nil) is a failure. This confused us more than the students.

nil and the empty list are different objects in Clojure, even though it's hard to make them behave differently. But see (= nil '()) or (if '() "emptiness is true" "emptiness is false"). "Is nil the empty list?" was still a big topic during my Lisp days: heated debate over whether Common Lisp or Scheme got it right. That given, making a different choice than the language designer did seems likely to get me in trouble.

> - Sets do not match other collections, e.g. (fact [1 2 3] => #{1 2 3}) fails. We expected this to mean the same as (fact [1 2 3] => (just [1 2 3] :in-any-order)).

I don't know. I originally wanted to have => mean either clojure equality or application of a checker function. But then I added special treatment for regular expressions when the actual value is a string, and then special treatment for maps when the actual value is a record, so I've gone too far down the slippery slope to have any principled argument against this.

It somehow seems more wrong to say an unordered thing "counts as the same as" an ordered thing. To which you might ask: why did I make (fact [1 2 3] => (just #{1 2 3})), then? And I have to say that seems pretty dubious to me now, too.

Again: how do other people feel?

Ben Mabey

Feb 3, 2011, 5:24:08 PM2/3/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com
On 2/3/11 12:47 PM, Brian Marick wrote:
>> - Sets do not match other collections, e.g. (fact [1 2 3] => #{1 2 3}) fails. We expected this to mean the same as (fact [1 2 3] => (just [1 2 3] :in-any-order)).
> I don't know. I originally wanted to have => mean either clojure equality or application of a checker function. But then I added special treatment for regular expressions when the actual value is a string, and then special treatment for maps when the actual value is a record, so I've gone too far down the slippery slope to have any principled argument against this.
> It somehow seems more wrong to say an unordered thing "counts as the same as" an ordered thing. To which you might ask: why did I make (fact [1 2 3] => (just #{1 2 3})), then? And I have to say that seems pretty dubious to me now, too.
> Again: how do other people feel?

As we all know, Clojure has a very strict (and opinionated) view of
equality. I don't think we should vary much from that. I would expect
that [1 2 3] => #{1 2 3} to fail since (= [1 2 3] #{1 2 3}) returns
false. What is interesting is that (= [1 2 3] (list 1 2 3)) returns
true even though the data structure is different and you might care
about that. In my experience, when I return a set I am doing so very
intentionally and with good reason. So I would be in favor of keeping
the current strict behavior.

I'm conflicted as well though. I like how regexps work currently, and I
see how this could be seen as a similar issue.

Ilmari Vacklin

Feb 5, 2011, 1:59:19 PM2/5/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com
On Thursday, February 3, 2011 9:47:25 PM UTC+2, Brian Marick wrote:

On Feb 2, 2011, at 2:25 PM, Ilmari Vacklin wrote:
> - On failing facts, the "lein midje" output does not tell you which fact failed, only line numbers. It could print the description of the fact if one was given, or even the thunk being tested.

Do other people find this a problem? I have a (probably) unusual workflow in that I have Emacs code to insert error messages into the code text and other code that jumps quickly from a line of output to the source. So I don't find more output particularly helpful.

Unfortunately, we can't require all students to use Emacs and midje-mode... :) I also personally use Vim, so more output would be helpful for me.

> - Sets do not match other collections, e.g. (fact [1 2 3] => #{1 2 3}) fails. We expected this to mean the same as (fact [1 2 3] => (just [1 2 3] :in-any-order)).

I don't know. I originally wanted to have => mean either clojure equality or application of a checker function. But then I added special treatment for regular expressions when the actual value is a string, and then special treatment for maps when the actual value is a record, so I've gone too far down the slippery slope to have any principled argument against this.

It somehow seems more wrong to say an unordered thing "counts as the same as" an ordered thing. To which you might ask: why did I make (fact [1 2 3] => (just #{1 2 3})), then? And I have to say that seems pretty dubious to me now, too.

The original use case was a fact for the powerset function the students were asked to implement. Now the fact looks like this:

(facts "powerset"
       (powerset [])      => '(())
       (powerset [1 2 4]) => (just
                                [4] [2] [1]
                                (just [2 4]   :in-any-order)
                                (just [1 4]   :in-any-order)
                                (just [1 2]   :in-any-order)
                                (just [1 2 4] :in-any-order)]

A shorter way to write this would be nice.

Brian Marick

Feb 5, 2011, 3:50:38 PM2/5/11
to mi...@googlegroups.com

On Feb 5, 2011, at 12:59 PM, Ilmari Vacklin wrote:

> The original use case was a fact for the powerset function the students were asked to implement. Now the fact looks like this:
> (facts "powerset"
> (powerset []) => '(())
> (powerset [1 2 4]) => (just
> [empty?
> [4] [2] [1]
> (just [2 4] :in-any-order)
> (just [1 4] :in-any-order)
> (just [1 2] :in-any-order)
> (just [1 2 4] :in-any-order)]
> :in-any-order))
> A shorter way to write this would be nice.

You could do this:

(defn as-sets [& expected]
(let [set-of-sets #(set (map set %))]
(fn [actual] (= (set-of-sets expected) (set-of-sets actual)))))

user> (fact (powerset [1 2 4]) => (as-sets [ ] [4] [2] [1] [2 4] [1 2 4]))

Actual result did not agree with the checking function.
Actual result: [[4] [2] [1] [2 4] [1 4] [1 2] [1 2 4] []]
Checking function: (as-sets [] [4] [2] [1] [2 4] [1 2 4])

I thought I'd get a more detailed failure from this:

(defn as-sets [& expected]
(let [set-of-sets #(set (map set %))]
(fn [actual]
( (just (set-of-sets expected)) (set-of-sets actual)))))

... but I don't. I'm guessing that's a bug.

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