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não lida,
2 de mai. de 2006, 08:34:1802/05/2006
I used to be able to XSL transform just about any XML using either
MSXML or XSLTransform using syntax such as the following :

<xsl:template match="/">
<p style="text-align:center;">
Purchase Request
<td>Request # :</td>
<xsl:value-of select="PRNo" />
<td>Request Date :</td>
<xsl:value-of select="CreateDate" />

Now I can not get the browser to render anything other than the data,
which leads me to question whether my Transform is doing anything at
all. In one post, it was suggested that there needs to be some XSL
code for constructing these HTML elements I want. What? "If that's
movin' up then I'm movin' out"

Any help gang?

Martin Honnen

não lida,
2 de mai. de 2006, 08:56:5302/05/2006

brian....@gmail.com wrote:

> I used to be able to XSL transform just about any XML using either
> MSXML or XSLTransform using syntax such as the following :

> Now I can not get the browser to render anything other than the data,
> which leads me to question whether my Transform is doing anything at
> all.

How does you XML input look then? We can't tell by looking at the XSLT
alone whether it suits the XML to transform it to HTML.


Martin Honnen --- MVP XML


não lida,
2 de mai. de 2006, 09:37:5602/05/2006
Thanks for the quick inquiry into my problem. Here is the XML I am
struggling to Transform with the aforementioned XSL :

<AttentionEmail />
<CreatorEmail />
<CreatorName />
<ReceiverFaxNumber />
<ReceiverName>BRIAN O</ReceiverName>
<ReceiverPhoneNumber>571 555 7777</ReceiverPhoneNumber>
<SpecialInstruction />
<Attention />
<Address1>My Street</Address1>
<Address2>1 Main Street</Address2>
<ProductName>POWER SUPPLY</ProductName>
<PartNo>PC4702BP </PartNo>

Martin Honnen

não lida,
2 de mai. de 2006, 09:55:4102/05/2006

brian....@gmail.com wrote:

> Thanks for the quick inquiry into my problem. Here is the XML I am
> struggling to Transform with the aforementioned XSL :
> <PurchaseRequestReportData
> xmlns="http://tempuri.org/PurchaseRequestReportData.xsd">

You need to take note of the default namespace declaration and adapt the
stylesheet as needed e.g.


<xsl:template match="/">

<h1>Purchase Request</h1>

<td>Request # :</td>

<xsl:value-of select="prd:PRNo" />

<td>Request Date :</td>

<xsl:value-of select="prd:CreateDate" />





não lida,
2 de mai. de 2006, 10:37:5002/05/2006
Awesome! It's all about the NameSpace.

This works and makes perfect sense. You have restored my sense of

Thanks. I will BLOG about this promptly.

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