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Default setting for "lists" rather than "icons"

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Dec 9, 2005, 1:45:11 PM12/9/05
Default setting for "lists" rather than "icons"

Is there an INI file or some menu that will allow me to see lists by default
(rather than icons) when looking at folder contents in Explore and Outlook?


Dec 9, 2005, 2:44:36 PM12/9/05

"George" <> wrote in message

set view>details then goto tools>options>view and set "apply to all


Dec 9, 2005, 5:58:05 PM12/9/05

"Haggis" <> wrote in message

I don't see anything that allows me to set the DEFAULT display to "lists."
The system seems to assume everyone wants big sized icons.


Dec 9, 2005, 6:27:53 PM12/9/05
George wrote:

All of my XP machines (and all of my clients' machines) have the List
option. Yours does, too. Double-click My Computer, the View>List. Now
go to the Tools menu>Folder Options>View. Click "Apply to all folders".

Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User


Dec 9, 2005, 9:25:55 PM12/9/05

"Malke" <notr...@invalid.invalid> wrote in message

Yes, that does it! Thank you very much Malke.


Dec 10, 2005, 9:48:37 AM12/10/05
George wrote:

>>> I don't see anything that allows me to set the DEFAULT display to
>>> "lists." The system seems to assume everyone wants big sized icons.
>> All of my XP machines (and all of my clients' machines) have the List
>> option. Yours does, too. Double-click My Computer, the View>List. Now
>> go to the Tools menu>Folder Options>View. Click "Apply to all
>> folders".


> Yes, that does it! Thank you very much Malke.

You're most welcome, George. I also like the List view best.

MS-MVP Windows User/Shell


Mar 2, 2006, 4:50:28 PM3/2/06
Does this work if you are not the administrator on your machine? We got new
XP machines recently and it really bugs me to have to change to list DETAILS,
but I tried how it was suggested and it does not change for all folders? It
stays for the folder specified, but any time to go to a new folder, I have to
respecify to display by DETAILS.

Keith Miller MVP

Mar 3, 2006, 1:34:50 AM3/3/06
With an explorer window in details view, Tools -> Folder Options -> 'View' tab -> 'Apply to all
Folders' should do the trick. When you do this, the value created in the registry is named
'Settings' and is found under the key:


Do you find that in the registry after using 'Apply to all...'?

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"Pankratz93" <> wrote in message


Mar 3, 2006, 9:37:28 AM3/3/06
yes - I see that in the registry.
Name = Settings
Data = 08 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 77 7e 13 73 35 cf 11 ae 69 08
00 2b 2e 12 62 04 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 43 00 00 00

Keith Miller MVP

Mar 3, 2006, 1:29:12 PM3/3/06
Hmm...That looks right (details view, status bar off). Not sure why it's not working as it should.
Your other folders are closed when you're applying this, right?

You could try David Candy's method to clear explorer's mind:


If that doesn't do it, as a workaround, another method to enforce a default view would be to create
an 'AllFolders' key in the registry, you can do this per-user or per-machine.

The following would give you details view with status bar off for the current user:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The following would set details as machine default:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Note that the under HKCU, the 'AllFolders' entry will be deleted if 'Apply to all folders' or 'Reset
all folders' is used.

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"Pankratz93" <> wrote in message


Mar 10, 2006, 4:03:28 AM3/10/06
Sorry to interrupt but this looks about the best place (so far) to make my
stand. Think
I've read most of the relevant posts but not seen any confirmation of
proposed solutions yet. This problem has been a many-years nag for me. Maybe
MS will eventually take it upon their shoulders to come up w/ something

To be sure, I'm going to try Kandy's and Malke's stuff anyway, tho' I fear
that might get a bit too hairy for me.

Yes, I have same/similar problem. So here's my post. If nothing else, it'll
add some support to what others have been posting (as a bonus, I've added
another problem
or two!).


10-Mar-06 / Windows Explorer General

Subj: Folder View & HTML File Copy problem.

Spec: WIN XP PRO (SP2), 256 MB RAM, Celeron 2.66 GHz | Explorer
| I/E 6.0.2900.2180.

Problem #1.

Windows Explorer in 'Classic View' and w/ Folder Options set as desired
("Details" & "same for all folders"), sometimes won't remember these settings
and often comes up in "Thumbnail view" in right (sub-folder / file) pane.
View at all times is Explorer Bar, Folders. Details. I can do without all
the other
fancy views for at least 99.9999 % of the time (meaning: always - 1). They
take up too much space and make it harder for me to quickly pin down my
target. Give me the old alphabetical listing anytime.

Notice that in this case I'm saying: "sometimes" - not "always". If it were
things might be a bit more straightforward. But no; with me it's almost
always an
intermittent - the worst kind.

This has been a long-standing problem for me (maybe just my luck) - back as
far at least as Win 98.

The settings never seem to hold for very long before all reverts to a default
setting, which some MS Programmer liked and decided was AOK for the rest of
humanity. I prefer to see all the file specs (details) at a glance, before I
open it, so there's no screw up and no more time wasted.

(By the way, I don't suppose there's any way to, in a mixed 'file and
folder' folder,
to click the 'name' column and get both the upper 'file list' and the lower
'folder list'
to both come up in alphabetical order, from top to bottom. For some reason
known to God and Microsoft, the folders in that mixed 'file & folder' pane
view always
come up listed in backwards alphabetical order when the files, at top, are
listed in
the sensible order. Well, if there is a simple way - and there probably is -
wouldn't it
be more sensible and practical to make the "default" listing fully
alphabetical in the
same direction?).

Problem #2.

When I want to move HTML files (saved from web) from one to another folder
(complete - those w/ the usual 2 components per file - the prime file and the
yellow graphics support-files folder), Windows Explorer copies only the 'prime
file' - not both components, as is usual in XP.

That is to say, I should only have to select the 'prime' file to copy / move
and this should automatically also copy / move the correct graphics support
folder attached to that file or web page. At least that's the way it usually
worked. Now I have to wade thru the support-folder listing to find the right
one (of 100) for the file and select it also, before I can copy/move the
file out.

Wonder if this is due to a corrupt memory, Registry, Explorer or Windows.

Any help or info greatly appreciated.



Keith Miller MVP

Mar 12, 2006, 2:17:05 AM3/12/06
For #2:

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"tedoniman" <> wrote in message


Mar 12, 2006, 8:37:20 AM3/12/06
OOps! Not sure what happened. Thought I'd best let someone know. Just after
sent off that last 'thank you' post and closed, and tried go back to hotmail,
Igot the usual security
message and then another one about being re-directed to a secure Microsoft
site. The
address in title bar was:

"" (note it's not
an "https")

Everytime I clicked OK on the security message about being re-directed, I
was headed for that site but never got there. As soon as I was almost all the
way there, the security message came back on and kept re-directing me to same
site - ad infinitum. Finally
clicked on the X box fast enough to stop the merrygoround and then went
right back
here to report it, in case anyone might be interested in commenting on it.

I should mention that prior to coming here a while back by clicking on my
hotmail link
to view the response to my query here, I saw another response in in-box from
one of these forums to another one of my queries - but only clicked on this
one first. For some
strange reason, as soon as this site here opened, a 2nd window opened as if
I'd clicked on the other link to a community reply as well - but I didn't. I
then 'minimized' that 2nd
window for a look at it later (still haven't done that).

Then, later, while here,the only other thing I did was click on Keith
Miller's link in his
response to me and then on a download at that target site, and on another
link to
Microsoft where I downloaded another recommended file and page pertinent to my
query here.

Just thought I'd better pass this on in case there's another one of those
things on the loose.

OK. I'm off to try again to ultimately get that 2nd response...


"Keith Miller MVP" wrote:

> For #2:
> --
> Good Luck,
> Keith
> Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

(deleted for brevity)


Mar 12, 2006, 8:48:32 AM3/12/06
Sorry. That "2nd" window was a replica of this one. Finger problem. Must have
tripple-clicked on the link to here in my hotmail. Nevertheless, doesn't
the odd merry-go-round thing...


"Keith Miller MVP" wrote:

> For #2:
> --
> Good Luck,
> Keith
> Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
> "tedoniman" <> wrote in message


Keith Miller MVP

Mar 12, 2006, 1:14:05 PM3/12/06
Have you managed to get to the page yet & apply the fix?

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"tedoniman" <> wrote in message


Mar 15, 2006, 10:55:29 PM3/15/06
Sorry. Bit tied up. Don't want mess w/ anything 'til plenty time (not my
comp). Just making quick check thru here as was in my email. No time now
either. Got to make long Visa run to border shortly. Saved all this and the
link downloads for thorough check tomorrow. Let you know. So far, the basic
stuff hasn't solved the original 'view' problem. Hope to get into it all



Mar 19, 2006, 1:32:26 PM3/19/06
Mon., 20-Mar-06 / 01:27 (Thai time).

Roger. Did finally manage to follow up on that link. Thanx for that, Keith.
waylaid for few days; so bit late on reply here.

Yep. All fixed now. Cockpit problem. Had that option all along. Never did
understand it, though - 'til now. Bit of a relief that. Now to pursue the
other little idiosyncrasies I noted... and a few more that just cropped up.
Fun in the sun...

Thanks again very much indeed for that #2. I've yet to deal w/ #1. All in


"Keith Miller MVP" wrote:

> Have you managed to get to the page yet & apply the fix?
> --
> Good Luck,
> Keith
> Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

> > "Keith Miller MVP" wrote:
> >
> > > For #2:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Good Luck,
> > >
> > > Keith
> > > Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]
> > >

(rest deleted for brevity)


May 31, 2006, 10:52:02 AM5/31/06

29-May-06 / Folder View Problem - solved!(99.99%)

Hope I can find this thread again so can pass on result and thank
parties concerned.

(Just found it! - "Re: Default setting for "lists..."). Better late than

Re: My message of 10-Mar-06 / Windows Explorer General / Miller; Malke

"Pankratz93" <>

Subj to do with: Folder View defaults (& HTML File Copy problem).
(I couldn't get Explorer to stay in "Details" View - Win XP Pro SP2).


Finally got around to trying out the solutions proposed by Miller (and
Malke?). By now, Explorer ALWAYS came up in "Icon" view. I followed assorted
advice in this and other related threads but nothing worked
'til I edited the registry as per Keith Miller:


"Keith Miller MVP" wrote:

> Hmm...That looks right (details view, status bar off). Not sure why
> it's not working as it should.
> Your other folders are closed when you're applying this, right?
> You could try David Candy's method to clear explorer's mind:
> news:u#$W2k3NG...@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl
> If that doesn't do it, as a workaround, another method to enforce a

> default view would be to create an 'AllFolders' key in the registry.
> You can do this per-user or per-machine.

> The following would give you details view with status bar off for the
> current user:

> ------------------------------------

> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\AllFolders\Shell]
> "WFlags"=dword:00000000
> "Status"=dword:00000000
> "Vid"="{137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}"
> "Mode"=dword:00000004

> ------------------------------------

> The following would set details as machine default:

> ------------------------------------

> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\AllFolders\Shell]
> "WFlags"=dword:00000000
> "Status"=dword:00000000
> "Vid"="{137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}"
> "Mode"=dword:00000004

> ------------------------------------

> Note that the under HKCU, the 'AllFolders' entry will be deleted if 'Apply
> to all folders' or 'Reset all folders' is used.

> --
> Good Luck,
> Keith
> Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]


- end of extract -


I created the keys for the first one (current user) only. Worked perfect
time off the bat. Looks like problem solved. Hope it sticks.

However, not being too awful familiar with the Registry, I was a tad confused
at start. I'm still not sure if this will stick. Reason is, I created only
first 2 keys (AllFolders and Shell) and then the 4 new "strings" (under the
"name" heading), into which I simply pasted the entries I saw here. This
automatically entered "REG_SZ" in the "Type" column, for each string, when
- but nothing went into the "Data" column.

Before I did that, I checked similar keys in the Registry and found all 3
columns full - and with some differences. This was not the case here.

For example, at one place I found the following 4 sub-folders under
"... \ Bags\ ": 195, 357, 7, 8.

Under sub-folder 8 we have sub-folder "Shell". In "Shell" we have many items,
including 3 of the 4 noted, listed in this order and exactly as shown below:

Mode REG_DWORD OX00000004(4)
Vid REG_SZ {137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}
WFlags REG_DWORD 0x00000000(0)

So, if this set up continues to hold, then I'd have to deduce that there
are more ways than one ('String value') to modify the Registry keys - as
via Edit, New,'Binary value', 'D-WORD value', so on. If not, then I don't
know WHAT's going on nor why all is working OK now.

Here's the result of an export of the new "shell" key to text file:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



It obviously doesn't look quite like that in the Registry window but I
select and "copy" the actual view (except maybe via 'Print Scrn').

By the way:


I can not find "news:u#$W2k3NG...@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl" (David Candy's
method) - either via Address bar or via Google search.


When I export "shell" to a text file, I get the following (plus a whole
bunch of string values):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ...,

whereas in "About", it is Version 5.1 .

Who to believe?


Now I'm looking carefully at this little piece of advice:

"Note that the under HKCU, the 'AllFolders' entry will be deleted if 'Apply
to all folders' or 'Reset all folders' is used".

I take it then that I better "set details as machine default", in case I
or another user here ever forgets that advice. I presume that if both sets
of keys exist concurrently, the one will not interfere with the other? Just


Thanx for the invaluable help on an issue that's been driving me up the wall
for many years now, with every OS version I can remember.



PS. Looks like nothing in this world is perfect. Over last couple of days,
I did run into the odd reversion to "icon view" for a few folders. It only
happens for those particular folders though. Since my use of them is very
rare, I can live with it. It's a far, far cry from what the situation was
before. Nevertheless, I thought it prudent to mention it here. Maybe I also
need to try David Candy's method - if I can find it...

Thanx a gadzillion,



Keith Miller MVP

Jun 1, 2006, 1:22:29 AM6/1/06
Inline below:

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"tedoniman" <> wrote in message

> 29-May-06 / Folder View Problem - solved!(99.99%)
> ------------------------------------------------------------


You haven't created the values quite right -- you've ended up with complicated names for empty
strings. You can manually create each value via 'Edit' -> new & choosing the appropriate value type
( String or DWORD). You then first type the name alone without quotes, press 'Enter' to set the
name. Press 'Enter' again to edit the value itself.

An easier way is to save the export text I posted as a .reg file & merge it.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



The above is for details; Mode/Vid values are as follows:

Name: Mode: VID:
Icons 1 {0057D0E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}
List 3 {0E1FA5E0-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}
Details 4 {137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}
Thumbnail 5 {8BEBB290-52D0-11D0-B7F4-00C04FD706EC}
Tiles 6 {65F125E5-7BE1-4810-BA9D-D271C8432CE3}
Filmstrip 7 {8EEFA624-D1E9-445B-94B7-74FBCE2EA11A}

If your system is SP2 or above, 'Status' is no longer a valid value -- it can be deleted.

> By the way:
> -----------------------------------------
> I can not find "news:u#$W2k3NG...@tk2msftngp13.phx.gbl" (David Candy's
> method) - either via Address bar or via Google search.
> -----------------------------------------

Try this link:

> When I export "shell" to a text file, I get the following (plus a whole
> bunch of string values):
> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ...,
> whereas in "About", it is Version 5.1 .
> Who to believe?

That line informs regedit about the whether the export is version 4 or 5, try exporting a reg file
and select "WIn9x/NT4" in the 'Save as Type:' droplist.

> -----------------------------------------
> Now I'm looking carefully at this little piece of advice:
> "Note that the under HKCU, the 'AllFolders' entry will be deleted if 'Apply
> to all folders' or 'Reset all folders' is used".
> I take it then that I better "set details as machine default", in case I
> or another user here ever forgets that advice. I presume that if both sets
> of keys exist concurrently, the one will not interfere with the other? Just
> checking.

If both exist, the user values will take precendence.

> 31-May-06
> PS. Looks like nothing in this world is perfect. Over last couple of days,
> I did run into the odd reversion to "icon view" for a few folders. It only
> happens for those particular folders though. Since my use of them is very
> rare, I can live with it. It's a far, far cry from what the situation was
> before. Nevertheless, I thought it prudent to mention it here. Maybe I also
> need to try David Candy's method - if I can find it...

See how things work once you get the values created correctly. Remember, it won't override
currently saved views -- delete the following keys:



to clear all saved views.

Jun 1, 2006, 1:58:47 AM6/1/06

Keith Miller MVP wrote:

> >> The following would give you details view with status bar off for the
> >> current user:
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------
> >> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> >>
> >> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\AllFolders\Shell]
> >> "WFlags"=dword:00000000
> >> "Status"=dword:00000000
> >> "Vid"="{137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}"
> >> "Mode"=dword:00000004
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------
> >>
> >> The following would set details as machine default:
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------
> >> Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
> >>
> >> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\AllFolders\Shell]
> >> "WFlags"=dword:00000000
> >> "Status"=dword:00000000
> >> "Vid"="{137E7700-3573-11CF-AE69-08002B2E1262}"
> >> "Mode"=dword:00000004
> >>
> >> ------------------------------------
> >>

Here's a strange thing <g> I have _no_ "Bag" entries at all in
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell, but I do have
lots in ...


... and in ...


... and I have "Details" selected and have no random reversion

I have XP2 Prof v2002 SP2.

Alan Lloyd

Keith Miller MVP

Jun 1, 2006, 2:57:34 PM6/1/06
The '...\Bags\AllFolders\Shell' key doesn't exist by default under HKLM. However, Explorer does
look for it & will use the information found there IF:

1) There is no saved view for the specific folder being opened ("HKCU\...\ShellNoRoam\Bags\...")

2) No parent of the folder has inheritance set for its subfolders

3) There is no 'AllFolders' info for the current account

The entries you found are equivalent to #1

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

<> wrote in message


Jun 2, 2006, 10:42:03 AM6/2/06

02-Jun-06 / 21:12 (Thai Time)

Taking forever, literally hours, to get thru to here tonight...

Yup. Began to see the light couple of hours ago after playing w/ Kelly's
'bag8000.reg' - which I imported. Goes to show, don't mess w/ the Reg,
without a tutorial first.

It hit me fairly quick that I could duplicate Kelly's file but w/ your
content (as you suggest in " easier way...") and hopefully get away
with it. I was just about to try when I decided to better check the email

I note that her following heading entries have a "-" in front:


and presume this might result in a deletion of those keys. I wonder if that
affected me as couldn't find changes I made before, as based on your post.

In any case, the Kelly import seems to have done it across the board; but
I won't know for sure for couple days. If it didn't, I'll do as you advise.
First, I'd best have a read thru my Reg Help collection, though.

This is the foot-in-mouth kid signing off for now. Let you know.
And thanx for the link too.


"Keith Miller MVP" wrote:

curtesy chop of the rest....

Keith Miller MVP

Jun 3, 2006, 3:09:02 PM6/3/06
OK??? Are things working now???

Good Luck,

Microsoft MVP [Windows XP Shell/User]

"tedoniman" <> wrote in message


Jun 6, 2006, 9:31:01 PM6/6/06
Roger. Thanks, Keith. All seems holding w/ Kelly's fix for now. Got tied up
w/ a
trojan (zlob, think it was), etc.. Killed it via DOS, all the way. Real
bugger. 7
files in System32 (hp100.tmp - regenerative) plus some keys in Reg. Won't
implement your fix nor mess w/ Registry unless it breaks again. Let you know.

Thanks loads for now,

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