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Re: error 80070490

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MowGreen [MVP]

Aug 19, 2007, 7:20:57 PM8/19/07
A poster in this newsgroup received this information from MS in regards
to the 80070490 error code:

> Here's the message I received from Microsoft support:
> This error may occur if the older Windows Update engine files cannot be
> replaced by Windows Update Agent 3.0 (7.0.6000.374).
> To troubleshoot this issue, I suggest we first reset permission and
> reinstall Windows Update Agent 3.0.
> Step 1: Reset permission
> ================
> 1. Please download the subinacl.msi file from the following link and save
> the installation patch onto the Desktop:
> 2. Please go to the Desktop and double click the downloaded file.
> 3. Please select the C:\Windows\System32 folder as the Destination Folder
> during the installation. Later we will use this tool to reset the permission
> settings on the current machine.
> Note: If UAC (User Account Control) window is prompted for permission to
> continue, please click Continue.
> 4. Click the Start Button, in the Start Search bar, type: "notepad" (without
> quotes) and press Enter.
> 5. Copy the following commands and then paste them into the opened Notepad
> window:
> @echo off
> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=administrators=f
> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=administrators=f
> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=administrators=f
> subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=administrators=f
> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /grant=system=f
> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CURRENT_USER /grant=system=f
> subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT /grant=system=f
> subinacl /subdirectories %SystemDrive% /grant=system=f
> @Echo =========================
> @Echo Finished.
> @Echo =========================
> @pause
> 6. After pasting the above commands, please close the Notepad window. Choose
> Save when you are prompted to save the file. Type "reset.bat" as the file
> name and choose Desktop from the left panel as the save location.
> 7. Refer to the Desktop and right click the reset.bat file, then choose "Run
> as administrator."
> 8. You will see a DOS-like window processing.
> NOTE: It may take several minutes, please be patient. When it is finished,
> you will be prompted with the message: "Finished, press any key to continue".
> Step 2: Reinstall Windows Update Agent 3.0
> ===========================
> 1. Please download the file from the following link:
> Windows Vista (32bit)
> Windows Vista (64bit)
> 2. Save the file to D: drive.
> Note: Please select a drive where Windows Vista was not loaded because the
> file cannot be launched directly from the system root directory.
> 3. Click Start->Run, type: "D:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce"
> (without quotations) and then press Enter to install the Windows Update
> engine.
> Note: There is a space between "D:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe" and
> "/wuforce"
> Now, let's run Windows Update again.

It did not resolve the issue for the OP, so MS then recommended :

> It failed for me too. Microsoft then suggested performing an in-place Vista
> upgrade, which did indeed fix the problem.
> 1. With Windows Vista running, insert the Windows Vista CD/DVD.
> 2. Run Setup.
> 3. When prompted, select Upgrade.
> 4. The process takes a LONG time.

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2007]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten

gene7851 wrote:

> trying to install security update KB925902. Continuously fails error code
> 80070490 which is not listed. How do I complete installation or should I
> ignore update?


Sep 19, 2007, 9:10:02 PM9/19/07
The real questions are WHY this happens and WHY it can't be found on the msn
site itself.
I had to google to find this article.


Oct 16, 2007, 1:59:00 AM10/16/07
We have a Vista computer failing with the same error code. We can't find a
reference either. We contacted Microsoft and got a completely different set
of instructions:

Dear Customer,

Thank you for contacting Microsoft Windows Update Support. My name is Kino
and I am glad to work with you. To contact me, you can send emails directly
to my account: with the case ID xxxxxxx in
the subject line.

I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your support
request. Please be assured that you have successfully contacted the correct
support team and I will be working with you to address your concerns as
quickly as possible.

From your description, I understand that the Security Update for Microsoft
.NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB929916) cannot be installed. If I have
misunderstood your concern, please feel free to let me know.

I understand the inconvenience you have experienced. Please be assured that
I will do my best to help you resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

The issue can be caused by a damaged .NET Framework component. At this time,
let's refer to the following steps to troubleshoot it:

Step 1: Download Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp utility
1. Visit:
2. Please save the file on your Desktop
3. Please double click the msicuu2.exe file to install it onto your computer.

Step 2: Remove .NET Framework 2.0
1. Click Start Button -> All Programs->Windows Installer Clean Up.
2. Please locate and remove.NET Framework software.
After that, please perform the following suggestions to reinstall .NET
Framework 2.0 and its update.

Step 3: Reinstall .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package and its
Please download and install the following updates one by one using sequence.
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)
.NET Framework 2.0 SYSTEM.WEB.DLL Security Update for Windows Vista

Note: When the “File Download” window appears, please click the Save button,
and follow the directions to save the file on the Desktop. After downloading
all setup files, please double-click on each one to install them one by one.
However, if any error message is encountered when installing .NET Framework
2.0 and the update, please capture a screenshot for further research.


Nov 3, 2007, 11:35:00 AM11/3/07
Hi. i have the same problem and its pissing me off.
i tried to solve it by doing what you just mentioned, but i can't seem to
find Windows Installer Clean Up after i install it, so i cannot use it... any
ideas why? it just doesn't seem to be installed in the computer. weird... and
i cannot follow the rest of the instructions 'cause i can't remove ,Net...

HELP, please.


Nov 5, 2007, 3:27:02 PM11/5/07
Our problem was solved by removing and re-installing .NET 2.0 manually.

Windows Update is now working correctly on the Vista machine. Bobby Locksville

Nov 11, 2007, 6:37:01 PM11/11/07
anyone else havint this problem with WINDOWS VISTA UPDATE issues,

I cant seem to get the system to update at all
and al lI get is this error



Nov 15, 2007, 9:27:00 PM11/15/07
I'm having this too and the Turn Windows Features on or off is empty!
Help :\


Jan 26, 2008, 2:58:00 AM1/26/08
I followed the instructions and got a message box about this program being an
unknown publisher and it wanted me to confirm to run the program. When I
confirmed to run the program I got a second message box that said,
"F:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe is not a valid Win32 application".

So you can see this did not work for me.

MowGreen [MVP]

Jan 26, 2008, 10:07:44 AM1/26/08
You do realize that you responded to a post from 10/15/2007, right ?

> X-Newsreader: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000

Oooops ... no, you don't.
F:\WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe would mean that you are attempting to
install the Windows Update Agent from drive F:\
Is there an F:\ drive on your system ?
Download the WUA and move it to the drive where Windows is installed to.
usually, C:\. Then install it from there.

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2008]

*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten


Jan 29, 2008, 10:01:04 PM1/29/08

Ken D

Sep 28, 2008, 9:06:01 PM9/28/08

I got the Windows Installer Cleanup tool, but once it was running, I could
not find any entry for the .NET Framework.

Ken D

Sep 28, 2008, 9:16:01 PM9/28/08
After Cleanup could not find .NET Framework, I went to the next link to
install .NET Framework v2.0 Redisributable Package and after running it, it
said: .NET is already installed as part of your operating system.

I then went to the next link for the .NET Framework 2.o Security Update for
Vista and running that told me that it was not compatible with my system.

Ken D

Sep 28, 2008, 9:18:11 PM9/28/08
Yes. I have the same error and have tried each fix in this thread but they
have not worked for me.

Derek C

Oct 4, 2008, 7:12:01 PM10/4/08
I tried this same thing. I have a drive C and drive D. drive C is the main
drive and D is the recovery drive. I followed the instructions above and
installed on drive D. I received an error trying to run the program not a
valid win32 program. I moved to drive C like you suggested and still receive
the error.

Derek C

Oct 4, 2008, 7:12:02 PM10/4/08

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Oct 4, 2008, 7:26:52 PM10/4/08
Please begin a new thread about /your/ problem, Derek.


Nov 12, 2008, 6:21:02 PM11/12/08
Same thing happened to me
no .net file and the next steps wouldnt work
any other suggestions? Very frustrated

Dec 21, 2008, 9:29:02 PM12/21/08
I tried all of these fixes and eventully put in my VISTA cd to use the
upgrade option. However, the "upgrade" is not available and it says the only
option is to re-install vista (i.e NUKE AND PAVE). I would prefer to find an
option that won't take me 2 days to re-install all my software, printers,
etc.....this donesn't seem like a good option....any other suggestions?


Dec 22, 2008, 7:20:56 AM12/22/08

Very frustrated wrote:
:: I tried all of these fixes and eventully put in my VISTA cd to use

:: the upgrade option. However, the "upgrade" is not available and it
:: says the only option is to re-install vista (i.e NUKE AND PAVE). I
:: would prefer to find an option that won't take me 2 days to
:: re-install all my software, printers, etc.....this donesn't seem
:: like a good option....any other suggestions?


0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND
Corrupted System File; Need to perform an in-place upgrade or reinstall of
the OS.

Ignore the title you could try SFC : Some Windows Vista functions may not
work, or Windows Vista may stop responding
Tells you about SFC (no guarantees) you still may have t reinstall the OS.

BTW - always start your own thread.

TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2009 - Update Services
How to ask a question:
Disclaimer: The information has been posted "as is" with no warranties
or guarantees and doesn't give any rights. Computer Maintenance:
Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco


Jan 6, 2009, 9:01:01 PM1/6/09
I managed to install the clean up utility, but, like most of us, I could not
find .NET Framework 2.0 in the list to remove it. Help! How come Microsoft
hasn't come up with a reasonable response for those of us who are still
suffering?!! How long till they come through??


Jan 21, 2009, 6:25:01 AM1/21/09
BY chance - do most people that are experiencing this problem have Norton
Internet Security? If you look at your installed updates - it will show you
when the last update succeeded. The Windows Defender and Malicious Updates
have worked even with the 64x updates fail. Mine go back to when Norton
Security center was installed. I turned it off, but still get error - may
try uninstalling Norton and see if it corrects it. I will repost afterwards.


Jan 27, 2009, 1:12:40 PM1/27/09
did your update service stop working on the 18th December 2008
mine and another persons did.
my last update was the Internet explorer 7 security update KB960714

i tried everything else as well... still nothing.
just trying to find the link


Jan 30, 2009, 8:32:00 AM1/30/09

"IHatethis!@#$" wrote:

> i tryd that but i cant the .net frame work file

Fm: jakhoo...
Windows Vista

ye... thats right. i tried all that and still have the error 80070490.
the lengthy display above comes originally from a blog by Andreas Klein (if
i'm not wrong!)
I also tried to find an answer on But no success.
why don't the smart guys from Microsoft - Brahma of Vista - do something
about it?


Feb 3, 2009, 8:32:26 PM2/3/09
Did you look in the registry for the .NET file? I had some issues with the
.NET Framework and found it under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Microsoft
| .NETFramework. I had to delete the version in question; in my case it was
v2.0.50727. I deleted that key and was then able to proceed. ***NOTE***
Messing with the registry could cause the system to not work. I'm not saying
this is the way to proceed but it worked for me.


Feb 4, 2009, 7:38:01 AM2/4/09

I'm not good at this techie stuff. Tried to find .NET Framework (as you
suggest) and came up with (some same as yours), but too scared to delete/make
changes in the Registry. Can you guide please? OS; Windows Vista SP1:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32\DisplayName : Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32\Description : Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\Services\clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32\DisplayName : Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet003\Services\clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32\Description : Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32\DisplayName : Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v2.0.50727_X86
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32\Description : Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN

***NOTE**** THIS IS NOT THE COMPLETE LIST (because i can't insert more than
30000 characters)


Feb 4, 2009, 4:31:01 PM2/4/09
I haven't worked with Vista yet so these steps are for XP...
The first thing you want to do is back up the registry. In the Registry
Editor on the menu bar go to File | Export. Name the file something you can
remember, I usually put the date in it to help me and then save it to a
location easy to get to, like C:\temp\ or something. Now that you have a .reg
file there, if there are any problems with the registry, just double-click
the .reg file and it will ask if you want to add it to the registry. Try it
out before attempting to delete anything.

Now that you have a clean snapshot of your registry that you can reload to
put it back as it was originally, go in and delete one of the keys. Reboot
the machine and see if you have any glitches. If yes, reload the saved .reg
file; if no, delete another key and repeat. This is slow and tedious but if
you're not comfortable with the registry this is the only way to do it


Feb 4, 2009, 5:39:08 PM2/4/09
to explains how to backup and restore
the registry for Vista.


Feb 16, 2009, 3:20:01 AM2/16/09
I get an unrecoverable error when I try to download windows up date

"frustration" wrote:

> The real questions are WHY this happens and WHY it can't be found on the msn
> site itself.
> I had to google to find this article.


Feb 16, 2009, 11:12:28 AM2/16/09
Read this: How to ask a question:

Start your own thread and provide all the necessary information.

Thank you.

:) wrote:
:: I get an unrecoverable error when I try to download windows up date


Feb 17, 2009, 7:34:00 PM2/17/09

Has anyone actually ever fixed this problem? I've seen all the posts on
what to do but haven't seen any saying problem solved.

In my case update log shows all of the Defender Updates were successful
and all the Windows Search 4.0 fails.

I'm using Dell 1330 laptop, 2.4 GHz, 4Gig RAM, Vista Ultimate on D

Thanks for any guidance.


Posted via


Apr 17, 2009, 2:26:01 AM4/17/09
This doesn't work for me. There is no .NET framework in Windows Installer
Clean Up screen and thus no way to remove it.


Apr 17, 2009, 2:25:01 AM4/17/09
This doesn't work for me. It failed at

> > Step 2: Reinstall Windows Update Agent 3.0

Windows Update Agent failed to install. I guess that this may be older than
the one I have. I am running Vista SP1, and this article is posted
8/19/2007. What's the latest Windows update Agent?


Apr 17, 2009, 2:40:00 AM4/17/09
I tried what MS support suggests: in place upgrade. This failed also after a
very long process of trying to do the upgrade.

"frustration" wrote:

> The real questions are WHY this happens and WHY it can't be found on the msn
> site itself.
> I had to google to find this article.

PA Bear [MS MVP]

Apr 17, 2009, 3:14:28 AM4/17/09
Wipe & reload.


Apr 17, 2009, 5:56:59 AM4/17/09
0x80070490 - ERROR_NOT_FOUND
Corrupted System File; Need to perform an in-place upgrade or reinstall of
the OS.

I agree with PA Bear, wipe and reload.


JC wrote:
:: I tried what MS support suggests: in place upgrade. This failed


Nov 2, 2009, 3:39:03 PM11/2/09

my PC didn't come with a CD/DVD to put into my PC to fix my problem and I
shouldn't have to go buy a new one . Any idea's

Shenan Stanley

Nov 2, 2009, 4:57:15 PM11/2/09

Jesse wrote:
> my PC didn't come with a CD/DVD to put into my PC to fix my problem
> and I shouldn't have to go buy a new one . Any idea's

No - you shouldn't have to go buy a new DVD (Vista comes on DVD.)

You should get those who sold the system to you to provide the installation
media to you that you are entitled to. In other words - whom ever you
purchased the system from needs to provide a way for you to return the
system to it's 'as sold' state (if this was not an
individual/person-to-person purchase) and you should demand they provide you
with the instructions how to do this and/or the DVD you need.

Shenan Stanley
How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

Rick C

Dec 29, 2009, 3:49:02 PM12/29/09
maybe should try my way to fix it

download the Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime Native v1.0 (x86) and run it,
that is all the problem solve for me.

I can't find it on Microsoft supports site, I have to go google search the
link is at below Dylan S.

Dec 31, 2009, 12:16:01 AM12/31/09
Yeah, Same here. When i went through the control panel to look at my
installed programs, the framework was still there. so i tried
uninstalling it from there and it said "This action is only valid for
products that are currently installed". So that microsoft install cleanup
tool didnt work, i found the .net stuff and deleted it with the tool before i
ttried uninstalling through the control panel.

Now what am i supposed to do without any .net framework and no way too
reinstall it??

this is really pissing me off as well and microsoft needs to jump on this

Shenan Stanley

Dec 31, 2009, 6:22:25 PM12/31/09
Dylan S. wrote:
> Yeah, Same here. When i went through the control panel to look at my
> installed programs, the framework was still there. so
> i tried uninstalling it from there and it said "This action is only
> valid for products that are currently installed". So that microsoft
> install cleanup tool didnt work, i found the .net stuff and deleted
> it with the tool before i ttried uninstalling through the control
> panel.
> Now what am i supposed to do without any .net framework and no way
> too reinstall it??
> this is really pissing me off as well and microsoft needs to jump
> on this quick.

Microsft needs to jump on what quick? The fact that *your* computer is
messed up but millions of others are not - so it is obviously their fault?
Yeah - I bet they will get right on that. ;-P

10/100/1000/10000 problems does not an incident make when you are talking
1000000/10000000 systems in total. Something is wrong with *your* system -
something corrupted it/messed it up bad. Could be a whole bunch of things -
even back to the original installation (or most likely imaging) from the
manufacturer. Given that not every Microsoft Windows user (not even 50%
from what I have seen, I'd venture to say less than 2%, probably less than
1% - but that is pure speculation by observation) is having the issue - it's
more likely an issue with the specific systems than an issue Microsoft
caused and should fix. (They have caused and had to fix problems in the

So - let's go through your problem *if* you are wanting to fix it.

You should get the edition and version information...

Start button --> RUN
(no "RUN"? Press the "Windows Key" + R on your keyboard)
--> type in:
--> Click OK.

The picture at the top of the window that opens will give you the general
(Operating System name and edition) while the line starting with the word
"version" will give you the rest of the story. Post _both_ in response
to this message verbatim. No paraphrasing - instead - ensure
character-for-character copying. That's the edition (in the top picture)
and the exact version number in detail (the 'version' line.)

Is your Operating System 32-bit or 64-bit?

What version of Internet Explorer are you currently using? Easy to find
out. Open Internet Explorer and while that is in-focus, press and hold
the "ALT" key on your keyboard. With the "ALT" key still pressed, press
(just once, no holding) the "H" key. Now, with the "ALT" key still
pressed, press (just once, no holding) the "A" key. That will bring up
the "About Internet Explorer" window. It will give you the exact version
you are using - repeat what you see there in response to this message.

What AntiVirus application are you using? (Name and exact version, please.)
- Was any flavor of "Norton" products ever installed?
- Was any flavor of "McAfee" products ever installed?

Do you have a third party firewall - or are you using the built-in Windows
XP firewall?

Do you ever run any antimalware applications? If so - which ones and when
did you scan with them last (full scan, not quick)?

Since I do not know your Operating System (OS) yet...

Reboot so you start with a fresh machine. For everything here you will
need to logon as an user with administrative (installation) priviledges.

Download/install the "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility":

After installing, do the following:

Start button --> RUN
(no "RUN"? Press the "Windows Key" + R on your keyboard)
--> type in:
"%ProgramFiles%\Windows Installer Clean Up\msizap.exe" g!
--> Click OK.
(The quotation marks and percentage signs and spacing should be exact.)

It will flash by *quick*, don't expect much out of this step to get
excited about. But the cleaner your machine is to start with, the
better your luck will be later (not really luck - more like preparedness,
but that's not as fun to think about, eh?)

Yeah - you will get tired of rebooting - but let's soldier on and reboot
again and logon as an user with administrative priviledges.

This time (and this is one of the more time-consuming steps) you will be
running (one at a time with a reboot in-between) three different
anti-spyware/anti-malware applications to ensure you come up clean.

Download, install, run, update and perform a full scan with the following
(freeware version):


Reboot and logon as administrative user.

Download, install, run, update and perform a full scan with the following
(freeware version):


Reboot and logon as administrative user.

Download and run the MSRT manually:

You may find nothing, you may find only cookies, you may think it is a
waste of time - but if you do all this and report back here with what you
do/don't find as you are doing all of it - you are adding more pieces to
the puzzle and the entire picture just may become clearer and your
problem resolved.

Reboot and logon as administrative user.

At this point - if the machine was mine - I would follow these directions:

In other words... Use the .NET Cleanup Tool (Method 2), reboot and install
the .NET Updates in this order:

- .Net Framework 3.5
- .Net Framework 1.1
- .Net Framework 1.1 SP1

Should be good to go.

Needs repeating in full?
When installing updates using Windows update or Microsoft Update you may
receive Error 0x643 or 0x80070643 (23 Oct-09)


Step #1 => Before doing anything else, write down what .NET Framework
versions are currently installed:

How to determine which versions of the .NET Framework are installed and
whether service packs have been applied

Step #2 => Now see Resolution Method 2 in this related KB article...

When you try to install an update for the .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, 3.0,
or 3.5, you may receive Windows Update error code "0x643" or Windows
Installer error code "1603" (ignore the title, if need be)

After running the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool, reinstall all .NET Framework
versions (but only the ones you wrote down in #1 above) manually using the
download links on the page then run Windows Update manually to install
security updates for same.

NB: If you remove .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1) using the tool, reinstalling .NET
Framework 3.5 will also install .Net Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2; then
Windows Update will offer .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

IMPORTANT! => If you remove .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1), reinstall your .NET
Framework versions in the following order:

1. .Net Framework 3.5, then...
2. .Net Framework 1.1, then...
3. .Net Framework 1.1 SP1

NB: KB923100 references this page: Please read
ALL of it as well as the related page before using the .NET
Framework Cleanup Tool.

Come back - let everyone know if this fixed the problem you were having with
your system.

Dylan S.

Jan 3, 2010, 2:34:01 AM1/3/10
NONE of this shit is helping!
The freaking installer cleanup tool made things worse! Now not only is the
old .net framework still installed on the computer, but now i can't uninstall
it through the control panel! what the hell!

Can someone please replay with a email address for microsoft?


Jan 7, 2010, 1:01:01 PM1/7/10
I followed your first step, and I installed the program.
But in my WebServer2008 I haven´t .NT Framework 2.0.

What I have to do ????
Have I to install it to solve the problem???
I don´t use the Framework 2, I´m using the 3.5 Framework.


Feb 2, 2010, 4:13:01 PM2/2/10
i did the same thing as well and still no help. i tried to re-update it and
it failed again too.

"Ken D" wrote:

> After Cleanup could not find .NET Framework, I went to the next link to
> install .NET Framework v2.0 Redisributable Package and after running it, it
> said: .NET is already installed as part of your operating system.
> I then went to the next link for the .NET Framework 2.o Security Update for
> Vista and running that told me that it was not compatible with my system.
> "IHatethis!@#$" wrote:
> >
> >


Mar 23, 2010, 7:41:02 PM3/23/10
Hello everyone.

I had the same problem (80070490) with Windows Update on Vista 32 bits.
I tried everything I could find on Microsoft and other forums, nothing
really solved the problem, so what I did was download the updates directly
from the Microsoft site by entering the update code on the search bar. It
took me to the download page and I installed by myself all missing updates
which would not install.
Windows update is working fine since.
I hope this helps.



Jun 7, 2010, 4:08:57 AM6/7/10

"MowGreen [MVP]" wrote:

> it does not work, so a whole lot of hassle for FA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jun 16, 2010, 10:35:19 AM6/16/10
Did this work in the end?

Spacy Mike

Jul 2, 2010, 6:24:03 AM7/2/10
I have been having trouble with several computers at work with various
versions of .net updates. I spent all day on one user's pc. I had to use
software from a link on Microsoft's site to force some of the version of .net
to uninstall. Then I had to reinstall each .net version, one at a time, and
then install numersous .net updates. This took several reboots.

I think Microsoft should provide a partial refund of the purchase price
since they sold us a defective product, or a good product that they made
defective. If I took my vehicle into the shop, and they accidentally break my
windshield while changing oil, they are liable for windshield repairs.

I can imagine how frustrating, or impossible, for most people to have to
deal with this. I would assume that there are millions of computers out in
the world that will never ever get updated because of this fatal flaw. Some
of the other important updates won't install until this flawed uninstallable
update is successfully installed.

Shenan Stanley

Jul 2, 2010, 11:43:42 AM7/2/10

Spacy Mike wrote:
> I have been having trouble with several computers at work with
> various versions of .net updates. I spent all day on one user's pc.
> I had to use software from a link on Microsoft's site to force some
> of the version of .net to uninstall. Then I had to reinstall each
> .net version, one at a time, and then install numersous .net
> updates. This took several reboots.
> I think Microsoft should provide a partial refund of the purchase
> price since they sold us a defective product, or a good product
> that they made defective. If I took my vehicle into the shop, and
> they accidentally break my windshield while changing oil, they are
> liable for windshield repairs.
> I can imagine how frustrating, or impossible, for most people to
> have to deal with this. I would assume that there are millions of
> computers out in the world that will never ever get updated because
> of this fatal flaw. Some of the other important updates won't
> install until this flawed uninstallable update is successfully
> installed.

Not everyone has the .NET Framework issue. I don't have it nor have any of
the machines I manage had it. Something changed some things on the
computers in question and if it was something from Microsoft that everyone
would get then why isn't everyone in the same boat?

I have had to help people fix this - but in the end - it isn't an 'across
the board' issue. I even freshly installed a computer the other day
(starting with Windows XP Home Edition with SP3) and patched it using the
windowsupdate web page with over 125 post-SP3 patches in large batches just
to see if I could recreate the issues people have with doing the updates
(not just these, mind you - others as well.) It patched with everything no
problem and is running strong.

So - while I feel your pain - it is your pain. Something changed on the
machine in question (agreed) - but I think you are throwing the bame around
just to feel better about doing what is obviously part of your job (IT
support). Microsoft did not force .NET Framework 2.x/3.x/4.x on you/your
computers nor did they decide what else was to be installed on the computers
or in what order or who used it or the other configuration settings, etc.

Your example assumes the employees of the 'the shop' broke your window while
changing your oil in the standard manner and no vehicle changes were made
they were unaware of and no third party entity was involved. If some third
party came by and shot up the shop for whatever reason - the shop is not
liable for your broken window. If a freak storm blew limbs around while
your car was there and a linb crashed into your window - not the shops
fault. If you modified your car with some third party parts and did not
notify the shop of the changes (or just did not think it should matter) and
the new pressure of the type of oil you chose made some part shoot off and
the part landed miraculously on your windshield and broke it - not the shops
responsibility. Your example isn't bad - but it is incomplete. ;-)

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