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WMP won't run, erroe is: wmplayer.exe is version where was expected

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не прочитано,
28 янв. 2006 г., 16:53:3228.01.2006
The error block reads as follows:

The file wmplayer.exe has a version number of where was expected.
Windows Media Player is not installed properly and must be reinstalled.
Do you want to install the player from the Microsoft Web site?

If you click yes, and try to reinstall WMP 10 from Microsoft, it refuses
to install saying:

A more recent version of Windows Media Player is already installed.
A more recent version of Windows Media Player is already running on your
computer. Setup cannot continue.

Can't rollback the upgrade to WMP 10 because it is part of the operating
system, and cannot be uninstalled.

Any ideas?
Computer is HP Pavillion m7277c XP Pro - Media Center Edition, brand
new, w servive pack 2 preloaded

Joe Stoetzel


не прочитано,
28 янв. 2006 г., 21:11:2628.01.2006
Somewhere along the way the WMP install got messed up. You can possibly work
around the error with the below steps. Once you do this you may want to try
re-installing WMP again from Windows Update.

1. Start -> Run -> Regedit
2. Delete the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Setup\Installed
Versions\wmplayer.exe regkey
3. Open WMP



не прочитано,
5 февр. 2006 г., 16:18:2805.02.2006
I had the same problem and your suggested solution worked. Thank you very


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