I got this Error :
out-lineoutput : Output: object of type
is not legal or not in the
correct sequence.
on the following line
get-acl $file | fl
on the commandline it did work, also in the following test script.
Function Test {
get-acl test.txt | fl
I even started with sleep for testing, then a get-acl before the
Set-acl, also no use.
b.t.w. its all working also. the rights are set.
then I remarked all the lines and started testing (see samples below sig),
after enabling the line :
(a test if the user is valid.)
the get-acl stopped working (except for giving the error if used with FL)
if I past this lines on the CLI it works also.
$ar = new
get-acl $file | fl
I'm out of ideas, someone an Idea what is happening here ?
gr /\/\o\/\/
MSH>function SetAclTxt {
>> Param ($file,$user,
>> [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]$Rights,
>> [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]$access)
>> $ar = new
>> $file
>> get-acl $file | fl
>> #$acl = get-acl $file
>> #$acl.AccessToString
>> #$acl.SetAccessRule($ar)
>> #get-acl $file
>> #set-acl $file $acl
>> #sleep 1
>> #get-acl $file
>> }
MSH>SetAclTxt "test.txt" "Test" "fullcontrol" "Allow"
Path : FileSystem::G:\MOWSH\test.txt
Owner : computer\mow
Group : computer\None
Access : computer\test Allow FullControl
BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FullControl
computer\mow Allow FullControl
BUILTIN\Users Allow ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
Audit : .....
MSH>function SetAclTxt {
>> Param ($file,$user,
>> [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]$Rights,
>> [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]$access)
>> $ar = new
>> $file
>> get-acl $file | fl
>> #$acl = get-acl $file
>> #$acl.AccessToString
>> #$acl.SetAccessRule($ar)
>> #get-acl $file
>> #set-acl $file $acl
>> #sleep 1
>> #get-acl $file
>> }
MSH>SetAclTxt "test.txt" "Test" "fullcontrol" "Allow"
BinaryLength AccountDomainSid
------------ ----------------
out-lineoutput : Output: object of type
is not legal or not in the
correct sequence.
I'm not sure if this by design or a bug, but if you only mix simple types
(strings, integers etc.) and MSH formatting info, it works:
MSH> "test"; get-date | format-list
But mixing more complex objects and MSH formatting info gives an error:
MSH> get-date; get-date | format-list
out-lineoutput : Output: object of type "System.Management.Automation...
So add a "| format-list" after $ar.IdentityReference.Translate and the last
function should work.
>> function SetAclTxt {
>>> Param ($file,$user,
>>> [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]$Rights,
>>> [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]$access)
>>> $ar = new
> System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user,$Rights,$access)
> #$ar.IdentityReference.Translate([System.Security.Principal.securityidentifier])
>>> $file
>>> get-acl $file | fl
>>> #$acl = get-acl $file
>>> #$acl.AccessToString
>>> #$acl.SetAccessRule($ar)
>>> #get-acl $file
>>> #set-acl $file $acl
>>> #sleep 1
>>> #get-acl $file
>>> }
>> SetAclTxt "test.txt" "Test" "fullcontrol" "Allow"
> test.txt
> Path : FileSystem::G:\MOWSH\test.txt
> Owner : computer\mow
> Group : computer\None
> Access : computer\test Allow FullControl
> BUILTIN\Administrators Allow FullControl
> computer\mow Allow FullControl
> BUILTIN\Users Allow ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
> Audit : .....
>> function SetAclTxt {
>>> Param ($file,$user,
>>> [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]$Rights,
>>> [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]$access)
>>> $ar = new
> System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($user,$Rights,$access)
> $ar.IdentityReference.Translate([System.Security.Principal.securityidentifier])
>>> $file
>>> get-acl $file | fl
>>> #$acl = get-acl $file
>>> #$acl.AccessToString
>>> #$acl.SetAccessRule($ar)
>>> #get-acl $file
>>> #set-acl $file $acl
>>> #sleep 1
>>> #get-acl $file
>>> }
Kevin Loo [MSFT]
Microsoft Command Shell Development
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"/\/\o\/\/" <n...@Spam.mow> ???????:OhuXgNnC...@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...
I think it's realy a bug,
look at this example (more the original) I'm not use Format-List
anywhere (hard-coded) and the Translate is a couple of lines up.
still I got no output untill I add the FL.
how should I have a clue what is happening here ?
(I would accept it if it was only when used on 1 line, but not in a
whole function)
function SetAclTxt {
Param ($file,$user,
$ar = new
$acl = get-acl $file
get-acl $file
set-acl $file $acl
get-acl $file
gr /\/\o\/\/
Jouko Kynsijärvi wrote:
> The reason the last function gives the error is that you are outputting both
> raw objects and MSH formatting information generated by format-list.
> I'm not sure if this by design or a bug, but if you only mix simple types
> (strings, integers etc.) and MSH formatting info, it works:
> MSH> "test"; get-date | format-list
> ....
> But mixing more complex objects and MSH formatting info gives an error:
> MSH> get-date; get-date | format-list
> out-lineoutput : Output: object of type "System.Management.Automation...
> So add a "| format-list" after $ar.IdentityReference.Translate and the last
> function should work.
Thanks for the info, at least I have a clue now why it does happen.
Function Test {
$ar = new
#gi .
#get-acl test.txt
get-acl test.txt
if you remove the Comments (bottom-up), you see the output changing.
every time you remove a #. (funny, I did not see this before)
this happens as well in a function as in a script.
is it save to say the issue is that if you do not format an object
hard-coded in a script or function created with a CMDlet you will mess
up the output format of later commands and if you do this with a .NET
object you will get no output at all anymore?
gr /\/\o\/\/
Kevin Loo [MSFT]
Microsoft Command Shell Development
Microsoft Corporation
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
"/\/\o\/\/" <n...@Spam.mow> ???????:%235Vkesz...@TK2MSFTNGP10.phx.gbl...