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cumalitive explorer update stops R2 technologies update

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Audio Visual guy

29 dec 2006, 21:23:0029-12-2006
After a somewhat interesting install of SBS r2, I have hit a problem on the
last disc. Trying to install the R2 technologies disc ends up with the error
of cumalitive explorer update stopped the install. After looking through the
log, it seems that as the new update of explorer, already installed earlier
during updates, is stopping the install as it is a newer version and
therefore doesn't need the update provided on the disc. But at the same time
it stops the complete install, and I can't get any further.

As I have a close to perfect install going at the moment, I don't want to do
anything that would mess things up, My first instinct is to uninstall the new
exporer update, but that might effect other things, so I just wanted to ask

A few comments to the install, after reading here to install via the handy
andy web site, it should be noted that you should not follow his instructions
on the size of the c drive format size. I got caught on that one.

Also it is mentioned here on this site a few times that people are wondering
about the 8 gig C: dell servers, and also recommend readin andy's site,
which does explain why the 8 gigs is the number, but at the same time also
recommend the 8 gig size, which I am sure is for an earlier version, and yet
when I last checked was updated this Dec. Confuses me, yet I agree with all
comments about size of C: drive that I read here, I ended up making mine 30
gig, and wondering if that's going to be enough for all the updates.

I figure 4 hours of software installs and 6 hours of updates at the moment.
in time for this install so far, inclusive of a few more hours formatting etc.

This site provided me with a good insight into what I was doing as I was
going along and learning the install, the trifecta advice being very
realistic. Amazing what you can pack in one box, and how everything effects
everything else, and I haven't even gotten around to using it yet.

Thanks in advance


29 dec 2006, 22:45:0129-12-2006
If you have ie7 installed it will stop the update. You can check the log, if
it shows that it checked for ver 7.0 then that's your problem. Uninstall IE7
through the control panel. The try the install again. The software
installation needs to roll an update to ie6 before you install ie7. After R2
is installed the update service will eventually call for ie7 to be installed.

Audio Visual guy

29 dec 2006, 22:56:0129-12-2006
TY for the reply, just saw an earlier post also, wasn't there when I first
posted, or didn't see it. Was pretty sure that was the solution, but wanted
to make sure I wasn't pulling anything apart as everything seems to
interconnect on levels beyond my level...
Can't wait to start using it.


29 dec 2006, 23:13:0129-12-2006
Microsoft should add this little tid bit to the release notes on installing
R2. It isn't there, unless I missed the information. Many have gotten stuck
on this issue. Have a happy new year to every one.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

30 dec 2006, 03:26:4530-12-2006
There is a KB out there and per the info .. it only causes a bogus error
but does not stop the install.

Can all on this thread confirm that you are truly unable to complete the
R2 install with IE7?

That it's not a "bogus" error that can be ignored?

John F Kappler

30 dec 2006, 09:21:2730-12-2006
You only have an OK button and the install does not conplete.



Audio Visual guy

30 dec 2006, 09:56:0130-12-2006
As I had mentioned, I thought I had screwed up the first time by not seeing
something, but the second time through I looked at anything clickable, and
there is nothing there to choose what to install or anything else. I even
looked on the disc to see if I could get to componets. I honestly did not
believe that anyone could be so stupid as to put an update for one version of
explorer on an install disc, and stop the install if that condition is not
met. I truly understand your disbelief of our comments, but it's the way it

What I want to know haw a collective group can have such a brain spasm???
Isn't this exactly what Sharepoint is supposed to prevent? Think about it. Or
did they hire a new guy to burn the master disc?

But alas, second time through, no options, nothing to click, a box opens and
informs you that it can not install the cumalitive explorer update, and to
add insult to injury, tells you have have to run set up again.

The more I think about this, this is really going to be a major issue,
surpassing even the A: drive fiasco, short of MS recalling every R2 tech disc
out there. Get ready to see this get posted over and over. think or anyone
reinstalling this down the road.

The issue you is that you learn very quickly, which I read about here time
after time, is that you are very leary about touching anything you have
installed because I don't have a clue what interacts with what. In any other
workstation computer I would have just uninstalled, installed. If you look at
my post I was sure that was the solution. BUT, I still not have had anyone
confirm that nothing is going to get changed in this process that MIGHT
effect something else down the road.


30 dec 2006, 10:17:0030-12-2006
The install will not complete if ie7 is installed first. The log file
reports that if ie is 7.0 or greater the install stops. It is definate
problem and needs to be put in the installation notes when Microsoft does a
revision of the notes. The log states it wants to update ie6. What KB is
out there with info of bogus error, can you give me the KB#?
If ie7 was never installed the R2 completes. If ie7 is present and
uninstalled the R2 completes. If ie7 is present R2 does not complete.


30 dec 2006, 10:41:0130-12-2006
There dosn't appear to be any negatives about uninstalling ie7. It simply
reverts back to ie6. The R2 installation can then do its update for ie6 and
continue the installation to completion. This is of course there are no
other problems to stop the installation. WSUS will eventually update ie6 to
ie7. I hope this satisfys your worry about down the road problems.

Audio Visual guy

30 dec 2006, 13:30:0030-12-2006
Well I just finished uninstalling and installing the R2 tech disc. My initial
reaction is that all is good, but at the same time there were 2 things that
did confirm my thoughts on the matter.

Uninstalling IE7 opened a window that pointed out the following programs
were installed after IE7, and there might be issues with these programs after

In addition, when installing the R2 technologies, the install asked for disc
1 of SP1 install disc, and when I inserted disc 1 of the premium install
disc, it seemed to find the file it was looking for, then asked for the R2
disc and proceeded from there, and I'm in the process of synchronization as I

After that is done, I am going to upgrade back to IE7, just seems to make
the most sense at this point. Although I have read discussions about the need
for browsers at all, outside of updates, history has shown me, and more then
once the hard way, that current versions end up being the best. And in
addition, if I am going to use the update service, which I plan on, then I
should have the most current browser in use.

I'm sure only an MS response is really going to answer this one, along with
a new KB.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

31 dec 2006, 23:51:5431-12-2006
Because there are times that people report things and something else is
the issue.

It is not disbelief , but rather ensuring that all of you are doing the

You install IE7
YOu attempt to install R2
It gives an error.
You then go into System Management and the Update services isn't there
and you confirm that the R2 didn't install.

Not merely that it appears to fail to install, but that it really and
truly does not install.

Please post the r2 install log because we DO need to get to the bottom
of this.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

1 jan 2007, 00:04:5101-01-2007
But do you confirm that the Update services is truly not installed?
That is what I need all of you to confirm as I can't dup' this.
The KB is

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

1 jan 2007, 00:06:4701-01-2007
Can you guys all ping me with your R2 logs directly?
we need to get this investigated.
Bericht is verwijderd

Audio Visual guy

1 jan 2007, 16:47:0001-01-2007
Hi Susan,

There really isn't any checking needed as to the install, it never gets to
that point. It starts the install, goes through a check list, you can see
validating XXXX pop up, but it's really quick, and then at the validating
explorer, it stops, gives you the message, and asks if you want to run set up
again. This all within a minute at the most.

When it correctly installed, it took a while to load, 30 minutes or so,
wasn't really paying attention as I was reading this board. Point being it
never had time to load in the first instance without IE7 de-installed.

I reloaded IE7, and the search box (upper right corner) reappeared that I
had installed on the original IE7 set-up. As I had assumed, it rehooked to
things that had been installed.

I'm not sure how you are trying to recreate the failure. The one thing I
noticed while playing with the install in the early stages, is that things
get left on the drive even after formatting. And not just the activation
number. The reason I am saying this, is that I think you would either need a
totally fresh install of SBS on drives out of the box, or a low level format
of the drive you have to make this happen, or whatever you need to do to
really get everything off the drive. As strange as this seems, at least to
me, I don't think you'll be able to recreate the problem on a drive that had
the IE6 update installed, even if it isn't there anymore. Something in my gut
is telling me there is some kind of log with the activation number.

In my final install, I took the array apart, put it back together, formatted
C: in the array controller part, and then formatted it again in windows, and
there were still things on there. It never installed the same as the first
time, ever. I was ready to go to low level format when I came on here and
realized right or wrong, I really don't think anyone has a better answer at
the moment, and everything I did seems to work right.

Being an AV guy, I deal with a lot of computers, and am very good at
troubleshooting problems, it's what I do. Been there & done that too much.
Remember, you guys install & walk away, we install, then de-install, and so
on. Our systems never sit in one place for very long. I might have even set
up your presentation at a conference. At the same time we install servers and
workstations for comapnies that need to do training, and can't do it at their
facilities. I do not claim to be an expert in SBS, but have been called
MacGyver more then once.

As to the log, I am actually taking some time off, so I won't be back at the
server till tomorrow. Where would the log will be stored? I clicked on the
box that popped up after the error message, and the only option left was to
press next. After pressing next, a box pops up that tells you you can click
on log, and something else, can't remember what it was, and then that is
where it tells you what it was in the process of doing, and that IE =< then
7. So I don't know where to look for it on the server, or if it is even still

Audio Visual guy

1 jan 2007, 18:50:0001-01-2007

I just read the KB, should have done that before my last post. The KB is
actually right, very confusing, not written well, but right. The only thing
missing is that it does not install R2, and that you have to uninstall IE7.
It seems to be an option from the way it reads, but it isn't.

In Scenario 1 it should say:

4. You start the installation of Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2.

Under Resolution:
If this is the only message that you receive when you install or upgrade to
Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2, the error message is considered a
false negative and can be safely ignored. No additional action is required."

No additional action should be removed. Or stating that it won't effect
anything if you did install IE7, i.e. it is safe to uninstall.

And under WORKAROUND it should say:

To continue install, or prevent this problem, do not install, or uninstall
IE7. And then linked to another KB to uninstall...

Did this section load differently before, maybe a change in a new disc

I read the KB the same way you did , as though it should pass right by that

But, if you read the following, it says it dumps out before the install:

"In these scenarios, you receive the following error message on the
Component Messages page:
Setup encountered an error while installing the cumulative security update
for Internet Explorer. For more information see the log files at C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Integration\Windows Small Business Server
Additionally, when the Windows Small Business Server 2003 Wizard is
finished, you receive the following error message :
Setup was not successful"

This is the point where it askes if you want to re-run set up. If you say no
you're out of the set up program, if you say yes it takes you back to the
start. Basically an unending loop from there unless you do something like
uninstall IE7.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

3 jan 2007, 05:10:1403-01-2007
Agreed, but my point is IE7 shouldn't break the install.

All it "should" do is give off a bogus error message but R2 should still
install IE7 or no IE7.

Leythos wrote:
> I guess, and don't take this wrong, the general impression I have is
> that IE7 should be avoided at all costs on production servers and most
> workstations.
> We've seen more than 50 instances where IE7 has caused issues for DSL
> customers, where web based applications that require ActiveX are broken,
> and other issues with applications related to network functions.
> At almost every client, before IE7 was published, we used the blocker
> tool provided by MS, to block the IE7 update/download, and we've not had
> any problems with those clients.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

3 jan 2007, 05:14:0503-01-2007
It's the R2 install log.
Yes it's still there.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration\Windows Small Business Server


I do beta testing all the time on VMware clean boxes and I'm not
recreating this is my issue.

I install IE7
I go to install R2
It throws the bogus error but it still completes.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

3 jan 2007, 05:16:1403-01-2007
But that's what we need to get to the bottom of...because it should just
be a bogus error and R2 should still install even if IE 7 is installed.

Audio Visual guy

4 jan 2007, 14:59:0004-01-2007
Susan, Check your e-mail, I sent you a copy of the log.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

5 jan 2007, 03:46:3705-01-2007
You sent the IE patch log, I need the R2 install log file.

Susan Bradley, CPA aka Ebitz - SBS Rocks [MVP]

5 jan 2007, 03:47:4105-01-2007
I need your log file.

There's a finish button and it really does complete.

Audio Visual guy

7 jan 2007, 15:51:0007-01-2007
I didn't send you the log as I was waiting for the SP3 install to load, which
in the end answered my question for me. Didn't want to mess with it while it
was accessing folders.

I just posted a new post on the site, but bottom line is that the
installtion error reporting system is either wiped out or corrupted during
the IE7 issue.

At this point I am very tempted to allow you direct access to my server. It
is still in the loop state, but it seems that everything is working fine,
which there really isn't any reason for it not to be. Let me know what you
think, or what else you might want to see, etc. as I will be in the office
tomorrow with some time to put to this.

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