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Invoking PowerShell from WScript via COM

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Joris van Lier

non lue,
18 mars 2007, 15:49:2718/03/2007
Hi all, i'm m trying to do something that doesn't seem possible using default powershell and i'm hitting a bump ?with setting my interface as the default one? / ignorance about COM.
As per the subject i'm trying to expose RunspaceInvoke to WScript via COM Interop, to do that i've created an interface and a class that implements the interface and decorated these with com interop attributes, i sign the assembly and use regasm with the /tlb and /codebase parameters to register my assembly.
This works from powershell

PS> $psi = new-object -comObject PSInvoker; $psi.Invoke("Get-Help")

returns the output of the invoked command as a string. However from WScript i cannot use the method, in a VBScript i try

Dim psi
Set psi = CreateObject("PSInvoker")
WScript.Echo psi.Invoke("Get-Help")

and the PSInvoker object Can be created, but i think it doesn't bind to the right interface because the 3rd line errs

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'psi.Invoke'

When looking at the published COM Object using OLE Viewer i can see that the _Object interface is the first interface.

My first question obviously is: Should i at all try to do this, i guess there the smart people on the PowerShell team have a reason not to expose RunspaceInvoke to COM
Second: Is there a way to expose a .NET interface to or consume such an interface from COM clients like WScript?

C# Code for PSInvoker

using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Management.Automation;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public interface _PSInvoker
string Invoke(string script);
PSObject[] InvokeGetArray(string script);
public class PSInvoker : _PSInvoker
// Implements _PSInvoker
// Use the Region directive to define a section named COM Guids.
#region "COM GUIDs"
// These GUIDs provide the COM identity for this class
// and its COM interfaces. You can generate
// these guids using guidgen.exe
public const string ClassId = "D697F920-2886-4DF9-B7C0-68712C60B254";
public const string InterfaceId = "56C7535B-27BD-4E8B-8512-253C97FC96C3";
public const string EventsId = "FC367EC7-8F48-4044-971D-4638BAFC2334";
public const string ProgId = "PSInvoker";
private RunspaceInvoke runspaceInvoke;
public PSInvoker() : base()
runspaceInvoke = new RunspaceInvoke();

//Implements _PSInvoker.Invoke
public string Invoke(string script)
Collection<PSObject> colResults = new Collection<PSObject>();
colResults = runspaceInvoke.Invoke(script);
string strResult = String.Empty;
foreach (PSObject obj in colResults) {
strResult += obj.ToString();
return strResult;
//Implements _PSInvoker.InvokeGetArray
public PSObject[] InvokeGetArray(string script)
Collection<PSObject> colResults = new Collection<PSObject>();
colResults = runspaceInvoke.Invoke(script);
PSObject[] arrResults = new PSObject[colResults.Count + 1];
colResults.CopyTo(arrResults, 0);
return arrResults;

Joris van Lier

non lue,
28 mars 2007, 10:53:2328/03/2007
Joris van Lier wrote:
> Hi all, i'm m trying to do something that doesn't seem possible using
> default powershell and i'm hitting a bump ?with setting my interface
> as the default one? / ignorance about COM.
> As per the subject i'm trying to expose RunspaceInvoke to WScript via
> COM Interop, to do that i've created an interface and a class that
> implements the interface and decorated these with com interop
> attributes, i sign the assembly and use regasm with the /tlb and
> /codebase parameters to register my assembly.
> This works from powershell

I'm still interested in invoking .NET COM objects from WScript, my problems probably have more to do with COM in general that with Powershell, so i'll take this question to a .NET interop group, but would still appreciate any insight from the powershell side of things.


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