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Windows XP WMI Reinstall

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Paul Jenkins

Apr 20, 2004, 3:00:31 PM4/20/04

The WMI service won't start on my XP system. Can anyone tell me iof there's
a repair or reinstall option ? Thanks.


Chung-Wei Foong [MSFT]

Apr 20, 2004, 6:21:06 PM4/20/04
Is the WMI service being disabled on the machine? What is the error code
when you try to start it?

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"Paul Jenkins" <citpaj@don'> wrote in message

Paul Jenkins

Apr 20, 2004, 10:55:08 PM4/20/04
WMI is set to automatic startup. It doesn't start at boot time. Nothing in
the SYSTEM event log.

When I try to manually start WMI I get an rather generic error dialog
stating "The Windows Management Instrumentation service on Local Computer
started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no
work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service."

Also F.Y.I. I tried to install the newest WMI Tools and MSI installer
errored leaving the following in the APPLICATION event log:

"Product: WMI Tools -- Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows
Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as
expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action
CompileMof1, location: C:\Program Files\WMI Tools\DoMofcmp.exe, command: /s
"C:\Program Files\WMI Tools\EViewer.mof" "


"Chung-Wei Foong [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Paul Jenkins

Apr 20, 2004, 11:01:34 PM4/20/04
Also F.Y.I., the Event Log Service is started cleanly (I've seen other info
on the web referring to WMI problems if Event Log Service isn't started).


"Paul Jenkins" <citpaj@don'> wrote in message


Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]

Apr 21, 2004, 3:45:09 AM4/21/04
From a very old post of mine in this same forum,
how to check why WinMmgt became un-usable and how to repair it.


Try to remove, if they are there


Some legacy application from the Win9x era are known to create
those key that impair many DCOM functionality on the machine.

check the following registry key
HKLM\System\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM\AutoRecover MOFs
it is supposed to have a list of *.MOF and *.MFL files, and it MUST begin
with cimwin32.mof
There are ISP connection kits and .NET Framework setups known to corrupt
this key.
Please delete it content if it appears to have few files or if it appears

check if in %windir%\system32\wbem there are about 40 MOF files.
There are certain applications known to delete them.
If you don't have them, please recover them from the CD of WinXP.
The complete list is found in %windir%\IFM\wbemoc.inf

Please check the following:
-1- that you system path has still %windir%\system32\wbem in it.
-2- that there are no wmiutils.dll and wbemcomn.dll in the system path that
comes before the one in system32\wbem.

c:\>for %i in ("wbemcomn.dll") do (echo %~$PATH:i)
c:\>for %i in ("wmiutils.dll") do (echo %~$PATH:i)

check if the wbemutils.dll registered as a COM component comes from the OS
or from Visual Studio and/or other development tools.
Make sure the OS Supplied one is used.

enable versbose logging
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM:Logging(REG_SZ) = "2"
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM:Logging File Max Size (REG_SZ) =

find the PID of the svchost.exe process running WinMgmt
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WBEM\CIMOM:ProcessID (REG_DWORD) = XXX

crosss check the pid
c:\>tlist -s | findstr /i winmgmt
it must be the same as above, if not, trust tlist.exe more than the registry
for the steps below.

you can get "tlist .exe" and "kill.exe" (needed later)

c:\>sc config winmgmt start= disabled
c:\>kill -f XXX <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< pid obtained before
c:\>cd /D %windir%\system32\wbem
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>rmdir /s /q repository
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>rmdir /s /q Logs
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>mkdir Logs
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>for /R %i in (*.dll) do (regsvr32 /s %i)
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>regsvr32 /s fastprox.dll
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>for /R %i in (*.exe) do (%i -regserver) <<<<<<<<<<<<<
this will open wbemtest and/or wmic.exe. Just close it
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>sc config winmgmt start= auto
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>regsvr32 wbemupgd.dll <<<<<<<<<<<<<< this can take 30
seconds to 2 minutes
c:\WIN\system32\wbem>net start server && net start workstation && net start
AudioSrv && net start termservice

after this, please start %windir%\system32\wbem\wbemtest.exe,
and connect to the root\cimv2 namespace.

If something goes wrong, please read the logs under
%windir%\system32\wbem\Logs, just to see if there is something obviousely
wrong there.

After all of this is done, there might be misconfiguration problems
that have changed access permission to registry key and files for the
NetworkService account.
The NetworkService account is the one running one of the Provider Host.
To test if this can be the problem, you ca add NetworkService to the
administrators group
c:\>net localgroup administrators NetworkService /ADD
Please remember to remove it as soon as the misconfiguration problem have
been identified

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"Paul Jenkins" <citpaj@don'> wrote in message


Paul Jenkins

Apr 21, 2004, 11:14:25 PM4/21/04

I've completed the series of steps as outlined below and have a number of
errors to report. To make any sense of this for you I'd need to post quite
a large amount detail back here ... would you rather I do that or take this
off-line to e-mail and simply post the fix back to the group? Thanks.


"Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]" <> wrote in message

Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]

Apr 22, 2004, 9:20:46 PM4/22/04
It scares me that you had "multiple errors".
The procedure below was refined after many individuals
had reported single problems in small areas.

At the end of the steps, can you use wbemtest.exe to connect to
"root\default" ?

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"Paul Jenkins" <citpaj@don'> wrote in message


Paul Jenkins

Apr 23, 2004, 10:06:06 AM4/23/04
Scares me too :^)

Anyway, when I try to connect to root\cimv2 I get an error dialog as

Error (window title)
Number: 0x80080005
Facility: Windows
Description: Server execution failed
DISMISS (button)

Some of the errors or anomalies I referred to are:

Please wait while WMIC is being installed.
Parsing Mof File: C:\WINDOWS\System32\wbem\Cli.mof(Phase Error - 3)
Compiler returned error 0x80080005

Also, I couldn't get a PID for the winmgmts process because it's not running
(is it linked to the WMI server, that won't start?).



"Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]" <> wrote in message


Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]

Apr 23, 2004, 1:58:09 PM4/23/04
if the service has at least started, you should have its PID from

c:\>tlist -s | findstr /i winmgmt

The error below means pretty much that the server did not register with SCM,
or it crashed while servicing request for exposed CLSID.

If the procedure below did not fix it,
you must have compromised your machine pretty badly.
Re-Install the OS, since there has been too much alteration
of the default state to suggest meaningful recovery steps.

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"Paul Jenkins" <citpaj@don'> wrote in message


Paul Jenkins

Apr 23, 2004, 2:33:13 PM4/23/04
Can I do an in-place reinstallation without affecting existing applications
and configuration (and how do I do that for XP ... never tired it before)?


"Ivan Brugiolo [MSFT]" <> wrote in message


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