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6 mei 2005, 11:40:4706-05-2005
Is there a way to manipulate the color of a node outside the ColorMetric
property using the TreemapControl?

For example, I am interested in changing the background color of values of 0
from white to another color.

I've noted that the TreemapGenerator class has a DrawItem Event, but the
TreemapControl is lacking one.

Is there a way to force equal size subnodes within a parent node -
whitespace as a placeholder is acceptable if neccessary to keep the subnodes
the same size - the data is only 2 levels... I figure the EmptySpace object
might work in this case. Is it easy to determine the proper SizeMetric on
the fly after the layout?


Tony Capone

9 mei 2005, 20:33:1709-05-2005

You have control over the maximum and minimum colors, which are green and
red by default, but a Node.ColorMetric value of 0 is always white. (It
would have been possible to make the 0 color programmable also, but the
resulting color gradients would be meaningless in most cases. Would a
gradient of green-to-purple, and then purple-to-red make visual sense, for

TreemapGenerator supports custom drawing via the DrawItem event, but
TreemapControl does not. That is a requested feature that has not yet been

I'm not sure I understand your last question. The size of each node is
determined by its Node.SizeMetric property. If you want all children of a
parent node to be the same size, you would set the children's SizeMetric
properties all to the same value. If this isn't what you're asking, please
let me know.

-- Tony Capone

"Eric" <elongatdontspammegetcollccom> wrote in message


10 mei 2005, 11:21:0710-05-2005
I'm posting inline...

"Tony Capone" <> wrote in message

> Eric:
> You have control over the maximum and minimum colors, which are green and
> red by default, but a Node.ColorMetric value of 0 is always white. (It
> would have been possible to make the 0 color programmable also, but the
> resulting color gradients would be meaningless in most cases. Would a
> gradient of green-to-purple, and then purple-to-red make visual sense, for
> example?)

I think that being able to define the zero point is useful, perhaps not as
purple. The ability to define the zero point as say a greyscale centerpoint
- be it black or some other shade - allows flexibility on the coloring of
overall layout while still providing a neutral color.

Which, my solution may be in your second point...

> TreemapGenerator supports custom drawing via the DrawItem event, but
> TreemapControl does not. That is a requested feature that has not yet
> implemented.

Maybe the way to create a different coloring scheme is to wrap the
TreeGenerator in a custom control and take the information from the DrawItem
event to draw the leafs with custom coloring using the Draw method
with a rectangle in conjuntion with the DrawItem event.

> I'm not sure I understand your last question. The size of each node is
> determined by its Node.SizeMetric property. If you want all children of a
> parent node to be the same size, you would set the children's SizeMetric
> properties all to the same value. If this isn't what you're asking,
> let me know.

I was trying - unsuccessfully - to describe a QuantumTreemap:

What I was trying to ask was if there was a way to manipulate the EmptySpace
class for the leaf node at some point in the layout calculation to provide
the whitespace padding which would allow me to create a QuantumTreemap.


Tony Capone

10 mei 2005, 14:45:0510-05-2005

Your idea for wrapping the TreemapGenerator in a custom control and taking
advantage of TreemapGenerator's custom drawing facility is a good one. It's
actually quite easy to do. I'll attach some sample code in a separate

You can manipulate the EmptySpace object to provide empty space in each
node, but the layout algorithm we use is not going to give you the perfectly
square nodes I see in the QuantamTreemap. You can do this yourself if
you're using custom drawing and your drawing code uses its own layout
algorithm for the level-2 nodes, but it's not going to be as easy as letting
our component compute its default layout.

-- Tony Capone

"Eric" <elongatdontspammegetcollccom> wrote in message


Tony Capone

10 mei 2005, 14:50:3510-05-2005
Here is some sample code I wrote to draw a photo in each treemap node. It
shows how to wrap the
TreemapGenerator in a custom control and use owner (custom) drawing.

-- Tony Capone

using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Research.CommunityTechnologies.Treemap;

namespace Microsoft.Research.CommunityTechnologies.CustomTreemapPanel
// Class: TreemapPanel
/// <summary>
/// Represents a custom panel that displays an owner-drawn treemap. The
/// treemap nodes represent people. Each person's image is drawn in the
/// rectangle.
/// </summary>

public class TreemapPanel : Panel
// Constructor: TreemapPanel()
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the TreemapPanel class.
/// </summary>

public TreemapPanel()
// Create the treemap drawing engine.

m_oTreemapGenerator = new TreemapGenerator();

// We want to do owner drawing, so handle the DrawItem event.

m_oTreemapGenerator.DrawItem +=
new TreemapGenerator.TreemapDrawItemEventHandler(DrawItem);

m_oGraphics = null;

// Populate the treemap with Person objects.


// Avoid flicker while drawing. According to "Windows Forms
// Programming in C#," the following three styles are all required.

this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

// Force the panel to be redrawn when it's resized.

this.ResizeRedraw = true;


// Method: PopulateTreemap()
/// <summary>
/// Populates the treemap with Person objects.
/// </summary>

protected void
// Load some images to use for the Person objects.

Image oImage1 = Image.FromFile("..\\..\\Images\\Follow.jpg");
Image oImage2 = Image.FromFile("..\\..\\Images\\RedMoonDesert.jpg");
Image oImage3 = Image.FromFile("..\\..\\Images\\Tulips.jpg");

Nodes oNodes;
Node oNode;

// Get the collection of top-level nodes.

oNodes = m_oTreemapGenerator.Nodes;

// Create a Person object.

Person oPerson1 = new Person("Person1", oImage1);

// Add a top-level node to the collection. The treemap will be
// drawn, so the text and colorMetric arguments to the Add() method
// won't be used and can be set to anything.

oNode = oNodes.Add("", 25F, 0F);

// Store the Person object in the node's Tag.

oNode.Tag = oPerson1;

// Repeat for two more Person objects.

Person oPerson2 = new Person("Person2", oImage2);
oNode = oNodes.Add("", 50F, 0F);
oNode.Tag = oPerson2;

Person oPerson3 = new Person("Person3", oImage3);
oNode = oNodes.Add("", 75F, 0F);
oNode.Tag = oPerson3;

// Method: OnPaint()
/// <summary>
/// Handles the Paint event on the Panel.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">
/// Standard event argument.
/// </param>

protected override void
PaintEventArgs e

// Save the Graphics object so it can be accessed by OnDrawItem().

m_oGraphics = e.Graphics;

// Tell the TreemapGenerator to draw the treemap using owner-
// implemented code. This causes the DrawItem event to get fired
// each node in the treemap.


// All DrawItem events have been fired. Make sure the Graphics
// doesn't get used again.

m_oGraphics = null;

// Method: OnClick()
/// <summary>
/// Handles the Click event on the Panel.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">
/// Standard event argument.
/// </param>

protected override void
EventArgs e

// The coordinates are not provided in the event arguments, so we
// to get them from a static Control method.

Point oMousePositionScreen = Control.MousePosition;

// Convert the screen coordinates to this panel's client

Point oMousePositionClient =

// Get the node under this point, if there is one.

Node oClickedNode;

if ( m_oTreemapGenerator.GetNodeFromPoint(
oMousePositionClient.X, oMousePositionClient.Y,
out oClickedNode) )
// Retrieve the Person object from the clicked node's tag.

Debug.Assert(oClickedNode.Tag is Person);
Person oPerson = (Person)oClickedNode.Tag;

MessageBox.Show( String.Format(
"{0} node was clicked.",
) );

// Method: DrawItem()
/// <summary>
/// Handles the DrawItem event on the TreemapGenerator.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">
/// Standard event argument.
/// </param>
/// <param name="e">
/// Standard event argument.
/// </param>

protected void
Object sender,
TreemapDrawItemEventArgs e

// Retrieve the node that needs to be drawn.

Node oNode = e.Node;

// Retrieve the Person object from the node's tag.

Debug.Assert(oNode.Tag is Person);
Person oPerson = (Person)oNode.Tag;

// Make sure the Graphics object was properly set in the OnPaint()
// handler.

Debug.Assert(m_oGraphics != null);

// Draw the person's image in the specified rectangle. (This
// of DrawImage() distorts the image.)

m_oGraphics.DrawImage(oPerson.Image, e.Bounds);

// Method: AssertValid()
/// <summary>
/// Asserts if the object is in an invalid state. Debug-only.
/// </summary>


public void
Debug.Assert(m_oTreemapGenerator != null);

// Protected fields

/// Treemap drawing engine.

protected TreemapGenerator m_oTreemapGenerator;

/// Graphics object for drawing the panel. Valid only within the
/// call.

protected Graphics m_oGraphics;


"Tony Capone" <> wrote in message


10 mei 2005, 17:37:0510-05-2005
I appreciate your assistance.

I agree that the DrawItem solution seems to be the best direction for
attempting the coloring that we've discussed.

I've executed the code and I am looking forward to seeing how I can
best manipulate the output from the engine.

I'm not certain that I will persue the adventure of manipulating the
engine's output into a QuantumTreemap. It appears that the
Squarified Treemap will naturally tend towards a similar pattern
in large datasets when the SizeMetric is equally weighted among
all child leafs.


"Tony Capone" <> wrote in message


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