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Outlook 2007 does not like my AV program

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2007年2月22日 11:33:072007/2/22
I use Avast for my anti-virus needs. It worked fine with Outlook 2003.
However, I installed Office 2007 last night, and when starting Outlook, it
hung. It told me that the Avast add-in was causing a problem, and would I
like to disable it? I said "no", and then I rebooted. Started Outlook, same
problem. This time, I said "yes" to disabling Avast, and Outlook works
smoothly. Of course, this is a not an acceptable solution.

I'll go to the Avast site and see if this is mentioned there, but I wanted
to come here first to see if anyone else has seen this, and if so, what you
did about it.

Running WinXP Sp2, AMD 2200+, 1 GB RAM, plenty of HD space.

K. Orland

2007年2月22日 13:13:162007/2/22
It is preferable NOT to scan incoming and outgoing email, antivirus software
can wreak havoc with running an email client. It doesn't compromise your
security. Often the antivirus Outlook Add Ins cause more problems than
they're worth.

Kathleen Orland
Outlook Tips:


2007年2月22日 23:27:012007/2/22
> It is preferable NOT to scan incoming and outgoing email, antivirus
> software can wreak havoc with running an email client. It doesn't
> compromise your security. Often the antivirus Outlook Add Ins cause
> more problems than they're worth.

I have to be honest with you. This advice flies directly in the face of
everything I have ever heard, and I don't think I will follow it. I might
uninstall Avast and try AVG, but I definitely want to scan emails coming in.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

2007年2月23日 09:54:482007/2/23
Then you are making a mistake, that does not really improve your security
and does causes all sorts of problems with performance and worse.

I don't know if it's fixed yet but incoming scanning with AVG was causing
blank message bodies to come in. Once that happened the messages were
corrupted and unrecoverable. In the past incoming and outgoing scanning has
been known to be responsible for sending hundreds of duplicates of messages
at 30 second intervals, losing sent items due to the connection being
dropped and the scanner still sending the messages out to a black hole, and
various other nice little issues.

Do what you want, but the advise you would get here from almost anyone is to
avoid incoming/outgoing email scanning like a plague.

Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Author: Absolute Beginner's Guide to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
Reminder Manager, Extended Reminders, Attachment Options

"middletree" <> wrote in message

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