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Windows Desktop Search not including OneNote

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Nov 10, 2007, 4:31:00 PM11/10/07
I'm running WDS 3.01, and OneNote 2007. WDS seems to be indexing OneNote,
and the search from within OneNote seems to work fine.

However when I try to search using the 'search desktop' tool, I can't see
anything other than Outlook.

On the left hand side of the WDS results window there is a drop down box to
allow you to select which application you're looking for results from; and I
can ONLY select Outlook. There's nothing there to let me select files, or

My indexing options are set to include a few folders, plus
Microsoft Office OneNote (EMEA\bryantba)
Microsoft Office Outlook (EMEA\bryantba)

I think it's indexing the OneNote and files, but just not giving me the
option to search for them.

I tried uninstalling WDS 3.0, and installing WDS3.01 and then reindexing
from scratch, but it's still the same.

Any ideas?


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