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Mouse/Pointer Erratic

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John H.

2005年12月27日 14:53:032005/12/27
Hi All,
I have had this problem for two years and cannot get rid of it
100%. It started when my pointer seemed to develop a mind of its own and
wandered off the screen either to the left or to the top. I posted a
question on another forum and some kind person told me the solution which
does work.....but not 100%.
The solution for stopping the wandering is to go to the `Control
Panel` and click on `Mouse`. Under `Pointer Options` UNCHECK the box that
says `Enhance Pointer Precision`. This stops the wandering immediately,
however, it is not 100% cleared because I found that although the wandering
had stopped. the pointer developed a slight shudder when still and I have
difficulty in placing the pointer precisely.....which, to be fair, it was
doing before anyway. My question is simple, if Microsoft can`t solve it, is
there anyone out there with the knowledge of how to get rid of the shudder
...and the wandering???!!

John H.

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