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Unable to login ftp site if user password contains @ symbol

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Apr 17, 2009, 3:23:01 PM4/17/09
We are unable to access ftp site on win 2000 server through IE if user
login password contains @ symbol but we can able acces ftp site with the same
credentails on win 2003 server.
example:In our company we have ftp server ip
user name:test, password is password@123
we are accesing this site from win 2000 server through IE using time we are unable to access giving error as "An error
occured reading the contents of the folder.Make sure the file name is valid
and you have permission to access the location specified
The server name or address could not be resolved"


Apr 23, 2009, 10:39:32 AM4/23/09
On Apr 17, 3:23 pm, Gopal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are unable to access ftp site on win 2000 server through IE  if user
> login password contains @ symbol but we can able acces ftp site with the same
> credentails on win 2003 server.
> example:In our company we have ftp server ip
> user name:test, password is password@123
> we are accesing this site from win 2000 server through IE usingftp:// we are unable to access giving error as "An error

> occured reading the contents of the folder.Make sure the file name is valid
> and you have permission to access the location specified
> Details:
> The server name or address could not be resolved"

IE is interpreting the @ as a command or something - same thing will
happen with an & in the password.

Have the user change his password so it doesn't contain either of
those characters. I would guess % might be another that should be
avoided, but I'm not sure. Not sure if there are any others.



Apr 23, 2009, 10:05:26 PM4/23/09
Thanks for u r reply
We have changed the password from password@123 to password123 now its
working fine but how to resolve this any hot fix is requiered or need to
upgrade the browser or Its a product limitation.

"RAM" wrote:

> On Apr 17, 3:23 pm, Gopal <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > We are unable to access ftp site on win 2000 server through IE if user
> > login password contains @ symbol but we can able acces ftp site with the same
> > credentails on win 2003 server.
> > example:In our company we have ftp server ip
> > user name:test, password is password@123

> > we are accesing this site from win 2000 server through IE usingftp://10.0..0.2.Thattime we are unable to access giving error as "An error

Alun Jones

May 4, 2009, 10:33:42 AM5/4/09
Neither - this is a limitation of the FTP URI specification. Put simply, the
URI for an FTP link is specified as:


Obviously, a password containing the "@" character makes it difficult for
the URI parser to tell whether the password ends at that "@" sign, or at the
next one.

It should be pointed out that a "/" character in the password or username
would cause similar confusion, as would a ":".

These characters can be quoted when specifying the URL - for example,
sending "%40" instead of "@". Sometimes, though, the browser will convert
this back into an "@" sign, and you will see that the second and subsequent
requests fail - in this case, the browser would need fixing.

Texas Imperial Software | Web:
23921 57th Ave SE | Blog:
Woodinville WA 98072-8661 | WFTPD, WFTPD Pro are Windows FTP servers.
Fax/Voice +1(206)428-1991

"Gopal" <> wrote in message

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