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Unix Internet Explorer IE5.0 Service Pack 1 for Solaris and HP-UX is released!

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Brion Stone

Oct 31, 2001, 8:31:53 PM10/31/01
I am pleased to announce the release of UnixIE V5.00.3314.1001.

The release can be accessed from following page:

as well as (for solaris SPARC
systems) (for HP-UX systems)

The Solaris (SPARC) readme file is included below the signature.

See the following link for more information about the HP-UX version of the
Service Pack:


-Brion Stone

Internet Explorer for Unix Program Manager



Attached is the readme file for the Solaris version of UnixIE 5.0 SP1:

Internet Explorer 5 for Solaris (SPARC)
with Outlook Express
Service Pack 1 (SP1)
October 30, 2001

Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-2001

The readme for your version of Internet Explorer for UNIX is named
readme.<PLATFORM>.txt, where PLATFORM refers to Sun, HP, and the like.

This document provides the information you need to get started and
late-breaking information to supplement the product documentation.


Downloading Internet Explorer 5 SP1
Installing Internet Explorer 5 SP1
Uninstalling Internet Explorer 5 SP1
Solaris Compatibility
Solaris 2.5.1 and earlier
Internet Explorer User Interface Issues
Outlook Express Issues
Miscellaneous Issues
Java Packaging via the IEAK


To run the released version of Internet Explorer 5 for Solaris, your
system must meet the following minimum requirements:

* A SparcStation 2 or greater
* English Solaris 2.6 and later
* 64 MB of RAM (96 MB recommended)
* 110 MB of hard disk space to perform the installation


Downloading Internet Explorer 5 SP1

You can download Internet Explorer 5 SP1 from the following HTTP and
FTP sites:

The file ie5setup.sunos5 is a self-extracting executable that contains
all the files you will need.

Installing Internet Explorer 5 SP1

Note: This version of Internet Explorer is not required to share
defaults with previous UNIX versions of both Internet Explorer
and Outlook Express. To ensure correct Internet Explorer for
Unix behavior, you must remove the ".microsoft" sub-directory
from your home directory:
'rm -r ~/.microsoft'

1) Change directory to where you downloaded the file ie5setup.sunos5:
'cd <download directory>'.
2) Make the setup file executable; 'chmod +x ie5setup.sunos5'.
3) Run the executable; './ie5setup.sunos5'.
4) When Setup prompts for an installation directory, accept
the default directory or type in a new directory path.

Note: Installing to the default directory, /usr/local/microsoft,
may require root access.

To run Internet Explorer:

After Internet Explorer 5 is installed, you can start the
browser by running "<installation directory>/bin/iexplorer".

Uninstalling Internet Explorer 5 SP1

You must remove the current installation directory, for example,
'rm -rf /usr/local/microsoft'.

Additionally, there is a directory named ".microsoft" in the home
directory for each user account that has run Internet Explorer at
least once. This directory may also be deleted if the user wishes to
remove all personal settings for Internet Explorer (including cookies,
history and favorites).

If you implemented CDE integration as explained below, you should
remove it by deleting the "IE5.dt" file from the system or user


Solaris Compatibility

Use of any or all of these patches is subject to any license terms
that may accompany the patch.

o Solaris 2.5.1 and earlier

Internet Explorer is not supported on Solaris 2.5.1 and earlier.

o Patch requirements

Internet Explorer for Unix 5.0 SP1 includes a script that
automatically checks for appropriate patches when "iexplorer,"
"oexpress," or "oecontacts" is run. The output of this script
is stored in /var/tmp/IE_host_check.

o Miscellaneous

If the Sun's transparent shared memory is enabled (XSUNTRANSPORT),
Internet Explorer stops running on startup. This is established
to be a Sun Solaris bug, reported as bug 4144519.

If you install Internet Explorer on a host machine, and use NFS
to mount the installation on another machine using a different
pathname, then you will not be able to execute Internet Explorer
on the second machine. Similarly, if you move the installation
directory to a different pathname, you will not be able to execute
Internet Explorer. In both cases you will receive the following
error message:

Support for SunOS <version> has not been installed on this system.

...where <version> indicates the currently running Solaris version.

To fix the problem, ensure that the environment variable MSFT_HOME
is set to the name of the installation directory before starting
Internet Explorer. For example, if you mounted or renamed the
installation directory as /net/myhost/local/ms, then execute this

(csh) setenv MSFT_HOME /net/myhost/local/ms/
(sh) set MSFT_HOME=/net/myhost/local/ms/ ; export MSFT_HOME

You can use alternative approaches. For example, experienced users
might prefer to make a copy of the "bin/iexplorer" command, which is
a simple shell script, and change the directory reference on line 3.

If you have multiple platforms installed in a single directory, you
should set the environment variable MSFT_HOME to the name of the
installation directory before starting Internet Explorer or Outlook

Internet Explorer User Interface Issues

o Internet Explorer does not display properly under GrayScale or
GreyStatic mode.

o Address auto-complete does not always work as expected for addresses
with mixed cases.

o On the Associations tab from the Internet Options menu, the command
line field cannot contain output redirection statements
(e.g.: cat %1> /dev/audio).

o On the Programs tab from the Internet Options menu, the script
specified cannot include command line arguments.

o Changes made to the user style sheet (On the Internet Options
General tab, under Accessibility) take effect once Internet Explorer
is restarted.

o Using Internet Explorer with the Exceed X Server may produce
undesirable interface side effects. For example, the accelerator
keys or keyboard access to the address bar may not function.

o Using Internet Explorer with any X Server running in 16-bit color
mode is not supported.

o Experienced users of X11 can set color preferences using X resources
with the class name "Iexplorer." For detailed information about
these settings, see <installation directory>/ie/resources.txt.

Outlook Express Issues

o Automatic disconnect

Some IMAP4 servers are configured to disconnect OE after a preset
amount of idle time. When this happens, OE will report the server
disconnection with a warning message. To reconnect, click another
mail folder. This will allow OE to automatically reconnect to the
IMAP4 server.

o Mail import from Unix files

OE will create duplicate copies of any messages that are imported
more than once. To prevent any confusion during mail import, it is
best to use an empty mail folder for import operations.

o Mail import from Netscape

OE is not able to automatically import unsent mail from Netscape.

Miscellaneous Issues

o If an invalid name is given to the SOCKS proxy setting, Internet
Explorer will bypass the proxy all together.

o News URLs that contain a # character in the message ID will fail to
open in the news viewer specified on the Internet Options Programs

o Internet Explorer may leave files in a temporary directory
(/var/tmp, /tmp, or the directory pointed to by the $TMPDIR
variable). These files are not needed and may be safely deleted
whenever Internet Explorer is not running.

o If you manipulate or delete files from the .microsoft directory
while the browser is running, the browser might stop running.

o If different people share a common user ID, network authentications
made by one person may be available to others who are running
simultaneous copies of the browser.

o When downloading files, Internet Explorer will sometimes append
"(1)" to the first extension in the filename, replacing the
remainder of the filename if it exists. For example xxx.tar.Z
would be renamed xxx.tar(1).Z.

o Download may fail if the Temporary Internet Files cache doesn't have
sufficient space to accommodate the downloaded file size. You can
change the amount of space allocated for Temporary Internet Files
size on the Internet Options General tab.

o When saving a file, Internet Explorer may not append the correct
file extension to the filename suggested in the Save As dialog box.
For example, .Z files may be saved as .z files, or the filename may
have no extension at all. Without this extension, Internet Explorer
will not reinterpret the file correctly upon reopening. To work
around this problem, ensure the appropriate extension is appended
to the filename before saving.

o Internet Explorer 5 SP1 for UNIX supports most of the features
and technologies of Internet Explorer for Windows, but also differs
in some respects. For example, Internet Explorer for UNIX does not
support downloadable ActiveX controls or browsing and organizing
your local files and folders within the browser window. Other
unsupported features include filters and transitions in CSS and
HTML Applications (HTAs). These differences are noted in the
comprehensive product documentation on Site Builder Workshop

o Internet Explorer for UNIX offers some features not found on the
Windows version as well, such as Emacs-style keyboard shortcuts and
external program associations. For a complete list of the latest
features in Internet Explorer 5 for UNIX, see the product home page


The User Agent String for Internet Explorer 5 is static except for the
third field, which depends on the operating system and the processor
you are using.

Here is a sample configuration and the user agent string
generated by Internet Explorer:

Any Ultra, Solaris 2.6:
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; SP1; SunOS 5.6 sun4u; X11)


Internet Explorer 5 SP1 for Solaris integrates support for the
Sun Microsystems Plug-in Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to support
Java applets.

Note: Installation of the JVM is optional. If you do not install it,
a reminder will appear when Java content is encountered while
browsing. This reminder can be disabled when it appears, so
that applets will simply not display when encountered on Web

In the event that you encounter issues while installing or using the
JRE or JDK, support and training are available at the Web site
indicated below.

If you do not already have a version of Sun's Plug-in JVM installed
on your system, have your system or network administrator download
and install the Java Run-time Environment (JRE) for your platform
from the following site:

After the run-time is installed, add the Plug-in's bin directory
containing the "java" executable to your UNIX path variable. Internet
Explorer will find and execute the first "java" or "jre" available in
this path. For example:

setenv PATH "$PATH:<JRE bin directory>"

Alternatively, you can set the MS_JAVA_VM environment variable to
point directly to your "jre" executable. For example:

setenv MS_JAVA_VM /usr/j2se/bin/java

This approach allows you to choose between multiple JVMs on your
system or to rename this particular JVM.

You will find the Java Plug-in in one of the Java installation's
subdirectories (e.g., /opt/NSCPcom/plugins/,

You must set the NPX_PLUGIN_PATH tothe directory that contains
the Java Plug-in Library (
(in csh) % setenv NPX_PLUGIN_PATH /usr/j2se/plugin/sparc/ns4

In order to view unsigned applets, you must disable java permission.
Here is a way to open up all permissions. This is a large security
1. Create a local .java.policy file (copy from
($JRE_HOME)/lib/security/java.policy to ~/.java.policy).
Add write permissions for user to ~/.java.policy .

2. Use ($JRE_HOME)/bin/policytool to edit your private java policy.

3. Remove all policies in the list.

4. Click Add Policy Entry in the Policy Tool window.
The Policy Entry window should appear.

5. Click Add Permission in the Policy Entry window.
The Permissions window should appear.

6. Click the Permissions drop down list in the Permissions window,
and click AllPermission in the list. Click OK to confirm.

7.Click Done in the Policy Entry window.

8.Click the File menu, and then click Save in the Policy Tool window.

Note: You have just given all permissions to unsigned applets. This
leaves you open to certain security vulnerabilities. Run only
the applets that you know are not harmful.

By default Internet Explorer does not display output from the JVM. To
enable output to the console, set the SHOW_MS_JAVA_OUTPUT variable to
true. For example:


Alternatively, if the "Java logging enabled" check box is selected
on the Internet Options Advanced tab, Internet Explorer will log JVM
output to ~/.microsoft/Java/javalog.txt.

You are now ready to have Java applets automatically launched in Sun's
Java Runtime Environment when encountered on Web sites via Internet

Use of the JRE or JDK from Sun Microsystems is governed by the
licensing terms, conditions, and waivers that accompany it.

Java Packaging via the IEAK

The Runtime Environment for Java on Solaris can be included in your
Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) customized package.
Instructions to create the JRE package to redistribute via the IEAK
can be found at the following location:

When the runtime is packaged according to these instructions, it will
be installed to <install>/external/sunos5/ when the user runs the
custom Internet Explorer setup program.


This section outlines the general steps necessary to add additional
fonts to the set of currently installed fonts. The steps are:

1. Place the new font files in a directory on your system.
This does not need to be the same place as the installed
system fonts. For the remainder of this section that
directory will be: /export/home/fontdir.

2. - Use the sdtfontadm(1) tool to install the fonts.

3. Run the xset(1) command: xset fp rehash.

4. If IE has been running while you were doing these steps,
you now need to stop and restart IE.

5. Click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options.

6. Click Fonts.

7. Click Find Other Fonts.

8. Now wait. This action takes time. The process is finding
fonts that may have been added to the system, but not known
to Internet Explorer, and making them visible to the browser.

9. Exit Internet Explorer.

10. Restart Internet Explorer.


If you run Internet Explorer within a CDE session, it will adopt the
CDE color scheme unless overridden with explicit color settings.

If you install Internet Explorer on Solaris 2.6, you will be asked
if you want to install Internet Explorer as the default browser
on your desktop. If you answer yes, the generic Web browser icon will
launch Internet Explorer, and the default action for an HTML file will
be to launch Internet Explorer and open the file.

The setup program installs an IE.dt file on your system to enable this
CDE integration. If you are user "root," the file is added to the
directory /etc/dt/appconfig/types/C, and will affect all users on
the system. Otherwise, the file will be added to the directory
~/.dt/types, and will affect only you.

The file "IE.dt" is in the "ie" subdirectory of the installation and
can be copied to other users' ~/.dt/types directory.

CDE integration can be removed by simply deleting the "IE.dt" file
from the system or user directories, and restarting the session.

There is a set of Internet Explorer icons for use with CDE, in the
ie/ie5icons subdirectory of the installation. They can be used by
administrators who want to place the Internet Explorer logo on the


In addition to being able to organize favorites through the Internet
Explorer user interface, you can also manipulate your favorites
through the file system. Your favorites are organized and maintained
in the directory, ~/.microsoft/Favorites. You should shut down
Internet Explorer to make changes to this directory. The changes
you make will be reflected in your Favorites menu when you restart
Internet Explorer.


This release of Internet Explorer supports authenticating users
against Web servers that are configured to do NTLM Challenge Response
Authentication. NTLM Domain Authentication allows you to access your
organization's secure Windows-NT IIS/BackOffice-based intranet
applications from your UNIX desktop.

The Internet Explorer Administration Kit (IEAK) allows administrators
to customize, configure, and restrict browser settings, lowering the
total cost of ownership to maintain an organization-wide installation
of Internet Explorer. The IEAK is available for this release; see for registration and download information.


Microsoft sponsors a public peer-to-peer newsgroup named
"microsoft.public.inetexplorer.unix." To access this newsgroup,
use Outlook Express to access the Microsoft public news server at

You may use Microsoft's online Knowledge Base to obtain detailed
product information at The Knowledge
Base also contains late-breaking information and answers to frequently
asked customer questions, so check it often. To get information on
these products, specify Internet Explorer or Outlook Express in field
one and topic information in field two. Microsoft also offers
telephone-based technical support by calling Microsoft Technical
Support at (425)635-7123.

Olivier Palliere

Nov 1, 2001, 5:53:50 AM11/1/01
Hola Gurus,

I installed the new release today and get some problems:

I can run everything (ie and oe at the same time ! ;-) as root, but it fails
for ie when started as a normal user (abort).

I am using IE5SP1 on Solaris 8 (07/01) updated with the latest patch
revision. I checked the umask and it was set to 0022 during install. the
variables that may cause a problem (NOCLOBBER, XSUNTRANSPORT...) are all

Any idea?


Brion Stone wrote in message <>...


Dec 12, 2001, 10:00:54 PM12/12/01
i got an incorrect patch check error as well...
i'll try to comment out the check.
I upgraded Netscrape instead!!

"Allyn Fratkin" <> wrote in message
> In article <>, "Brion Stone"

<ieunix!> writes:
> > I am pleased to announce the release of UnixIE V5.00.3314.1001.

> has anyone gotten this to work successfully on hp-ux 11i?
> first problem is incorrect check for patches. workaround is to
> comment out the patch check. i believe i'm up-to-date on patches
> so this should be ok.
> real problem is this: using the default X server configuration
> (default visual in overlay planes), any white color is transparent
> and shows through to the (mostly black) image planes.
> i've also tried using a 24-bit default visual and the performance was
> even worse as i recall but i can't remember exactly why now.
> i've tried Visualize-FXE and Visualize-24 graphics cards with the same
> i can't use it this way, is there a fix or workaround?
> thanks.
> --
> From the virtual mind of Allyn Fratkin
> San Diego Site
> Hewlett-Packard Company


Dec 12, 2001, 10:03:15 PM12/12/01
this was after i installed Solaris 8 for SPARC 10/01 release from
the patch-check remark hope will work..

"web-user" <> wrote in message

0 new messages