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Reconcile Bank Statements

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2009年4月27日 下午1:52:562009/4/27
Hello all, we just recently decided to reconcile the bank statements via
code as they are no longer sending us a printed document but instead a
file. In our code we have it updating the CM20200 table and just
putting in the RECONUM = "135.0000", clrdamt = $??.??acutal,clearedate =
end of month date.

I tested this like 10 times in the test database and all it did was mark
the check box like I wanted so that accounting could manually reconcile
it after that. However when they went to open the Reconcile screen it
was blank not only with nothing checked but no records at all. I went
into the table CM20200 table and they are all still there and I even
tried to set all the fields changed back to what they were and still
does not work. Any suggestions would be great.. GP 8 SP 5

Mariano Gomez

2009年4月27日 下午3:23:012009/4/27
Yes, a good one: get the Electronic Banking module. You probably even own it
depending on the license of GP you have. If not, it can be licensed a la

However, if you insist in going down the path you are going, there is a good
reason why your "reconciliation" code is not working. You are missing the
reconciliation header record. IF you go to Transactions > Financial >
Reconcile Bank Statements, the first thing GP asks you to do is to select a
checkbook to reconcile. It then asks you for a Bank Ending Balance, a Bank
Statement Ending Date, and a Cutoff Date. Once you enter this information, it
builds a) a reconciliation header, and b) a number of transactions that fall
within the dates criteria.

Now, matching the transactions via code is the easiest aspect of this whole
thing. How are you going to create the accumulated values based on the
transaction type? These values update the reconciliation header so the user
can figure out what needs to be adjusted. I believe you are underestimating
the work involved in creating a bank rec solution.

Best regards,
Mariano Gomez, MIS, MCP, PMP
Maximum Global Business, LLC
The Dynamics GP Blogster at

Janakiram M.P.

2009年4月27日 下午4:16:092009/4/27
I'd suggest to look at Advanced Bank Reconciliation module from Nolan
Computers for easy Bank Rec which we have deployed in one of our
clientplaces. This Module offers a very easy bank reconciliation inside GP
and a complete ease of importing bank statements.

You can go through for complete details.

Janakiram M.P.

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