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Will the new semi-historical event let me play???

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Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
Well, it's time to put up or shut up Zone. Last semi-historical even locked
me out after 10 minutes of play. Was I shot down? No. Was I booted for
violation of COC? No. I was disconnected by the server and game was locked
out. So, question is. Is the problem fixed? I don't want to invest hours
practicing missions and flight assignments just to get disconnected after 10
minutes. I ask this because you said last event showed you some bugs and yet
I still get disconnected about every 15 to 30 minutes. Is it fixed or are we
guinea pigs again? I know there are people who never get disconnected and I
am happy for them, but I run on just a plain 3Com 56k data-fax modem and get
consitent 52k connects. I imagine most get a connection less than that (we
are dealing with phone systems from all over the world here). I would Love
to have a cable or DSL line, but it is not available in my area yet or I
would have it. It's not my system either as it meets or exceeds recommended
system, far above minimum system. Please say it is fixed? Please let me play
too. I pay my scrip just like everyone else. Thank You.
P.S. Yes I have reported this bug several times, as have thousands od others
I am sure.

CPU: Intel Pentium III 450 MMX
512k L2 Cache
13 GB IDE Hard Drive
Creative SB Live, SB16 Emulation
3Com/US Robotics 56k external Faxmodem w V.90 and x2
MAG Innovision 720V2 17" Monitor
VIDEO: Diamond Viper V550 16MB AGP(Using NVIDIA RIVA TNT Drivers as per
previous beta fix to get Viper card to work in FAII)
Windows 98 Plus
Internet Explorer 5.0
3.5" floppy
Iomega Zip
40x CD ROM
4x2x8 Mitsumi CD R/RW


Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
That big ole 52k connect most people would be proud of is part of your
trouble I would bet. Check out this site I will post and maybe you can see
some help there. I have 2 modems, 1 is an external USR courrier V everything
that I litmit the connect speed down to 33,333bps for game play. That low
connect speed is more than enough for online game play and the modem has a
bear hug on the ISP as well. Also you do not get the errors accociated with
the V90 hooked up at higher speeds, which cause disconnects from game
servers. Give it a try after reading the pages here-


"Stuka_JV44" <> wrote in message


Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
LOL Stuka... *I* sure would like an answer to that ! Seing hoe the present
TC rooms perform, I'm really afraid that the hours I invest in preparing
this event might be lost !



Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
I am not so sure that phone modems are the sole reason for the constant
server disconnects that everyone seems to be experiencing in FA2. I have a
cable modem, roadrunner ala timewarner, and i am constantly getting the damn
server disconnect message.


Steel15 <> wrote in message


Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
Hi Guys:

Mark Vange discussed this some time ago in the newsgroup. He also suggest
that the 33.6K connection speed modems were better for FA than the then 56K
X2 or flex modems at that time (June 1998). Now the protocols have changed
(v90) but still when a modem has to retrain it's connection speed due to
line noise the data flow will come to a complete stop and game don't like
that one bit. A slower more stable connection can be better. Ask slowhand
about this as he found it out and did something about it before he went to
DSL lines.



Takeoffs are optional, but landings are mandatory

Change the "K" to a "C" in my email address to reply to me. That is
antispam stuff.


Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
Hi 00100:

You may be right there. It takes two modems to dance and the slower of the
two will determine at what speed the handshake occurres. The Seattle
routers are overloaded at peak times IMHO and that is the main bottle neck.
And the zone servers are getting pretty darn crowded also. 4o to 50
thousand users in one geographic area for one web site is a lot of telecom



Takeoffs are optional, but landings are mandatory

Change the "K" to a "C" in my email address to reply to me. That is
antispam stuff.

"oo1oo" <> wrote in message

> I am not so sure that phone modems are the sole reason for the constant
> server disconnects that everyone seems to be experiencing in FA2. I have a
> cable modem, roadrunner ala timewarner, and i am constantly getting the
> server disconnect message.
> oo1oo


Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
Ive got DSL, but I dont think im gonna spend the time getting ready since it
lags like hell as it is....


Jan 5, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/5/00
Man them cable modems are nice for downloading but not game play I guess, I
rarely if ever get disconnected from the game server. If I have trouble,
it's the routers causing data loss, not the server booting me and I'm hooked
up under 33,600bps. I see in lobby conn's of 140 - 156ms as well and in game
latency of :15 most the time when I use my game modem. I tell ya it's
routers or your setup thats causing disconnect trouble 90% of the time.
Modems transfer game play data in a way different manner than a data
transfer, read the site I posted.



Jan 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/6/00
Strange again Steel I m using evrything thats bad USR 56K x2 v90 and rarely
e ver get boot or data loss or latency over .27 in FA. I make over 20 hops
to the zone and hit one or two "internet bottlenecks" along the way.

"Steel15" <> wrote in message


Jan 6, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/6/00
Hiya Steel15,
Well, I tried the site and different settings, but still the same old
problems. I realize that the connection starts here at my 'puter in Southern
Illinois, and it has to go through my server, other servers, phone lines,
phone companies, (I think part of it travels through the railway lines in
North Dakota before it gets to Washington state :-), but I still feel a lot
of the problems are Zone related. I see too many people complaining of
disconnects, lag etc for it to be "everybody elses" problem. I also have
times where I connect to the Zone and have to wait several minutes before my
log-on ID comes up and then wait a few more before it shows me as on-line,
that's after I am connected to the Zone so I find it hard to believe that is
anyone elses fault. I found that slowing down my connection only increased
download time to my e-mail and other things with absolutely no improvement
in game-play or number of disconnects. I must therefore assume that,
perchance the Zone is not at fault but maybe their server needs to upgrade?
I argue that point as their have been posts by people with cable modems also
who have the same problems. Is the Zone reaching an overload on their
system? I don't know as I am not a computer technician or networking
engineer, but I do believe this is something the Zone needs to find out to
keep the customers happy. Otherwise, players may reduce the demand on their
system by going elsewhere. This is not meant as a threat as I love FA and
just renewed my scrip for another 6 months, but I have seen posts by others
that have said they would not be renewing their scrips for said reasons. I
appreciate your attempt at help and hope the problem can be fixed so I can
continue to enjoy this game and fly with my m8's, both JV44 as well as
everyone else. How about it Zone? Can this problem be fixed somewhat at your
end? Hope so. Thank you.


Jan 7, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/7/00
Hi Stuka_JV44:

Check out the Neotrace program that is free and you can download it at

This is a very simple program to use and it will show you how your internet
connection works from your computer to the zones servers. It will show you
the ping of each of the routers along the way and will ping those servers
every 500 ms if you chose to ping them that often. It will show you how any
router can have a very good ping one second and a bad ping the next second.
The net traffic will effect each of those routers and if anyone of them gets
overloaded it can drop your gaming packets. Check it out and learn more
about the net and how it works. It will even show you the owner of the
routers and give you a phone number or email or land mine address to contact
the owners.



Takeoffs are optional, but landings are mandatory

Change the "K" to a "C" in my email address to reply to me. That is
antispam stuff.

"Stuka_JV44" <> wrote in message



Jan 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/8/00
Thanks Moose m8!
I downloaded it and tried it for a while tonight. It went through 13
different servers before reaching the Zone. And yes, they all fluctuated
from moment to moment, including the Zone. I understand what you are saying.
I guess the only complete fix would be a direct line into the Zone, but I
can't afford that, hehe. Seriously though, Rapier gave me some things to
try, including the traceroute, and I will be going down to my ISP tomorrrow
to see about the rest of it and how much of it can be fixed and how much I
have to live with.
Takoffs are optional, landings are mandatory, unless you fly off into the
sunset like Robert Redford did in the Great Waldo Pepper <g>

"Confidential" <> wrote in message


Jan 8, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/8/00
Hi Stuka_JV44:

The dos trace route is what Neotrace does for you automatically and then
graphs it out for you. That blue line of the graph is the a rolling average
of the last three pings at each sight. A trace route would equal just one
set of pings but Neotrace does many pings to each router in a minute. The
FA II games data log and latency meter only takes one reading each minute
and then displays that one reading for that minute on your screen then a
minute later it's updated. However Neotrace can be set up to take a ping
ever 500 ms or every 1/2 of a second and then the program traces the average
for you. It also shows you the highest and the lowest or fastest reading
automatically for you. It will show you how the internet functions. I
found it interesting.

VisualRoute will also do the same thing but it's disabled after 30 days and
Neotrace is not. Both are shareware and can be used free for the first 30



Takeoffs are optional, but landings are mandatory

Change the "K" to a "C" in my email address to reply to me. That is
antispam stuff.
"Stuka_JV44" <> wrote in message



Jan 9, 2000, 3:00:00 AM1/9/00
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