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How to restore a file ??

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Abid Husain

Nov 6, 2002, 1:08:40 PM11/6/02
I had made an inventory list in an excel file (named
inventory) and then copied that for my employees as
inventory1. In the original file I had a column about
the cost price of the merchandise. In the second file
(inventory1) I had removed the column (Cost price) so
that employees do not know the original cost of the
merchandise). I accidently copied the inventory1 file
over the original inventory file. Now I have lost the
cost price column also from the first file. I hope I
have explained myself enough for you to understand my
problem. How do I restore the original file (named
inventory) which had the additional column "cost price"

Don Guillett

Nov 6, 2002, 1:32:28 PM11/6/02
Look in your backup file.Or, re-create.

Don Guillett
SalesAid Software
Granite Shoals, TX
"Abid Husain" <> wrote in message

David McRitchie

Nov 6, 2002, 1:51:19 PM11/6/02
You need to have taken a backup. Your investment in
your computer and your time is lost if you do not take backups.

You can easily replace a computer but without backups you
cannot simply recover your data, programs, and
customizations. Without backups many companies would
be on a short road to bankruptcy after losing all
their files. Losing a single file can be a great annoyance for anyone.

David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Macros:
Search Page:

"Don Guillett" <> wrote in message news:#1#R5iZhCHA.2232@tkmsftngp09...


Nov 6, 2002, 2:12:47 PM11/6/02
I've the same problem. I downloaded the "recreate.exe"
installed it, activated it in the Tools - addins menu.

How do I then set it to work on the corrupted file?

(Please excuse the remedial standard questions)



David McRitchie

Nov 6, 2002, 2:43:09 PM11/6/02
Where (URL) did you download the recreate.exe from so that
others have a better idea of what you are talking about.

Without seeing it, I expect that if tries to reassemble parts
of a workbook from disk sectors. I doubt that it would wipe
out your current messed up file, but in any case you should
make a copy of your messed up file so you at least don't
lost it.

If you exit the Excel file without saving that might have been
a solution at the time.

"Michelle" <> wrote...

Norman Harker

Nov 8, 2002, 9:21:10 AM11/8/02
Hi David!

Since I seem to spend half my (official) working time uncorrupting files,
here's resource post on recovery of corrupted files. I've checked out all
the links referred to. Additional comments and suggested additions are
welcome. Some of the most frantic and desparate posts come for this and they
are frequently in tears of happiness when they get a solution.

These points cover corrupted files. Don't confuse these with problems with
slow opening, processing or closing of Excel or with Excel crashing out with
a particular file. They are usually different issues. Here we cover a case
where Excel is normally singing sweetly but with one file we get all sorts
of rude messages and just can't open it.

1. You can try opening with Excel 2002 (XP) which has a good record for
opening files that earlier versions regard as corrupted.

2. You can try a do it yourself recovery of the data but not the formulas by
opening a new workbook and trying to access cell by cell using

='C:\My Documents\Excel\[Lost File Name.xls]Sheet'1!A1

Careful with the punctuation. Copy down and across. Off to Sheet2....(Swear
on Excel Bible 2002 that you'll back up in future).

3. Then there's some commercial software. I got these from:

Click on Business and then Spreadsheets.

a. Excelfix.exe is from
Free trial $89 to buy (1.91MB)

Description: ExcelFix recovers cell data from corrupted Microsoft Excel
files, including versions 95, 97, and 2000. It extracts texts, numbers, and
formulas from the damaged file. Files with damaged OLE containers are
recovered. This updated version of the demo will now show a larger number of
cells: 600 cells per file or 150 cells per sheet. There is now an option
that allows saving the recovered file in several CSV text files. And you can
diagnose files in OLE mode where the OLE structure is partially damaged.

b. ExcelRecovery 3.0.02 from:
Free trial $149 to buy (799K)

Description: ExcelRecovery fixes corrupted Microsoft Excel spreadsheet
files. It supports all modern file versions, including Excel XP, Excel 2000,
Excel 97, Excel 95, and Excel 5.0. It recovers cell data, text and numbers
as well as formulas; restores formatting; restores structure of multisheet
files; and the new ExcelRecovery is capable of recovering corrupted files
with password protection (if the password is known) and restoring worksheet

c. Excel Viewer for Excel 97/2000 from:
Free (3.72MB)

Description Reported to allow recovery of data from corrupted files.
Microsoft Excel 97/2000 Viewer is a standalone program that is available
from Microsoft, free of charge. You can use Microsoft Excel 97/2000 Viewer
to view, copy, zoom, and print Microsoft Excel 97 and Microsoft Excel 2000
files (Microsoft Excel versions 2.0 and greater for Windows and Microsoft
Excel versions 2.2a and greater for the Macintosh are also supported).
Microsoft Excel viewer also includes an AutoFilter feature that is similar
to the AutoFilter feature in Microsoft Excel.

4. The following allow you to send Excel Files that they recover for you (at
a cost). Diagnostic is free. No recovery - no fee. Otherwise it's going to
cost you $50 - $800 for not backing up (and you're going have to find a way
to disguise that so your boss doen't know!)

5. Microsoft has a summary of methods to recover files in three very similar
Knowledge Base Articles:

Excel 98 and earlier: Microsoft Knowledge Base Q142177;EN-US;Q142117&
XL: Summary of Methods to Recover Data from Corrupted Files

Excel 2000: Microsoft Knowledge Base Q179871;en-us;Q179871
XL2000: Methods for Recovering Data from Damaged Workbooks

Excel 2002: Microsoft Knowledge Base Q291057:;en-us;Q291057
XL2002: Methods for Recovering Data from Damaged Workbooks

Here's a summary of their methods:

a. Q147216 XL: Linking to Data in a Damaged File (5.0 and Later)

b. Q45557 Handling Corrupted Excel Files by Saving in the SYLK Format

c. Use the Revert To Saved Document Command to Recover Data

d. Q137016 XL: Macro to Extract Data from a Chart

e. Use the Microsoft Excel 97 File Recovery Macro to Recover Information
(Excel 97 only) (This involves download of recover.exe from Microsoft
Download Centre. There's a copy in the form of Cleaner.xla on the Office
Resource Kit compact disc but you need the "Office 97 Resource Kit" book.

f. If you have the Microsoft Excel converter installed, you may be able to
open your Microsoft Excel workbook in Microsoft Word

g. You can also open your Microsoft Excel workbook in WordPad. If the file
does open, you may be able to recover Visual Basic code in your modules and
class modules. Search for the words "Sub" or "Function" to find your code

h. Open the File in Microsoft Excel Viewer (See above)

i. Set the Recalculation Option to Manual Before Opening the File

6. There's a free workbook rebuilder available from:

7. Tom Ogilvy has posted the following links to "Yours, in desparation".
I've checked these out. There were more but one is gone and others link to
the first one (refered to above).
XL: Summary of Methods to Recover Data from Corrupted Files
XL: Linking to Data in a Damaged File (5.0 and Later)
Files Corrupted on Save: How to Troubleshoot Source of Problem

But an ounce of prevention is worth 0.453592309748811 kg of cure

8. How to back-up, what to back-up etc is covered at:

9. There's always using AutoSave:

In Excel 2002 it's settings are in:
Tools > Options > Save
Check that you want it and adjust time to taste

Before Excel 2002 you need to have the AutoSave Add-In Installed and

Tools > Add-Ins
check "Auto-Save Add-in"

Thereafter the settings appear under the Tools Menu

If Auto Save Addin has not been used before, you may need the Office or
Excel Installation CD. I can't recall if with pre Office 2000 this was in
the standard install or whether it is in Custom. If the latter, you'll need
to re-run the install and select it.

10. For those who want a much better auto save utility:

Jan Karel Pieterse MVP has just released Version 3.0 of his AutoSafe Utility
and that's much better than the Excel on board one. Available from:


Or find it in the CompuServe Office forum:

11. Finally, there's the principle causes of corruption which are working
from files on Floppy discs. Solution to this cause is easy: "Don't work from
floppy disc!"

Copy from floppy to hard drive,
Load from hard drive,
Work on file,
Save to hard drive,
Copy from hard drive to floppy.

Microsoft barely acknowledge this in a hard to locate tip:

Secret #28

Bookmark it! You'll never find it again without Google. Thanks to Debra
Dalgleish who found it again recently. I suspect that this is the most
common cause of corruption.

To those who've needed to read this, Good luck in recovering your file.
Please report back to the Newsgroup with the details of your successes and
failures. It will help others with similar problems in the future.


Norman Harker
Sydney, Australia

"David McRitchie" <> wrote in message

David McRitchie

Nov 8, 2002, 1:29:52 PM11/8/02
Hi Norman,
I see you are making the newsgroups your website just like Tom.

Have included a link to your posting on my backup.htm page.
Check out the wording.

File Recovery Notes, "How to Restore a File" «, Norman Harker, posting 2002-11-08, Norman indicates half of his work is recovering
other people's files, this is long annotated list of free and commercial recovery software. Just in case Microsoft changes their
link - Tip #28 is "Never Save directly to Floppy", which Norman suspects is the most common cause of Excel file corruption, just
like what is reported in the newsgroups.

Also see the main links within the Related Area, particularly Open Office.

Didn't realize I had a save.htm page, much older than my backup.htm
page though.

Discovered that I didn't have a real link in related area
to my backup & recovery page (backup.htm) on my Slow Response
page (slowresp.htm) -- thanks for the reminding me indirectly that they
are related.


David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Macros:
Search Page:

"Norman Harker" <> wrote in message news:OsHTDgwhCHA.1572@tkmsftngp09...

> Hi David!
> Since I seem to spend half my (official) working time uncorrupting files,
> here's resource post on recovery of corrupted files. I've checked out all
> the links referred to. Additional comments and suggested additions are
> welcome. Some of the most frantic and desparate posts come for this and they
> are frequently in tears of happiness when they get a solution.
> These points cover corrupted files. Don't confuse these with problems with
> slow opening, processing or closing of Excel or with Excel crashing out with
> a particular file. They are usually different issues. Here we cover a case
> where Excel is normally singing sweetly but with one file we get all sorts
> of rude messages and just can't open it.
> 1. You can try opening with Excel 2002 (XP) which has a good record for
> opening files that earlier versions regard as corrupted.

[-- clipped --]

David McRitchie

Nov 8, 2002, 1:40:10 PM11/8/02
Guess I need some practice NOT replying to the newsgroup.
Oh well no harm done.

Norman Harker

Nov 8, 2002, 2:21:35 PM11/8/02
Hi David!

It's more a case of difficulty getting a website set up! Got some way down
the line at my university and they changed policies and procedures on me. It
would take about 5 years to get through the new approvals and checking
procedures. But I think I've found a host service that only wants a second
mortgage and I've got a good Sri Lankan friend who's going to show me ropes
when we clear the end of semester random number generation process (aka

One advantage of using newsgroup for some material is that you get a chance
to get immediate feedback, additions and corrections. And reasonably
efficient filing of posts plus Google allows everyone reasonably fast access
to some of the standard replies.

With this particular list of "possibilities", I'll just be able to copy and
post or hand out to students and staff who come in tears with their life's
work corrupted. Should save others trouble in walking through the processes
those tearful posters who've got corrupted files. A couple of hours whilst
listening to the television will be recovered within a couple of days.


Norman Harker
Sydney, Australia
"David McRitchie" <> wrote in message


Jul 22, 2014, 8:51:23 AM7/22/14
Well, this problem occurs when excel file gets corrupted or damage. In such case, When you try to open the .xls or .xlsx file, your whole document will not open properly and only characters displayed on the screen. For this, you should take the help of professional excel recovery tool. The tool is capable to repair corrupt excel file and recover the file in their original format. Excel Restore Toolbox can help you.
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