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Site Search from .aspx

已查看 7 次


2003年9月19日 19:53:462003/9/19

I'm trying to use a free site search in my
application. The atomz site search works with a get form
request like so...

<form method="get"
action="" ID="Form1">
<input type="hidden" name="sp-a"
value="sp1002c2f6" ID="Hidden1"> <input type="hidden"
name="sp-p" value="all" ID="Hidden2">
<input type="hidden" name="sp-f"
value="ISO-8859-1" ID="Hidden3">

On a standard html page this works just fine and results
are then displayed in the atomz domain in a template page
you provide to them.

On an .aspx page this does not work and I'm not really
sure why. My guess is that it has something to do with
the fact that the .aspx web form is already using a form
with post. It seems you can't nest a form tag inside of
another? Or is there some way to register this second
form with the page class? I would think that it is not
possible to have both a get and a post in one web form?

Anyways I am kind of stuck and would appreciate any
input. I am trying to devise some way to perhaps
redirect to an html page and then pass the search
parameters as a string. Maybe then I could use
javascript to send the parameters onload? Of course I'm
not sure how to do this. Is there a way to pass
variables to this html page as session variables or
something? I would rather not use cookies. Is there a
way to post form data programmatically with javascript

I can always just use a search button that then opens and
html page, but this is not so user friendly. Thanks.


bruce barker

2003年9月19日 20:06:422003/9/19
html supports more than 1 form per page, but they can not be nested.
currently only support one runat server form. just put for the search form
outside the form.

if you want to add it in the code behind, just create an html literal, set
the hml to the form, and add to the controls collection before the form

-- bruce (

"Peter" <> wrote in message

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