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Some Question about Vista APO

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May 20, 2008, 10:28:54 PM5/20/08
Hi, I am new to vista APO. After I read the document, I get few

1) Is APO DLLs need to be WHQL signed(or something like that), when
release to customer?
2) If I provide my own LFX/GFX for vista 64, do I need to provide both
32-bit and 64-bit DLL? or just 64-bit DLL? (64bit WOW will do
conversation for me?)
3) from documents, it seems that there can't be multiple LFX or GFX
for one Audio engineer(like speaker/ microphone)? That is to say, if
user has installed 3rd party driver(like realtek), and it has its own
LFX/GFX, will it replace 3rd party LFX/GFX when I install my LFX/GFX?
or is there any soultion to keep them both?


Tim Roberts

May 22, 2008, 1:40:13 AM5/22/08
to wrote:

>Hi, I am new to vista APO. After I read the document, I get few
>1) Is APO DLLs need to be WHQL signed(or something like that), when
>release to customer?

You either need to have your APO WHQL signed, or use the registry to
disable the signature check.

>2) If I provide my own LFX/GFX for vista 64, do I need to provide both
>32-bit and 64-bit DLL? or just 64-bit DLL? (64bit WOW will do
>conversation for me?)

No conversion is necessary. On Vista, the master audio process is a 64-bit
process. Your 64-bit APO DLL lives there.

>3) from documents, it seems that there can't be multiple LFX or GFX
>for one Audio engineer(like speaker/ microphone)? That is to say, if
>user has installed 3rd party driver(like realtek), and it has its own
>LFX/GFX, will it replace 3rd party LFX/GFX when I install my LFX/GFX?

Yes. The Microsoft model is that the APO is part of the hardware.

>or is there any soultion to keep them both?

There are guidelines in the documentation that describe how to "wrap"
another APO in your own, so that it keeps offering the same functionality.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

May 22, 2008, 5:44:41 AM5/22/08
On 5月22日, 下午1時40分, Tim Roberts <> wrote:
> Tim Roberts,
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

Woo, It's really helpful for me.
thank you for your detail reply. ^^

May 27, 2008, 11:25:59 PM5/27/08
These days I was tracking on the sample codes of swap. I have
noticed that GFX are the parent of all audio process. But in the same
code, it doesn't tell me how to distinguish each child! For example, I
would like to have Line-In and Line-out as source. I don't care about
Speaker, Microphone or SPDIF.
How could I get and choose the correct audio source(Endpoint?) when I
do audio processing.

Tim Roberts

May 28, 2008, 1:43:32 AM5/28/08
to wrote:

A GFX is a GLOBAL effects processor. It operates on all audio data going
to a given output endpoint. It isn't supposed to know where the audio data
came from. That's the purview of the application.

What are you planning to do in your APO?

Jun 2, 2008, 11:03:55 PM6/2/08
On 5月28日, 下午1時43分, Tim Roberts <> wrote:
> A GFX is a GLOBAL effects processor. It operates on all audio data going
> to a given output endpoint. It isn't supposed to know where the audio data
> came from. That's the purview of the application.
> What are you planning to do in your APO?
> --
> Tim Roberts,
> Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

I would like to do an effect that needs to co-work with my device.
Without the special function provided by device, this function will
not work.
I think that is ok. I will write a LFX and GFX and they should get the
job done.

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