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Need simple C# USB driver example - communicating with slow device

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Ray Neal Ray Pov

Aug 10, 2008, 4:44:01 PM8/10/08
I am new to C# and .Net and driver development, could someone direct me to a
simple C# example for communicating with a slow device via the USB interface?
The device is a real time stage light controller. Should I try to make it
a HID USB device? Is there someother diriver that already exists and that
would be appropriate that I could piggyback off of? Thanks, Neal

Tim Roberts

Aug 10, 2008, 6:42:35 PM8/10/08

Drivers are not written in managed code. At least, not yet.

For a simple device, a HID interface can be appropriate, in part because
you don't need to write a driver. Your user-mode app can use the HID
library functions to get and send HID reports.

Alternatively, you could write a simple driver using WinUSB (in C++), then
access it from your C# app using ioctls.
Tim Roberts,
Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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