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Re: Can CRM be made to use SQL Server non default instance?

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Peter Lynch

Jun 22, 2006, 1:34:49 PM6/22/06
Interesting. Please provide link to a Microsoft page that strongly
recommends not running any default instances of SQL server for security


"Robert E. Spivack" <> wrote in
> The docs say that the SQL server used by CRM cannot be a non-default
> instance
> so we installed it per the docs.
> However, SQL server management and best practices security procedures that
> we have been following from Microsoft strongly recommend not running any
> default instances of SQL server.
> Is there a way (registry setting?) to make CRM use a non-default instance
> of
> SQL Server? This seems like such a trivial thing that I don't understand
> why
> CRM omitted support for non-default instance.

Daniel Tan

Jun 22, 2006, 10:40:46 PM6/22/06
Try doing a search on the newsgroup. Remember reading a posting on that.
With the mean of using an 'alias' to workaround.

Do note that it's not supported by Microsoft CRM 3.0

Daniel Tan

Jun 22, 2006, 10:50:09 PM6/22/06
Search for the subject "SQL instance".

Robert E. Spivack

Jun 24, 2006, 5:33:01 PM6/24/06
I just found this on the "Mid Atlantic Microsoft CRM" blog. I do not know
what "partnersource" is? (yet another thing to sign-up for??) Can someone
simply post the solution? - It sounds like a registry hack to bypass the
installer checks:

"Name your Instance (SQL Instance that is)
Yesterday, June 23, 2006, 6:00:00 PM | Ben Vollmer
The CRM Product Group has completed test certification of Microsoft CRM v3.0
using SQL Named Instances, and CRM Customer Support even agreed to officially
support it. This does conflict with what is in the current Impllementation
Guide, which specifies it in the has to be installed in the default instance
only. (Yes, I am relatively certain that the documentation will be updated

If you want to install CRM in a Named Instance, your best bet (only bet) is
to call or submit a ticket via PartnerSource. The process is documented, they
just want to walk you through it as it bypasses the Environmental Diagnostics
Wizard (EDW) at the beginning of the setup process.

No additional hot fixes or service packs are required, but we you to call in
so that we limit the number of customers bypassing the EDW. The EDW is a
powerful tool to diagnose potential deployment problems, and should always be
used when setting up against a SQL Default Instance.

Thanks to the Product Group, Test and Sustained Engineering and Support for
listening to customers and partners! This rocks!"

Matt Parks

Jun 25, 2006, 10:24:33 PM6/25/06
You should be able to submit the support ticket through any channel, not
just ParterSource. PartnerSource is just the method that the Dynamics
partners do it and some of the reps forget that there are multiple ways now.

Given the nature of the writeup, they shouldn't be charging you for this
support ticket, so I don't see the downside to going the official route.


Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

"Robert E. Spivack" <> wrote in



Aug 2, 2006, 5:22:02 AM8/2/06
I have the same problem and have submitted a support ticket to both the
official route and partnersource and it's still unresolved. I have been
routed to VOICE and still no response.
Can you provide me with a specific url or email address to contact?

Matt Parks

Aug 2, 2006, 12:56:05 PM8/2/06
I have been told by my contacts on the support team that this should not be
a charged incident. The technique is to bascially disable the EDW during
the install via a registry change, but I'm not sure the exact registry
setting to use. If you are not getting a response from your trouble ticket,
then ask your support engineer to escalate the ticket as they are not
provbiding the help you need.


Matt Parks
MVP - Microsoft CRM

"Traci" <> wrote in message

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