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70-431 exam feedback

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Jonathan Roberts

Dec 24, 2006, 7:34:03 PM12/24/06
I am happy to report that I took and passed the 70-431 exam Friday. It
was not easy by any stretch but I did better than I thought I would. I
know when I was preparing I was desperately hunting for exam reports.
So, here goes:

I have 4-6 years of experience with SQL Server 2000 (and Access 97/2000
before that). I have a few months of SQL Server 2005 experience and
about 6 months of Oracle training (classes, not a whole lot of

I would suggest you invest in the Exam Cram 2 book for 70-431. I also
bought the MS Press book but didn't use it much. I found that the cram
book was better at condensing the material down into what I needed to
know. I liked the MS Press book but it is HUGE. I was crunched on time
(I bought one of the voucher from VS 2005 launch), so I didn't take any
exam prep tests. However, I wouldn't suggest anyone follow my lead there!!

I would stress that you need to know the product hands-on (I was weak in
this area) and you need to know about the new features. I think
everyone can figure out what those new features are, so I won't list
them. You, of course, need to be strong on database concepts ie. the
various objects supported by SQL Server in general.

Feel free to ask any questions about my experience. I will answer what
I can.

Jonathan Garth H

Jan 2, 2007, 12:12:00 AM1/2/07
I passed this on 12/29 and I have to agree that it was a doozy to say the

There were a lot more sims than I expected and they were not easy at all.

Usually people say that you should ace the prep tests before you go in for
the real deal, but the one included in the MS Press book is pretty good.
Shoot for 90% on it before you go in and you'll probably be fine.

Oh yeah the almost 18 months of hands on with SQL 2005 haven't hurt me either.

Jonathan Roberts

Jan 2, 2007, 7:24:50 AM1/2/07
Garth H wrote:
> There were a lot more sims than I expected and they were not easy at all.

Yes, I agree with this. There were many more than I expected.


Jan 2, 2007, 10:57:01 AM1/2/07
I am Preparing for this ( 70-431 ) exam, and my experience is around 1 year
with SQL server 2000 and 2005. I must accept i am not quite master of both,
but am good at selected topic in both. My current work is mostly on 2000 and
will continue in it for some time.
Initially i planned for 70-229 but for this i have decided to go for 70-431.
Can you tell me weather the Sql Server 2000 concepts will be of any help for
this Certification.


Jonathan Roberts

Jan 2, 2007, 6:12:58 PM1/2/07


The SQL 2000 experience will help you. It helped me immensely. The
simulations will kill you though. Get as much hands-on experience as
you can. If you haven't already, install a trial of Enterprise Edition



Jan 3, 2007, 12:19:00 PM1/3/07
I passed this exam on 12/31 and did much better than I thought that I would
do. I thought that I would fail the exam but I scored an 858. I agree there
were more simulations than I expected, about half the exam.

I used the MS Press book and set up a test PC to go through the book and
practice using SQL Server 2005.

I have two years of Oracle 9i experience and thought it would be a good
ideal to take the SQL Server 2005 exam since some jobs I was looking at were
using it plus I am trying to get some other Microsoft certifications as well.

I would suggest as much hands-on practice as possible.


Jonathan Roberts

Jan 3, 2007, 6:38:39 PM1/3/07
Taylor wrote:
> I passed this exam on 12/31 and did much better than I thought that I would
> do. I thought that I would fail the exam but I scored an 858. I agree there
> were more simulations than I expected, about half the exam.
> I used the MS Press book and set up a test PC to go through the book and
> practice using SQL Server 2005.
> I have two years of Oracle 9i experience and thought it would be a good
> ideal to take the SQL Server 2005 exam since some jobs I was looking at were
> using it plus I am trying to get some other Microsoft certifications as well.
> I would suggest as much hands-on practice as possible.

Congratulations, Taylor! Thanks for posting your feedback.

You make 3 people in this group in the past week to 10 days. Hopefully,
that will inspire many others.


Lawrence Garvin (MVP)

Jan 4, 2007, 7:13:05 PM1/4/07
"Jonathan Roberts" <> wrote in message

> Congratulations, Taylor! Thanks for posting your feedback.
> You make 3 people in this group in the past week to 10 days. Hopefully,
> that will inspire many others.

I passed 70-431 in early November, with a lower score than I would have

I attribute most of my challenges to the GUI_based administration simulation
questions, which I was sorely deficient in familiar with, and may well
account for the majority of my missed questions.

As a T-SQL programmer, I rarely use the GUI for any admin activities.

I would strongly encourage anybody considering the 70-431 or the MCITP:DBA
to obtain the MSPress book(s) and be intimately familiar with DBA activities
using the GUI tools. You can be sure that before I sit down for the 443,
444, or 447, I'll buy those MSPress books and work all of the exercises
involving GUI-based administration.

Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCTS, MVP-Software Distribution
Everything you need for WSUS is at
And, everything else is at

Bob P

Jan 8, 2007, 12:57:05 PM1/8/07
I took the Exam on December 29th. I had a voucher from the product launch in
San Francisco. I agree the simulations were tough and experience in SQL 2000
really helped.
The scary part for me was XML and HTTP endpoints. I bought the Transender
practice test and the MS press book. They are both very helpful. It's a
hard but fair exam. Call yourself an MCTS when you pass.

"Lawrence Garvin (MVP)" wrote:

> .....

Message has been deleted

Jonathan Roberts

Jan 11, 2007, 10:09:44 PM1/11/07
Ken Lin wrote:
> When you say simulations, do you mean a simulated environment with SQL
> Server 2005 and SSMS? In other words, you need to actually carry out
> the task to answer the question, as opposed to multiple choice
> questions?

You got it. You need to have hands-on experience to pass this one (in
my opinion).

Greg Lumpkin

Jan 12, 2007, 8:03:42 AM1/12/07
Good morning all:

I am preparing to prepare for this exam and I have a few questions.

1. The only cert I have (as far as MS certs) is an MCP. I do have years of
experience with MS server products from NT to 2003. Will passing 70-431 set
me on my way to a DBA career or am I starting down the wrong path?

2. Is the MS Study Kit and an exam simulator enough to pass?

3. Will the 180-day trail version of SQL Server 2005 be helpful enough for
the "hands-on" experience that many of you have mentioned needing even
though I am a SQL newbie?

If more info is needed to answer my questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


"Jonathan Roberts" <> wrote in message



Jan 12, 2007, 10:20:02 AM1/12/07

Jonathan Roberts

Jan 12, 2007, 11:26:17 PM1/12/07
Greg Lumpkin wrote:
> Good morning all:
> I am preparing to prepare for this exam and I have a few questions.
> 1. The only cert I have (as far as MS certs) is an MCP. I do have years of
> experience with MS server products from NT to 2003. Will passing 70-431 set
> me on my way to a DBA career or am I starting down the wrong path?
> 2. Is the MS Study Kit and an exam simulator enough to pass?
> 3. Will the 180-day trail version of SQL Server 2005 be helpful enough for
> the "hands-on" experience that many of you have mentioned needing even
> though I am a SQL newbie?

Hello Greg,

1) Passing 70-431 will show that you have some knowledge of RDBMS
fundamentals & basics of SQL Server (2005).
2) Those are a good start. However, you NEED hands-on experience. See #3.
3) Yes, the trial is fine. You need to use a "full" version of SS2005
ie. not Express. The 180-day trial or the developer version will be
fine. If you are serious about learning SQL Server, buy the developer
version. I believe it is 50.00 US.

Good luck!


Jan 12, 2007, 11:44:00 PM1/12/07
Dear Greg Lumpkin,

I personally prefer Microsoft Press and Sybex books for Microsoft Exams.
As for 70-431, I did read Sybex book before I took the exam. In my opinion,
you should mention the exam objects and find the topics related to the exam
objects in exam preparation books especially for simulations.

All the simulations in 70-431 are GUI-based.

Kyaw Thurein, B.C.Sc., MCAD, MCTS:SQL Server 2005


Jan 15, 2007, 2:10:07 AM1/15/07
I'm planning to take up the certification by Feb end 2007 and I have around 3
months experience in MSSQL 2005.

I would like to know if MS Press book is very essential for the
preparation as its unavailable in my region.

Can you please suggest how do I go about with the preparation.
Currently I'm referring to 'Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation and
Maintenance STUDY GUIDE' of Wiley publication by Joseph L.Jordon and Dandy

Can you brief about the simulated kind of questions that were mentioned
in the posts by quoting a few examples.

Thanks & Regards,
Archana. A


Jan 18, 2007, 9:34:00 AM1/18/07

"Thurein" wrote:

Hey Man !!!

I had pass 70-431 on 15th january 2007.
you and me are only successed in myanmar i think, I'ld like to know how many
members are pass 70-431 in world wild.

Thu Ya Win

Jan 24, 2007, 2:15:42 PM1/24/07
I too used only experience with 2000 (2 yrs) & 2005 (1 yr) + MS Press
book (read maybe 2/3 of it and scanned the rest). I found that I liked
the sims - get familiar with the GUI. Some questions had what appeared
to be multiple correct answers but usually it was easy to pick the
"best" one. One of my sims was not working correctly so double check
everything as you're doing the test. Also agree with others - focus on
newer features, with some basic fundamentals too.

One major feedback item for me - the certificate looks like a cheap
piece of crap that you could print out on your home inkjet. I know the
value of the cert is the knowledge/proof knowledge & not the paper, but
they could at least bump up the quality of the certificate.

Jonathan Roberts

Jan 24, 2007, 6:22:47 PM1/24/07
to wrote:
> One major feedback item for me - the certificate looks like a cheap
> piece of crap that you could print out on your home inkjet. I know the
> value of the cert is the knowledge/proof knowledge & not the paper, but
> they could at least bump up the quality of the certificate.

I agree completely! I was very underwhelmed when I received mine. Oh
well, I have seen complaints on this since the beginning of these certs.
I guess we're stuck with them.


Apr 3, 2007, 3:12:00 AM4/3/07
Hi Taylo,
Congrats for clear the exam 70-431. Can you pls tell me which book or study
guide u followed for clear the exam.

/\/\ K. /\/\.

Aug 19, 2008, 8:11:01 AM8/19/08
70-431 exam. published on October 12, 2007 as per MS learning site...
How did you clear the exam. on Dec. 24, 2006? Is it beta exam. that you have

Jonathan Roberts

Aug 19, 2008, 1:33:18 PM8/19/08
K. //. wrote:
> 70-431 exam. published on October 12, 2007 as per MS learning site...
> How did you clear the exam. on Dec. 24, 2006? Is it beta exam. that you have
> cleared?

Wow, this is a blast from the past! I think that date must be wrong.
As you indicated, many have passed the exams before they say it was
released... I did not take a beta.

Good luck,

K. /\/\.

Aug 19, 2008, 11:36:01 PM8/19/08
Thanks Jonathan. I am yet to take classes for this exam. as I have worked
mainly on ORACLE...but in new company SQL_Server is the primary database at
corporate level...

Any tips & tricks to clear this exam would be very much helpful..

You may refer to this link to see that published date on MS site..

"Jonathan Roberts" wrote:

Aug 21, 2008, 7:34:04 PM8/21/08
The best tips and tricks I can suggest is to pick up a book that
covers the exam objectives. There are a lot of them out there and they
can help guide your studies to ensure you learn what's necessary to
pass the exams.

Take a look at and enter "70-431" in the search box.

Or, if you want to find a book (or books) that cover all the
objectives for the MCITP SQL DBA cert, enter "70-431, 70-441, 70-442"
in the search box. For the MCITP SQL Database Developer cert, enter
"70-431, 70-443, 70-444" in the Amazon search box.


Darril Gibson
Author, MCITP SQL Server 2005 Database Administration All-in-One Exam
Guide (Exams 70-431, 70-443, & 70-444)
Author, MCITP SQL Server 2005 Database Developer All-in-One Exam
Guide (Exams 70-431, 70-441, & 70-442)

On Aug 19, 11:36 pm, K. /\/\. <> wrote:
> Thanks Jonathan. I am yet to take classes for this exam. as I have worked
> mainly on ORACLE...but in new company SQL_Server is the primary database at
> corporate level...
> Any tips & tricks to clear this exam would be very much helpful..

> You may refer to this link to see that published date on MS site..

> "Jonathan Roberts" wrote:
> > K. /\/\. wrote:
> > > 70-431 exam. published on October 12, 2007 as per MS learning site...
> > > How did you clear the exam. on Dec. 24, 2006? Is it beta exam. that you have
> > > cleared?
> > Wow, this is a blast from the past!  I think that date must be wrong.
> > As you indicated, many have passed the exams before they say it was
> > released...  I did not take a beta.
> > Good luck,

> > Jonathan- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text - Sajid Wasim

Nov 4, 2008, 6:11:02 AM11/4/08
I passed this Exam on 29.10.2008 with 1000/1000 in MCQ type questions and
940/1000 in simulation type of question. If you need any suggestion please
let me know. Hope I can help you.

Lawrence Garvin (MVP)

Nov 4, 2008, 9:49:54 AM11/4/08
"Sajid Wasim" <Sajid> wrote in message

>I passed this Exam on 29.10.2008 with 1000/1000 in MCQ type questions and
> 940/1000 in simulation type of question. If you need any suggestion please
> let me know. Hope I can help you.

Now.. please.. pray tell... how the heck did you get scores split out by
"MCQ" <???> and "Simulation" type questions?

Lawrence Garvin, M.S., MCITP(x2), MCTS(x5), MCP(x7), MCBMSP
Principal/CTO, Onsite Technology Solutions, Houston, Texas
Microsoft MVP - Software Distribution (2005-2009)

MS WSUS Website:
My Websites:;
My MVP Profile:

Wasim Sajid Wasim (MCTS)

Nov 8, 2008, 9:40:01 AM11/8/08
I guess you also got a printed score sheet after just passing the exam. There
score indicate that I got full marks in MCQ type question and 940 in
simulation based questions.

Lawrence Garvin (MVP)

Nov 8, 2008, 10:59:29 AM11/8/08
"Sajid Wasim (MCTS)" <Sajid Wasim (MCTS)> wrote in

>> >I passed this Exam on 29.10.2008 with 1000/1000 in MCQ type questions
>> >and
>> > 940/1000 in simulation type of question. If you need any suggestion
>> > please
>> > let me know. Hope I can help you.

>> Now.. please.. pray tell... how the heck did you get scores split out by
>> "MCQ" <???> and "Simulation" type questions?

>I guess you also got a printed score sheet after just passing the exam.
> score indicate that I got full marks in MCQ type question and 940 in
> simulation based questions.

No.. I've never received a score sheet with the scores split out by question

I've seen scores split out by Exam Objective, but that's all I've ever
seen... not even as recent as the 70-620 I took 6 months ago.

Although, granted, I took the 70-431 almost 2 years ago, so I'll concede
that they might have started doing this.

> "Lawrence Garvin (MVP)" wrote:
>> "Sajid Wasim" <Sajid> wrote in message

Sajid Wasim (MCTS)

Nov 9, 2008, 12:56:00 AM11/9/08
Yes I think so. If you want to see the score sheet I can scan it for you and
send it via email. Actualy this is the first ever Microsoft Exam that I
passed and also with a high score. Don't know about previous exam situations.
Looking for MCITP (DBA Trac). You are a very very experience person. If you
have any suggestion for me I will be very grateful to you. Thanks... Patty Meza

Dec 5, 2008, 10:23:00 AM12/5/08

I'd appreciate if you tell me what book should I buy to study for the test
70-431. I am Oracle DBA, and have not experience in SQL, but I know I can
study alone by myself and learn and pass the exam.

Thand you

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