Hi, I'm am a tech that provides troubleshooting for these boxes in
Japan. Here are a few things that will help you with getting Linux
First off, the BIOS should ideally be set as follows:
1. IDE Operate Mode - Natve: Now this isn't always 100% true, but I
have found the newer distributions won't detect your CF if its set to
legacy (ie. Fedora10). Older distros such as Debian 4 require IDE
Legacy to be able to detect the CF. You'll have to play with it.
2. USB2.0 - Fullspeed: EHCI is broken. End of discussion. If you
want to make your lives easier, keep this on full speed.
3. PCI Bus Master - Enabled: This really only applies if you have a
UDMA capable CF. It gives a slight performance boost.
4. Optional. EHCI Handoff - Disabled
Second, the current CPU board that powers these boxes utilizes the
R6040 Ethernet chip, and IT821X IDE Chip. Both of these chips are
well supported in newer kernels, and you should always use the newer
kernel if possible. In older versions of the kernel, the two drivers
always conflict on IRQ14. If you have followed the instructions on
vortex86dx.com then below are your options for resolving this issue.
1. Turn off extra devices that you do not use such as USB/Serial/
Parallel to free up other IRQs
2. Set IRQ14 to Reserve so that it can't be shared. IRQ14 is ALWAYS
used by the IDE driver, and is mapped to Secondary Master.
3. Compile a new kernel, turning off Generic IDE Support. At least up
to 2.6.27 this was true.
Third. Installation of Debian 4r5 is easy if you have followed the
BIOS config mentioned above, and have a USB CD/DVD drive available.
If not, you'll have to make a bootable USB flash drive installer.
Which I won't get into. Make sure your IDE Operate Mode is set to
Legacy and that you boot the installer with PNPBIOS=OFF or you'll get
a kernel panic. After install, you can boot into the system and apply
a new kernel. Once the new kernel is in place, reboot and set the IDE
Operate Mode to Native.
If you intend to use the manufacturer supplied kernel, please follow
the options I have given you in section 2 above. If you compile a new
kernel using the same source as the manufacturer, please turn Generic
IDE Support off. If you use the latest kernel, I think you should
have no problems, just make sure to set your CPU type to i586 for
better compatibility.
After you have applied your new kernel, you will obviously need to set
up your apt-sources and/or ethernet devices.
echo -e "auto eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp" >> /etc/network/interfaces
echo "deb
http://ftp.debian.org/debian etch main contrib" >> /etc/apt/
sources.list (or use a local mirror)
If you intend to use a GUI, you'll need to enable XGI related entries
when you compile your kernel, as well as Support for Framebuffer
Devices. I have only performed a GUI test with Debian 4R5 once, and
it was with a recompiled 2.6.27-9 kernel. You may not need to set the
aforementioned settings in newer kernels.
A final word, you do have to jump through hoops to get this working
with Debian 4. From my experience, the best main stream linux distro
to use with these boxes is Fedora 10. It installs without a hitch.
The only thing you need to do is compile a new R6040 driver against
the default kernel. The driver can be pulled from a newer kernel
sources. You could of course compile a new kernel as well.
Other distros that work well. Slax, Knoppix, DSL are all LiveCDs that
will boot flawlessly.
Zenwalk is a distro that comes with a 2.6.28 kernel, which means your
ethernet should work out of the box.
Good luck.
> > > > > deb-srchttp://
ftp.debian.org/debian/etchmaincontribnon-free-Hide quoted text -