URGENT REQUEST: Python Programmers needed for Haiti SahanaPy effort

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Brent Courson

14 Oca 2010 14:30:1714.01.2010
alıcı Michigan Python Users Group
I thought you may be interested in using your skills to help with the
earthquake response in Haiti. Sahana is a great program that is used
to coordinate disaster relief efforts.

Brent Courson
Dexter, MI

IAEM Discussion Group:

This is an urgent call for experienced Python programmers to help in
the Sahana Disaster Management System immediately - knowledge of
Web2Py platform would be best. Please recruit any available
programmers for the Haiti effort as quickly as possible and have them
contact me immediately so that i can put them in touch with the
correct people. Thank you kindly and I do hope that we can quickly
identlfy some contributors for this monumental effort -
Connie They are needed ASAP.

http://sahanapy.org/ is the developer site and the demo is

Please forward to others: Can we identify some student and or faculty
programmers who could help and ask them if they are willing to do so
to contact me straight away. Thank you - connie....@gmail.com

Connie White, PhD
Institute for Emergency Preparedness
Jacksonville State University

Homepage: http://sites.google.com/site/conniemwhite/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/connie.m.white
SkypeID: connie.m.white
Twitter: http://twitter.com/conniemwhite

Chad Crabtree

14 Oca 2010 16:53:3914.01.2010
alıcı mich...@googlegroups.com
I gotta say that I'm totally tripped out by the idea that my
programming skills could be helpful in a timely manner.

Thanks for the info Brent

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