Feature Request: remotecmd and default path

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Yuen Ho Wong

9. mar. 2009, 01.39.2909.03.2009
til MercurialEclipse
One very useful feature that I use a lot is the --remotecmd argument
for hg push/pull. This allows users to call mercurial installed in a
location ssh can't find. If you are like me, who like to install
everything into the home directory, you'll know what I mean.

It would be nice if the MercurialEclipse let me specify --remotecmd
somewhere so I can still use push/pull with MercurialEclipse if I
installed mercurial in a weird location.

Another feature that goes along with --remotecmd is to autofill the
repository location's URL by reading .hg/hgrc's [path] section to look
for the key "default"=.

I love MercurialEclipse, you guys have done an awesome job!

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