Maven Android Plugin 2.9.0-beta-5 and 3.0.0-alpha-1 released

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Hugo Josefson (Jayway)

Jul 6, 2011, 5:15:27 PM7/6/11
to Maven Android Developers
Hi all!

This is a double release of Maven Android Plugin: a quite stable
version 2.9.0-beta-5, and an in-development 3.0.0-alpha-1.

Version 2.9.0-beta-5 continues to refine our support for Android
Library projects (apklib). When that works as expected, we will
release 2.9.0 and that will be our last release in the 2.x series.

Version 3.0.0-alpha-1 is the first release before more 3.0.0-alphas,
3.0.0-betas and then a stable 3.0.0. It is already very usable, and
the alpha mark really only means that you should expect "API" breaking
changes during the alphas, until it reaches beta. Specifically, we
will change a bunch of configuration parameters and some might even be
removed. This means you will need to look at the changelog for *text
in bold* before upgrading to an alpha version.

If you are not afraid of reading a Changelog, and modifying your pom
accordingly, we recommend to start using the 3.0.0-alphas. The 3.0.0-*
versions is where the action happens, and Manfred has merged in lots
of exciting new stuff there! That's why we want to go ahead with
alphas as soon as possible, even when we know config parameter names
will change.

For the first time in our project's history, I think we really have so
many new features by so many contributors, that I would risk missing
some name if I tried to list all the people who have contributed to
this/these release(s) ;) It's a great team effort! So, without further
ado, please see the Changelog:

All the features, and names of contributors are there :) Enjoy, and
reply to this thread and tell all of us which of the new features
*you* like the best...

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Manfred Moser (simpligility)

Jul 6, 2011, 5:45:37 PM7/6/11
Thanks Hugo and everyone else helping with these two awesome releases.

Make sure you upgrade soon and report any problems you find and keep those patches coming. 

Onwards to a great 3.0.0 release soon ;-)



Jul 7, 2011, 7:32:56 AM7/7/11

I upgraded Agit (my Git client for Android) to use the new 3.0.0 alpha and everything worked beautifully - well, actually, a little too beautifully, as my build passed even when my integration tests failed: ie, got output like the attached log, with 'build success' even though the test failed... I had a look, it looks like there was a small regression with the upgrade to use ddmlib for instrumentation, so I've made a small patch to fix the issue and opened a pull request here:

Apart form that it looks awesome and I much prefer the new test reporting style - thanks for a great release!


[INFO]     Start: com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest#testCloneRepoWithEmptyBlobInPack
[INFO]     ERROR:com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest#testCloneRepoWithEmptyBlobInPack
[INFO]     java.lang.AssertionError: Test gitserver host is reachable
Expected: is <true>
but: was <false>
at org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(
at com.madgag.agit.GitTestUtils.gitServerHostAddress(
at com.madgag.agit.GitTestUtils.integrationGitServerURIFor(
at com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest.testCloneRepoWithEmptyBlobInPack(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runMethod(
at android.test.InstrumentationTestCase.runTest(
at roboguice.test.RoboUnitTestCase.runTest(
at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
at android.test.AndroidTestRunner.runTest(
at android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner.onStart(

[INFO]     End: com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest#testCloneRepoWithEmptyBlobInPack
[INFO]     Start: com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest#testSimpleReadOnlyCloneFromGitHub
[INFO]     ERROR:com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest#testSimpleReadOnlyCloneFromGitHub
[INFO]     Incomplete: Test run incomplete. Expected 14 tests, received 9
[INFO]     End: com.madgag.agit.GitAsyncTaskTest#testSimpleReadOnlyCloneFromGitHub
[INFO]   Run failed: Test run incomplete. Expected 14 tests, received 9
[INFO]   Run ended:0
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.3.1:install (default-install) @ agit-tests ---
[INFO] Installing /home/roberto/development/agit-parent/agit-tests/target/agit-tests-1.13-SNAPSHOT.apk to /home/roberto/.m2/repository/com/madgag/agit-tests/1.13-SNAPSHOT/agit-tests-1.13-SNAPSHOT.apk
[INFO] Installing /home/roberto/development/agit-parent/agit-tests/pom.xml to /home/roberto/.m2/repository/com/madgag/agit-tests/1.13-SNAPSHOT/agit-tests-1.13-SNAPSHOT.pom
[INFO] Installing /home/roberto/development/agit-parent/agit-tests/target/agit-tests-1.13-SNAPSHOT.jar to /home/roberto/.m2/repository/com/madgag/agit-tests/1.13-SNAPSHOT/agit-tests-1.13-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Agit parent POM project ........................... SUCCESS [0.274s]
[INFO] agit test utils ................................... SUCCESS [5.095s]
[INFO] Agit - git client for Android ..................... SUCCESS [40.773s]
[INFO] Agit integration tests ............................ SUCCESS [1:35.508s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 2:22.737s
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Jul 07 11:25:28 CEST 2011
[INFO] Final Memory: 35M/232M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Hugo Josefson (Jayway)

Jul 7, 2011, 8:09:48 AM7/7/11
That is super, Roberto!

I asked for simple one-line comments, and got a complete pull request for a fix :) Couldn't be better.

Your pull request is merged, and I will now prepare 3.0.0-alpha-2.



Jul 7, 2011, 8:45:14 AM7/7/11
No problem :) Thanks for rolling out the new release!

Manfred Moser

Jul 7, 2011, 12:17:08 PM7/7/11
Hahaha... too funny. It's great you like the new reporting. I never tested
with failing tests so I did not notice. Thanks for the pull request fixing
my little oversight ;-)


On Thu, July 7, 2011 4:32 am, Roberto wrote:
> I upgraded Agit <>

> (my
> Git client for Android) to use the new 3.0.0 alpha and everything worked

> beautifully - well, actually, a little *too* beautifully, as my build

> --
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