The Daily Motivator - How you spend your thoughts

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Marcella Porretta

Aug 19, 2010, 10:03:19 PM8/19/10
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Thursday, August 19, 2010
How you spend your thoughts
How are you spending your precious, powerful thoughts? Are
You spending them on the things you desire or on the things
You detest?
Would you waste your money buying things you didn't even
Want? It makes no more sense to waste your thoughts on those
Things you don't want.
Your life unfolds in accordance with your most pervasive
Thoughts. Your actions, and the results they bring, flow
Directly from what you think from moment to moment.
Can you create and nourish a rich and detailed vision of
Yourself living the life you wish to live? Yes, of course
You can.
Allow yourself to fashion that vision, to nourish it, to
Expand upon it with your thoughts, and by so doing, to truly
Live it. The more you focus your thoughts on what you do
Desire, the more surely you bring those desires to life.
Make positive and meaningful use of the awesome power of
Your thoughts. Where your thoughts most frequently go, your
Life will surely and quickly follow.
Ralph Marston
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