THE DAILY MOTIVATOR - What you get is what you see

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Marcella Porretta

Sep 16, 2010, 9:03:55 PM9/16/10
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Thursday, September 16, 2010
What you get is what you see
Is it really a problem, or is it your perspective that makes
It look like a problem? What if you looked at it
Is your life stuck because of some outside influence, or are
You the biggest factor holding yourself back? What would
Happen if you took a few steps outside your comfort zone?
Everything that comes to you, first comes through your
Perceptions. The reality upon which you base your decisions
And actions is the version of reality that you choose to
You cannot change what has already happened.  However, you
Can easily change the way you see it.
Your circumstances are what they are. And in those
Circumstances, whatever they may be, you can choose to find
Empowerment and positive possibilities.
What you get is what you see. Choose to see each day, each
Moment, each situation as an opportunity to move forward,
And that's exactly what you'll get.
~~Ralph Marston
This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
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