THE DAILY MOTIVATOR - A little distance

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Marcella Porretta

Sep 15, 2010, 10:25:06 PM9/15/10
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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A little distance
Think of the most difficult challenge you currently face. Now
Imagine that it's not you, but someone else who is going
Through that challenge.
What advice would you give that person? If you could step
Back and look at your situation as an objective observer,
Would you look at it any differently?
Think of the advice you would give another person if that
Person were in your exact same situation. Are you yourself
Following that advice right now?
When you're the one who is facing a challenge, you can be so
Close to it that your judgment is distorted. So imagine
Stepping back, away from the worry and anxiety.
Look at your situation calmly and objectively, putting it
Into the vast and valuable perspective of your entire life
Experience. Don't allow the problem to cloud your thinking
Just because you're the person who is experiencing it.
Give yourself the benefit of a little distance. And give
Yourself some great advice.
Ralph Marston
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