Be Worthy Of Imitation

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Marcella Porretta

Sep 18, 2010, 8:15:10 PM9/18/10
Be Worthy Of Imitation

They say imitation is the greatest compliment, but are your actions worthy of imitation? We are all in some setting of leadership. Whether it be as a parent, boss, or friend we should constantly examine the example we are setting for those around us. Are you being a positive role model? Are you treating others in a dignified way? Be a cheerful and diligent worker, parent, and boss to those around you. Children, especially, are like sponges taking in your every action and word--they naturally want to be just like you. So be mindful of your word and deed, you never know who might be watching and silently learning what you are demonstrating. 
"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"
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