Focus on Positive Thoughts

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Marcella Porretta

Aug 27, 2010, 7:47:25 PM8/27/10
"Your mind can only hold one thought at a time,
Make it a positive and constructive one."
As simple as these words  may seem, they are in
Fact, very true.  You see, if you are looking for
A way to feel better at any given moment, all you
Have to do is change what you are focusing on.
Your brain is a very powerful tool that you own
And you should use to your advantage.
When was the last time you were reminiscing about
A great time in your life and it made you feel Terrible?
When was the last time you were
Thinking about a painful event in your life and it
Made you feel good? I'd venture to say you
Answered 'never' to both of these questions.
That's because what you focus on in life is what
You get! Would you be willing to agree that Mother
Teresa felt a great deal of love in her life
Because love was her main focus in life?
Understanding this, next time you find yourself in
A less than desirable situation, be sure to find
The positive side of it and focus your attention
On that.  Not only will you feel better about the
Situation but also you will actually be in a
Better frame of mind to work through it. With this
Mind set you will find yourself focusing on the
Solution rather than the problem.
The best way to control your focus is to ask
Yourself good questions. Such as,
"What can I find that is good in this situation?"
"What have I learned from this that will make me
More successful the next time?"
"How can I make this situation better?"
By asking yourself effective questions, you will
Force your brain to look for and find a solution
For what you can do to solve a problem and how
you Can make a situation better.
On the other hand, if you ask yourself self-
Defeating questions such as,
"Why does this always happen to me?"
"Why can't I have that?"
"What did I do to deserve this?"
Your brain will look for those exact answers and
Tell you why bad things happen to you, why you
Can't have something and why you deserve something Bad.  
Do you see what is happening here?  
You Are confirming to yourself why you don't deserve
Something and why bad things happen to you.
Now it's one thing when someone else tells you
Something like that, but when you tell it to
Yourself, you are sure to believe it! I guarantee
You will always believe yourself on a subconscious
Level if not on a conscious level.   
In other Words, be careful what you ask for!
"Ask and you will receive.  Seek and you will
Find; Knock, and it will be opened to you."
Matthew 7:7
So practice focusing on positive thoughts and
Learn to ask yourself effective questions that
Will lead to constructive answers.  If you look
Hard enough, there will always be a positive side
To every situation.  And for the challenges you
Must face in life, focus on the solution, not the
Problem.  If you focus on the problem at hand, you
Will never find the solution.
Focus on your dreams and they will become a
Reality.  Ask yourself, "How can I reach my
Dream?"  Don't be surprised when your brain
Gives you the answer!
Make it a great day!
 ~~Glen Hopkins
There is an ultimate sense of
Fulfillment that comes when we
Submit our gifts to God's use and ask
Him to energize them in a
Supernatural way and then step
Back to watch what he does.  It can be the
Difference between merely existing in black and
White and living brilliant color.!!!!!
Read 2 timothy 1:6
"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"
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