Relish the Moment

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Marcella Porretta

Sep 1, 2011, 8:48:15 PM9/1/11
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Relax and allow this moment to come. Savor the richness of it as it passes through your experience.

Then, just as peacefully as you let it in, let the moment go. And allow the next moment to flow freely into your life.

There is nothing to be gained by fighting against perceived difficulties, or by running away from them. There is nothing to be gained by worrying that the things you value will be taken from you.

Instead, enjoy, appreciate and make full use of your many treasures and blessings. By so doing, you'll make it impossible for them to ever be taken from you.

Welcome each new challenge as it appears. It is by moving through the challenges that you enrich yourself and the world around you.

Let each unique moment flow freely through you, with whatever it may bring, and experience it fully, with passion, purpose, and positive expectation. Then let it go, while holding on to the richness it has added to your life.

 ~~Ralph Marston

"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"
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