The Daily Motivator - What you can and cannot change

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Marcella Porretta

Aug 24, 2010, 10:04:08 PM8/24/10
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What you can and cannot change
There are many things you can change, and there are many
Things you simply cannot change. Both kinds of things can
Add value to your life.
With the things you can change, you have the opportunity to
Improve the circumstances in your own life and in the world
Around you. In dealing with the things you cannot change,
You can grow stronger and develop real wisdom, patience,
Acceptance, and flexibility.
There is much you can learn from the things you cannot
Change. You can use that knowledge and experience to
Positively affect those things you can change.
The things you cannot change give you a base from which to
Work. The things you can change give you an ever-increasing
World of possibilities.
By gently accepting what you cannot change and finding
Positive ways to deal with it, you lay the groundwork for
Success. By understanding what you can change and finding
Positive ways to put that change to work, success and
Achievement begin to happen.
What a blessing it is to live in a world where there are
Both things you can change and things you cannot. Each turn
Of events, in its own way, gives you the opportunity for
Adding richness to life.
~~Ralph Marston
This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
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