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Marcella Porretta

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21 sept. 2010, 18:52:4721/09/2010
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Rich detail
What exactly do you want? What are the specific results you
Wish to achieve?
If you only have a vague idea of what you'd like, you're
Simply not going to get it. For it's impossible to reach a
Destination that doesn't even exist.
To get what you want, you absolutely must define exactly
What that is. Give yourself a clear, meaningful target and
You'll then be able to successfully hit that target.
Put every one of your senses into richly experiencing, in
Your mind and in your emotions, the fulfillment of your
Goal. See in detail the colors, the sounds, the textures,
Tastes and aromas of what you seek to achieve, and feel the
Emotions you'll feel when you've arrived there.
Make the goal real in your mind. Integrate it into the way
Your body feels, with all the clear and wonderful details.
Give rich detail to your goal, and keep that goal close to
You at all times. Then you'll surely and steadfastly take
The actions that will indeed make it real in your life.
~~Ralph Marston
This is the Daily Motivator email edition.
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