THE DAILY MOTIVATOR - There is Always Time

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Marcella Porretta

Sep 18, 2010, 7:42:27 PM9/18/10
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
There is always time
Does it seem that there's not enough time? The fact is, at
The moment, there is nothing other than now.
Time is something you look back upon or imagine moving
Through. Now is what you have to work with.
No matter how long you think it might take, what matters is
What you are doing about it right now. Now is when you can
Make the effort, and now is when you can have an influence.
Everything that has ever been accomplished has been done by
Making use of a succession of present moments. You have just
As much time as everyone else because everyone has this same
Moment right now.
Instead of putting off the effort, now is your opportunity
To make it real and to make it happen. By making full use of
This present moment, you make the next one more valuable.
Dream big dreams, then jump right in and live those dreams.
There is always time, and it is always now.
~~Ralph Marston
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