Red-billed Tropicbird and Gannets

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Bill Baker

Jul 4, 2017, 10:08:58 PM7/4/17
to Maine birds
Usual inland birds while leaving Old Quarry Ocean Adventures. 4 huge Gray Seals on the rocks at the Brandies. On the water their were many Northern Gannet plunge diving. Only a couple had breeding plumage. Two Sooty Shearwaters were out there, and we got to see one within 30 yards foraging by awkwardly landing and then diving under the water. At the island were hundreds of Atlantic Puffins in the water, dozens and dozens of Razorbills. Arctic terns were abundant on the ledge by the mooring. Great Cormorants were still on nest. The Red-billed Tropicbird was seen flying right past the boat several times but didn't land on the water while we were there. I have also added a picture of the Long-tailed Duck from Saturday


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